PCOS women who is gaining weight during periods

I know most guys will freak out by this post so if any of you come across it I do apologize. I am 27 years old and I have PCOS. Because of it I have had a period maybe once ever 3 years. Since I have lost almost 70 pounds I am now on my second period in three months. What is getting me is that I gradually gained weight over 4 days before I started. I am 4 pounds heavier now. Is this normal for most women or and I just screwed. Also I dropped like 7 pounds a week before the gain as well. Thanks :)


  • ber3023
    ber3023 Posts: 146 Member
    I have PCOS as well. I had no idea how common it was until I joined this site!
    It's normal for any woman, w/ or w/o PCOS to gain some water weight around that time of the month.
    Congrats on the huge loss!
  • BrooklynBloom
    BrooklynBloom Posts: 7 Member
    It sounds like water weight gain due to hormonal activity. Stick to your diet and you will lose it. I don't have PCOS but I do gain about 2 pounds a few days before my period starts but by the last day its gone. Hope I could help.
  • A lot of women gain water weight before they have their periods. So yes this is normal and will lose after your period ends yeahhh
  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member
    I have PCOS too and have the same issue with weight gain before periods. It seems to come off rather quickly after TOM is over though.
  • Hey Dboriack, I am not grossed out by your post, I to have PCOS......I'm sure you know if you want to regulate your menstrual cycle you should be on the birth control pill.......I have gained about 20 pounds in the 4 years, and this is while working out.....PCOS is an evil beast with weight gain.....I have done some research on how to lose weight with PCOS and everything is pointing to a low glycemic diet and exercising at least 5 days a week......I am trying, starting today, the South Beach Diet, which is a low glycemic diet......Hang in there and keep a journal of what you eat, exercise and what is happening during your cycle time.....You may need to talk with your doctor of your recent changes......GOOD LUCK
  • I am scheduled to start in 2 more days and it will be the first time having one while dieting so I'll let you know what happens! However I"m on the pill so I'm not sure what will happen. Try taking a diuretic (I think pamprin has a diuretic in it) and see if the weight goes away. If so, it's water weight!