17 Day Diet

eallen72 Posts: 11 Member
Anyone hear of this and know anything about it ? It seems to be the "new thing"...


  • rjyoung
    rjyoung Posts: 17
    "New things" usually aren't worth your time...just stick to the "old things" like counting calories and exercising, and you'll lose weight and feel great!
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I tried it, and last 5 days.... I got so hungry cuz you have to cut out carbs the first cycle and I ended up overeating :( Supposidly if u have the willpower it has amazing results... I need some bread though
  • eallen72
    eallen72 Posts: 11 Member
    That's my feeling too. Just was curious as to what the "theory" if there is one, behind it.. i.e. Atkins (low carb) etc etc. I refuse to spend the $ to find out...it was all over the news this past week here bec of a local news caster being on it.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I've heard good things and a number of folks on here have used it to jump start, not all new things are bad things folks!:flowerforyou: It's probably not for everyone but if you use it as a tool and work to relearn how to treat your body and eat healthy and not as a DIET than it might be what works for you in the beginning.

    MFP was new once and none of us are complaining about it being a fad:wink::flowerforyou:
  • A friend of mine bought the book and did it... I don't know exactly how much weight she's lost, but she looks great! I don't know all that much about it, but she's been doing it for about 6 months now and the weight has stayed off. I think it's more of a lifestyle change instead of just a fad diet...
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I tried it, and last 5 days.... I got so hungry cuz you have to cut out carbs the first cycle and I ended up overeating :( Supposidly if u have the willpower it has amazing results... I need some bread though
    I do love my bread so if I had to give up my PB toast, not sure I could continue living........:laugh: :glasses: :blushing: :tongue:
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Thats basically wut ur doing is retraining your body to be able to survive without alot of the bad carbs and stuff u usually eat.. .I jsut found it was too much of a shock to my body and I couldnt do it
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    A friend of mine bought the book and did it... I don't know exactly how much weight she's lost, but she looks great! I don't know all that much about it, but she's been doing it for about 6 months now and the weight has stayed off. I think it's more of a lifestyle change instead of just a fad diet...
    That's what I've understood about it as well.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I tried it, and last 5 days.... I got so hungry cuz you have to cut out carbs the first cycle and I ended up overeating :( Supposidly if u have the willpower it has amazing results... I need some bread though
    I do love my bread so if I had to give up my PB toast, not sure I could continue living........:laugh: :glasses: :blushing: :tongue:

  • RunG2010
    RunG2010 Posts: 33
    I am starting it on Monday.

    Check out this thread. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/279777-the-17-day-diet?hl=17+day+diet&page=13#posts-4232455

    Also google it there is alot of info on the thedoctorstv.com

    You do not cut out all carbs but it is restrictive for the first 17 days then you add back.

    I orderd the online book. I think it was $11.00.

    Good luck
  • rjyoung
    rjyoung Posts: 17
    I've heard good things and a number of folks on here have used it to jump start, not all new things are bad things folks!:flowerforyou: It's probably not for everyone but if you use it as a tool and work to relearn how to treat your body and eat healthy and not as a DIET than it might be what works for you in the beginning.

    MFP was new once and none of us are complaining about it being a fad:wink::flowerforyou:

    I'm not saying that all new things are bad just because they are new. However, I do think that we should be wary of named "diets" like this. What happens on day 18 of the "17-Day Diet"? Yes, My Fitness Pal was new once, but it isn't a diet or even a program. It's just a tool to help you track what you are eating and how much you are exercising, and when it all comes down to it, that is what it takes to loose weight. Less calories (from better sources) and more exercise...
  • eallen72
    eallen72 Posts: 11 Member
    I am starting it on Monday.

    Check out this thread. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/279777-the-17-day-diet?hl=17+day+diet&page=13#posts-4232455

    Also google it there is alot of info on the thedoctorstv.com

    You do not cut out all carbs but it is restrictive for the first 17 days then you add back.

    I orderd the online book. I think it was $11.00.

    Good luck

    Thanks for the info!! :)
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I am on the 17 Day Diet right now and let me tell you it is amazing. If you are hungry you simply eat more so if someone is telling you they were hungry or starving on the diet then they just chose not to eat. Yes the first cycle you cut out carbs with the exception of fruit. But seriously it is 17 days. The next cycle you start to add more in. All weight loss requires determination and and will power. You will always have to sacrifice something. And now I have just finished my 17 days and I am down 12 pounds (with no exercise). At first it was difficult limiting your carbs. But now I promise you I do not miss them one bit. They have tons and tons of recipes on the doctors tv forum that will help you cook amazingly delicious meals, I eat smoothies and quiches and omlettes, Soups and chicken salad, yogurts, cheeses, fruit, stuffed peppars, there is soo much. The diet however does require prep, you do need to look further into recipes online as his recipes are very basic but some are delicious for ex. the village salad, and the primivera. And I HATE the term diet. This isn't a diet. It is teaching you what you should be eating, when and how much. The United States is the fattest country in the world. Because we eat a full plate of pasta with bread, we chow down on high carb high fat foods, cream sauces and even our salads are drenched in dressing. This isn't how we should be eating to live long healthy lives. The book is like $15. It's not for everyone but definitely worth a try, if you hate it at least you still learned a thing or two.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I had friend do it, they started around the same time I did. They lost weight fast, but have since given up.

    I am still here plugging along and have lost wayyyy more than they did. Plus I learned how to eat, and how to make smart decisions!!!!
  • jme1282
    jme1282 Posts: 17
    I am on the 17 Day Diet right now and let me tell you it is amazing. If you are hungry you simply eat more so if someone is telling you they were hungry or starving on the diet then they just chose not to eat. Yes the first cycle you cut out carbs with the exception of fruit. But seriously it is 17 days. The next cycle you start to add more in. All weight loss requires determination and and will power. You will always have to sacrifice something. And now I have just finished my 17 days and I am down 12 pounds (with no exercise). At first it was difficult limiting your carbs. But now I promise you I do not miss them one bit. They have tons and tons of recipes on the doctors tv forum that will help you cook amazingly delicious meals, I eat smoothies and quiches and omlettes, Soups and chicken salad, yogurts, cheeses, fruit, stuffed peppars, there is soo much. The diet however does require prep, you do need to look further into recipes online as his recipes are very basic but some are delicious for ex. the village salad, and the primivera. And I HATE the term diet. This isn't a diet. It is teaching you what you should be eating, when and how much. The United States is the fattest country in the world. Because we eat a full plate of pasta with bread, we chow down on high carb high fat foods, cream sauces and even our salads are drenched in dressing. This isn't how we should be eating to live long healthy lives. The book is like $15. It's not for everyone but definitely worth a try, if you hate it at least you still learned a thing or two.

    I agree w/ all of the above. I went through the first 3 cycles and lost 12lbs total and hardly exercised. Then I stopped for a bit because I got tired of cooking dinner almost every night. I know I have alot more to lose, so I picked it back up again this week. I'm motivated to work out a bit more and try different foods. But this isn't a diet....it is a lifestyle change. I call it an eating plan.

    Try it. It's not a fad and it's healthy. Good luck!
  • Cgal11
    Cgal11 Posts: 20
    I am on the 17 Day Diet right now and let me tell you it is amazing. If you are hungry you simply eat more so if someone is telling you they were hungry or starving on the diet then they just chose not to eat. Yes the first cycle you cut out carbs with the exception of fruit. But seriously it is 17 days. The next cycle you start to add more in. All weight loss requires determination and and will power. You will always have to sacrifice something. And now I have just finished my 17 days and I am down 12 pounds (with no exercise). At first it was difficult limiting your carbs. But now I promise you I do not miss them one bit. They have tons and tons of recipes on the doctors tv forum that will help you cook amazingly delicious meals, I eat smoothies and quiches and omlettes, Soups and chicken salad, yogurts, cheeses, fruit, stuffed peppars, there is soo much. The diet however does require prep, you do need to look further into recipes online as his recipes are very basic but some are delicious for ex. the village salad, and the primivera. And I HATE the term diet. This isn't a diet. It is teaching you what you should be eating, when and how much. The United States is the fattest country in the world. Because we eat a full plate of pasta with bread, we chow down on high carb high fat foods, cream sauces and even our salads are drenched in dressing. This isn't how we should be eating to live long healthy lives. The book is like $15. It's not for everyone but definitely worth a try, if you hate it at least you still learned a thing or two.

    i just bought the book today. It can't be that hard of a diet if you're used to low carbing. Thanks for your feedback.
  • My personal feeling is that losing weight takes time....if you drop weight really fast, it will come back fast! I will never give up whole grains and fiber...they are natural ingredients that your body needs. I love toast in the mornings...I still grill Cheeseburgers with my family and enjoy Spaghetti....but I've changed how I prepare these types of meals and what I buy at the store.

    We all want a "quick fix" to help us lose weight, but honestly...is this how you are going to live the rest of your life? I'm not....I've lost 64 lbs by eating healthy, the right way. In the beginning of my weight loss journey, I eliminated eating out/fast food, changed what I was buying at the store (ie., high fiber breads, cereals, etc. and spray butter, low-fat yogurt with fiber, etc.). I drink a lot of water and watch my portions...and make sure that I have a morning and afternoon snack. And then, of course....exercise!! But, I don't workout everyday to burn 1000 calories....that's where burn out happens and you overdo it! Moderate exercise 3-4x a week is sufficient along with eating healthy and drinking water.

    Very basic LIFESTYLE changes is the best and only way to lose weight the right way.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    I started the 17 Day Diet on June 23. I've lost a total of 15 lbs and 13 inches, and I've never felt better.

    I'm an RN, and I'm 51 years old. I've been overweight all my life. As a nurse, of course I know and understand the need for a certain type of eating to be fit and healthy. However, sometimes "knowing" what to do does NOT give you the tools to get it done.

    Until you read the book, I would respectfully request that people not call it a "fad" or a "quick fix". The program was actually originally intended for those that are not always overweight, and they just wanted a structured plan to lose weight gained over the holidays, so it doesn't snowball into a bigger weight gain. The author then ended up expanding it to be more of a lifestyle change for those of us with "serious" weight to lose. (I've got 60 lbs to get off me... well, only 45 now, tee hee!)

    It's unfortunate that people fight the word "diet". When those around me have challenged why I'm eating the way I am, I proudly say that I'm "ON A DIET"... or I'm "doing" the 17 Day Diet - I don't have to go into any long explanations about trying to lose weight, trying to eat clean, whatever... it's a quick and simple response.

    People say "well, the bad thing about diets is, once you 'go off' the diet, your weight comes right back!".... well DUH! That's why I'm looking at this as a "lifetime Diet", it IS how I want to live the rest of my life! I never want to be "off" this Diet, I love it and plan to live it forever!

    A quick synopsis - it's not a Diet that is OVER in 17 days. There are 4 cycles... the first 3 cycles are 17 Days EACH. So when you are on the "more restrictive" Cycle 1, and you are struggling, HEY... it's ONLY for 17 days! Then you hit Cycle 2 - adding some healthy carbs back in slowly. Again, just 17 days of this, then Cycle 3 with more liberal use of carbs, but you'll find what you are doing is EATING CLEAN. That "thing" we all WANT to do, but just don't know how to get there. THIS DIET GOT ME THERE - WOOT WOOT!

    You then go back to Cycle 1 and start again, repeating the Cycles until you make it to your goal weight.

    AT ANY TIME during this Diet, when you hit your Goal Weight, you go on to Cycle 4 - Maintenance. Mostly eating clean, healthy meals, with some "free" meals allowed in limited numbers - enough to let you live your life and still be fit and healthy.

    AT ANY TIME you find you've gained some weight back, you can START BACK AT CYCLE 1 to get that weight off before you regain everything.

    I'm currently on Round 2, Cycle 1, Day 7. I actually was looking forward to being back on Cycle 1 - it's the most restrictive cycle, but that's EASIER for me... it seems that the more freedoms I have, the poorer choices I make!

    Anyway, as with all diets, this one is not for everyone. But I'm so thankful I found it, the book is a terrific read, it all makes perfect sense, and the author is quite funny while also being very direct, pulling no punches. Here are a couple of lines from the book, in the beginning when he is introducing the diet...

    "But you do have to accept that this won't be a pleasure diet. You've got to stop eating unhealthy crap. You've got to eat vegetables, fruit, lean meat."

    "You won't be faint with hunger or found in the kitchen at midnight, feeding on Froot Loops and tubes of cookie dough. You can do this, because anyone can do anything for 17 days."

    "The 17 Day Diet is doable and easy - unlike so many other diets, which are slightly less complicated than the checklist for a shuttle launch."

    The book is also loaded with research and study results that support his way of losing weight and keeping it off.

    OK, I'm off my 17 Day Diet soapbox. I swear I make no money off the diet, I'm not attached to it in any way, I'm just grateful I found it and I hope you get a chance to read the book - you might find it's what you've been looking for to get you started on a healthy lifestyle.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    For all of you the doubt this diet,I have lost more the 30lbs on this plan and it only took 51 days.