Weight Watchers with My Fitness Pal

Attempting to do Weight Watchers Freestyle using my fitness pal. I am trying to use the WW program without being a paying member due to the cost, I have an alternative app I meal plan with then track everything on MyFitnessPal. Looking for others trying to combine both programs.


  • caddysgirl
    caddysgirl Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I just canceled my WW subscription yesterday to save money. Alot of folks use track bytes I think (there is a free portion). But I like this app because I can sync my fitbit to it. Which meal planning app are you using?
  • getinfitmom
    getinfitmom Posts: 6 Member
    Same reason I canceled mine, also not a fan of some of the changes they have been making.
  • I’m trying, too. I’ve been on ww since late July. I’ve experienced good weight loss but yesterday started doing this, too. I’m wanting to track things I can’t with ww. I’ve used mfp before and I’m glad for ww to help in certain ways but I’m starting to consider not renewing my membership when it expires in Oct and using only mfp. I was hoping there was something here about ww & mfp. Glad to find this!
  • LEWilsonAuthor
    LEWilsonAuthor Posts: 4 Member
    I just started today! I've done WW before, and it works as long as I stay on it. I know the program, and still have most of the material, so I hate spending the money. I'm not doing the freestyle program though, I'm keeping it old school with points plus. :D I'm a vegetarian and it works the best for me. I've been on MFP for awhile and I think tracking on here will work. I just log everything in and figure out my points, then keep track in the comments section. The only thing I'll miss is the accountability of meetings. There's just something about weighing in at that counter...lol.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    Add me! I'm technically still a paying member of WW, I've been double tracking to see how many calories I actually eat because WW just hasn't been working for me.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    alsunrise wrote: »
    Add me! I'm technically still a paying member of WW, I've been double tracking to see how many calories I actually eat because WW just hasn't been working for me.

    probably because in reality, no food is free except water. I used to use WW and found it far too flawed. It doesn't allow people to learn the real facts of nutrition and weight loss.
  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    Coming from someone who lost 85lbs. on WW and uses mfp for years of maintenance: pick one app and stick with it. No need to make things more complicated than they need to be. Eating is the hard part, tracking should just be a fail safe to keep you in line. All that energy spent tracking will be better spent COMMITTING to your plan, whatever your plan is. If you get no results after sticking to your method after 2 months, move on to something else.

    P.S. WW rules were so simple back when I lost my weight (before points plus), and I was surrounded by inspiring people who had lost hundreds of pounds. I joined again a couple years ago and was shocked at how complicated it had gotten (may as well track calories at this point) and meeting after meeting was filled with people not really losing any weight.

  • VeryKatie wrote: »

    probably because in reality, no food is free except water. I used to use WW and found it far too flawed. It doesn't allow people to learn the real facts of nutrition and weight loss.

    That’s been my biggest issue with it. I’m tired of hard boiled eggs, never been a fan of chicken, and I’m not touching sugar-free anything except gum! I don’t do fat free, either, bit that’s because fat fills me up and I typically donate like the flavor of fat free. Those two things mean the past couple days tracking I’ve ended the days under my goal calories and yet more than double my ww points! No wonder I’ve been feeling so run down!

    Sorry, that came out way more rage-y than I intended. I’m grateful for the push I got from joining ww in July, but I think I’ve outgrown my use of it.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    alsunrise wrote: »
    Add me! I'm technically still a paying member of WW, I've been double tracking to see how many calories I actually eat because WW just hasn't been working for me.

    probably because in reality, no food is free except water. I used to use WW and found it far too flawed. It doesn't allow people to learn the real facts of nutrition and weight loss.

    I've been on WW since 2016 before they started the 'free food' program. And actually, part of my problem is that I haven't been eating enough. Since double tracking I realized that the majority of my days I ate between 800-1000 calories.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »

    probably because in reality, no food is free except water. I used to use WW and found it far too flawed. It doesn't allow people to learn the real facts of nutrition and weight loss.

    That’s been my biggest issue with it. I’m tired of hard boiled eggs, never been a fan of chicken, and I’m not touching sugar-free anything except gum! I don’t do fat free, either, bit that’s because fat fills me up and I typically donate like the flavor of fat free. Those two things mean the past couple days tracking I’ve ended the days under my goal calories and yet more than double my ww points! No wonder I’ve been feeling so run down!

    Sorry, that came out way more rage-y than I intended. I’m grateful for the push I got from joining ww in July, but I think I’ve outgrown my use of it.

    THIS!! This is me, because I'm not eating tons of the freebie food and I don't do fat free or sugar free, I've been waaaaaaaaaaay over on WW points and under on calories.
  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    alsunrise wrote: »
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    alsunrise wrote: »
    Add me! I'm technically still a paying member of WW, I've been double tracking to see how many calories I actually eat because WW just hasn't been working for me.

    probably because in reality, no food is free except water. I used to use WW and found it far too flawed. It doesn't allow people to learn the real facts of nutrition and weight loss.

    I've been on WW since 2016 before they started the 'free food' program. And actually, part of my problem is that I haven't been eating enough. Since double tracking I realized that the majority of my days I ate between 800-1000 calories.

    All vegetables and fruits were free when I did WW in 2006. I snacked on carrots and snap peas, and ate several cups of "zero points vegetable soup" with every meal, every day. That, with my filling gimmie lean sausage and egg whites for protein, allowed me to eat the bulk I enjoy within my points allotment. I like a lot of volume, so I LOVED "free" food. I lost 2 pounds every week and wasn't under on calories. But things are different now. It's like a game and you have to figure out the limited food options that allow you to stay on plan. Thanks to WW, I'm a believer in fiber as being filling.
  • Yup! I’ve been losing way too fast for my comfort (tbh, it’s been a good newbie incentive to keep going, but soooo not how I wanna be losing weight over the long haul). The week I set it for “maintain” and then ate all my weeklies plus all my fitpoints and still lost .6lbs was when I realized it was time to start looking at calories rather than points.

    In the last I’ve had some weird issue with calories and that’s why I went back to ww but this new iteration of the program doesn’t work with my goals for either slow & steady weight loss or actually learning how to eat over the long term. This is day three of recording again on mfp and it’s SO much simpler!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited September 2018
    VeryKatie wrote: »

    probably because in reality, no food is free except water. I used to use WW and found it far too flawed. It doesn't allow people to learn the real facts of nutrition and weight loss.

    That’s been my biggest issue with it. I’m tired of hard boiled eggs, never been a fan of chicken, and I’m not touching sugar-free anything except gum! I don’t do fat free, either, bit that’s because fat fills me up and I typically donate like the flavor of fat free. Those two things mean the past couple days tracking I’ve ended the days under my goal calories and yet more than double my ww points! No wonder I’ve been feeling so run down!

    Sorry, that came out way more rage-y than I intended. I’m grateful for the push I got from joining ww in July, but I think I’ve outgrown my use of it.

    I agree very much! I forced myself to stay in my points using Points+. When switching to MFP I tracked both for 1 month to see what was going on with WW and why did I feel so miserable. I was eating only 1000 to 1100 calories a day since I couldn't make myself eat enough of the free foods (at the time just veg and fruit, but I can only take so much!). For reference, I was about 130 lb and 5' 6"! I easily lose weight these days on 1600-1700 calories per day and feel much better. I went from 155 to 130 lb in under 3 months and that's way too fast (almost 2 lb/wk). 0.5 lb/wk is more safe when inside the "normal" BMI range (but of course, WW didn't make THAT info obvious on their blog). I definitely lost muscle mass (goodbye, my hamstrings :( ).

    I find WW really punishes you for eating (all types of) fat, which makes no sense since it is so satiating and your body needs it to regulate hormones. I personally don't feel I could live my whole life that way, and that is exactly the problem with WW. If you can't eat that way (just more) for life, then it isn't going to work for you. MFP was freeing in comparison and I've learned so much about nutrition that will benefit me for life (or I hope I have).

    Also a bonus. I've being doing MFP now for 4 years. Assuming the online WW membership stayed $20 a month, I've saved myself $960 plus tax! And I am assuming cost has increased as time went on and that I've actually saved more (as it does with everything. Inflation!)