After Gastric Bypass 5 years and Diethylpropion



Anyone out there trying to lose weight after you had gastric bypass surgery? I'm five years out and have gained 22 lbs. Also, I started a diet pill that my doctor scripted for me, it is Tenuate (diethylpropion). I have been on it since Friday and have lost 2 lbs. I'm staying low on carbs and higher on protein with 1200 cal. a day. I love fitness myfitnesspal for this.

Please let me know if any of you are taking this.


Nancy :)


  • otmano7
    otmano7 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello don’t give up I can understand you
  • mazurkiepolish
    mazurkiepolish Posts: 363 Member
    I’ve never been on that, but my doctor prescribed me Topamax, which is probably very similar. Lost 15 pounds on it (175 to 160) very quick but the side effects were terrible. So I stopped taking it and was able to lose an additional 20 pounds off the medicine.