Hi all!

Just joined this morning and wanted to introduce myself. I am a 26 year old mother of one and housewife living in wiltshire, UK. Feeling very motivated today and hoping it last this time, lol. Have a fair amount to shift so will prob need a kick up the backside from time to time. feel free to add me if you like :happy:


  • strawberryshortbread

    Welcome! I'm new here too and i cannot believe the inspiration and motivation you can find on here! You will do well if you believe in your self and take the help and support of the people on here. :)

    Good luck!!!
  • warriechic
    added :P ... its very friendly on ya hun, thank you for pointing it out 2 me :D .. if you ever get a down day with no motivation give me a shout! i will kick you up the bottom lol x