Who has used MFP only for weight loss?

Just trying to get an idea of who all has only used MFP for weight loss. And what I mean by that is only tracking calories and not doing low carb, weight watchers, etc.

I have another forum post about how did you lose your weight and the majority of the people done calorie counting.

So I'm just wanting to see who all has done just calorie counting (and if you added in exercise - how much and how often) and how much did you lose and how long did it take? (also feel free to share before and after pics if you have any)

I have done it all; weight watchers, tops, Atkins, keto, slim fast etc. I tend to do well for awhile on those but then I feel deprived and when I do slip and eat something I shouldn't then I feel guilty and then end up binging and then I end up gaining back all I lost and then some.

So I've decided to only do MFP and log everything I eat and drink and try to stick to my calorie budget and slowly add in exercise. I just feel I will be more successful this way because if I want a piece of cake or a piece of candy I can have it as long as I have the calories for it and wont feel like I am messing up. I want something that I can live with long term and I just can't do the others long term. I know it might take me longer to lose the weight this way but I didn't put the weight on overnight so I know I wont lose it overnight.

One more thing; did you have an "AHA" moment? Something that made you say "That's it I am going to do this and nothing is going to stop me". If so please share! Thanks!


  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    I started 5 years ago...I eat what I want and use a scale to fit it into my calories. I lost 25 lbs, averaging 1/2 pound a week, which was my goal. I've since run a couple bulk/cut cycles and have maintained doing the same thing. I also log and eat all of my exercise calories.

    I view my protein and fat as minimums and let the carbs fall where they may. I also prelog calories for an evening snack/dessert of whatever I please. Using MFP this way has been an easy and quite liberating process.
  • sgriska
    sgriska Posts: 109 Member
    I’m just using MFP to track my calories and that’s it. I just started walking on my lunch hour a few weeks ago, but the bulk of my loss was with only restricting input.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited September 2018
    Me! :smiley: I lost the weight I needed to by tracking my calorie intake on this app and moving more in 2012. Been maintaining that loss ever since :smile: still counting calories, albeit not as strictly :smiley:

    My aha moment: I had to find a way of eating to lose weight that was sustainable and not boring or restrictive - and I did! I still eat all the foods I love but obviously keep the portions small of the calorie dense ones.
  • stewarm01
    stewarm01 Posts: 331 Member
    I use this for calorie counting but I do walk 6x week.
  • jdubois5351
    jdubois5351 Posts: 460 Member
    Discovering MFP was a relevation for me. I never realized how simple (not easy, though!) it could be to lose weight. I've never seriously done any other diet program, as I'm not extremely overweight (never saw the need to). Turning 50, I decided I wanted to go back to the old me, which was 73 instead of 89 kg. So here I am, just tracking calories and doing a lot of walking as my only form of regular exercise. Since June 20th, I've lost 6.3 kg.
  • FrostysHouse
    FrostysHouse Posts: 20 Member
    edited September 2018
    Me. I've lost 40 lbs since March. I aim for daily totals below 1,600 calories, but at least within the 1,600-1,800 range (my 1.5 to 1-lb loss per week zone). I haven't found it terribly difficult, which has surprised me. While I'm more mindful of how much I'm eating, that calorie range allows room for foods I like. I try to keep my servings moderate and emphasize fruits and veggies, but nothing is off-limits. If I'm going out for dinner or craving dessert, I log those first and budget the rest of the day accordingly. If I overshoot my goal one day, I tighten things up the next. I use the tracker as a guideline for portion control, but I'm not obsessing over every calorie and ounce. I weigh myself daily and also log that -- I like the routine, and WOW, do I like watching the numbers drop! Also, seeing the normal fluctuations helps me keep in mind that this is a work in progress.

    Once I got in the groove, I found smaller portions satisfying, and in fact eating larger servings now feels physically uncomfortable. My aha moment was more a gradual process of feeling uncomfortable and unhappy with my size, and finally hitting the point (around 320 lbs) where I was ready to do something about it. It took a long time to get there. Now that I'm moving more easily and my knees hurt a lot less, one day soon I'm going to start exercising. :)
  • dwbeaco1956
    dwbeaco1956 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Calorie counting with MFP has been the ONLY successful method I found to control my weight. I say 'control' because I don't expect to stick ridgidly to calorie counting after hitting my goal as it's natural for motivation to wane after a while. I'm happy to relax a bit when I've made target, alway in the knowledge that I can 'switch on' control when I see things getting out a whack ! The only continuous discipline is to 'weigh in' regular.
    I think the system is a good motivator if the individual has a competitive nature and, as long as you are honest with recording, it also encourages excercise as the additional calories can be regarded as an immediate 'reward' for the effort at the end of a day.
    Long term weight control is always more difficult simply because enthusiasm/motivation leave you at some point. The key to maintaining a healthy weight over a longer period of time is to enjoy the additional activities introduced for losing weight so that the increased excercise amounts to a lifestye change.
    Easier said than done but finding a sport or activity which burns calories and is really enjoyable is much more sustainable than simply controlling intake. (Which EVERYONE gets fed up with eventually!!)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,478 Member
    I've wanted to lose a little bit of weight a few times in my life.

    Each time I did the one thing that made the most sense to me ... I ate fewer calories than I burned. And in order to do that, I tracked my calories as best I could, and exercised a bit more. Each time I lost the weight I wanted to lose.

    The first time was when I was about 17 ... back then, I had to find calorie information in my mother's medical texts, women's magazines, and library books. I wrote up a list of foods and their calorie counts.

    Then I maintained for a while.

    The next time was when I was 23. Same thing again with the books etc..

    Then I maintained for a long time.

    Next I was about 40, and by then there were some online sites ... FitDay, Daily Plate etc. Difficult sites to use. I used one of them for 3 weeks, and by then I had a good idea what I needed to eat ... and lost the weight.

    Then I maintained for a bit.

    I again when I was 43 with a beta version of Daily Plate that didn't work very well, but I used it for 3 weeks, and then (again), I had reminded myself what I needed to eat ... and lost the weight.

    And maintained for a while.

    And then I came here when I was 48 in 2015 ... and found MFP was a much more user-friendly site, so I lost a lot of weight. :)
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    Calorie counter here..been here since March 2014. From 183 to 128 (+/-) now. I hit maintenance in October 2015 and now I find I log back in randomly to reign it in a little when I push my weight range too far. It works...whether I'm physically logging it not, I find I tend to calorie judge items in my head now and I know when I'm over.
  • Vicham76
    Vicham76 Posts: 59 Member
    I started MFP July 10 of last year. I have gone from 380 to 225.1 in that time. I chose to eat 2200 calories per day as this is the amount i would need to consume (at a healthy weight). I tried to add some sort of exercise for 30 minutes 5 days a week such as taking a walk or using a rowing machine.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    edited September 2018
    Um. It's all I use now. I used WW in the past but it wasn't sustainable for me so I switched (MFP only since 2014). I don't do specific diet types. Does that count?
  • jdwayne59
    jdwayne59 Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2018
    Calorie counting only here, but I do log any normal daily exercise like yard work or lengthy walks. I have lost 12 lbs over the past thirty days. My AHA! moment was when I was setting up MFP, after answering the questions and telling it I wanted to lose 1 lb. per week it gave me my recommended calorie intake of 2,030 and that really blew me away. The AHA was realizing that my target intake had to be way less than what I had been previously eating and finally figuring out that I was probably eating between 3,000 and 4,000 per day beforehand. Most of us do not even realize how many calories we consume in a day but MFP keeps that in the forefront of your mind and makes losing the weight very easy.At this point I usually have over 100-200 calories banked at the end of the day and I rarely ever get to the point where I feel very hungry. And banking the daily calories over the course of a week will allow you to "eat dirty" at least one, maybe two meals on the weekend. Once you figure out a daily routine for meals (mine are usually pretty much the same throughout the week) you will see the weight drop quickly. Breakfast - 3 large boiled eggs halved, topped with sriracha and diced tomatoes along with six Ritz crackers. Lunch - Smoked Turkey (Oscar Mayer, 4-5 slices) on Arnnold's smooth whole wheat bread with 2 tbsp. Miracle Whip, sriracha and slice of tomato. Instead of chips with the sandwich I eat celery sticks. Dinner - Varies. By this point in the day I have MANY calories left because the other two meals have only put me around the 600-700 mark and I can eat a whole foot long black forest ham sandwich from subway if I choose and still have a few calories left over for snacking later if I feel the need, but usually don't and bank the calories. If you like Subway they have a very handy nutrition calculator that you can use to build your sandwich before you go in to order. Once you get in the habit it is very easy to lose lots of weight very quickly and if you make it a habit then there's really no need to ever stop. Just make sure you drink lots of water. I drink NO soft drinks, only water, coffee (with cream and sugar once in the morning) and a light beer 4 or 5 times a week along with a meal. Hang with it and you will be surprised at how easy it is to meet and exceed your goals. There will be mornings that you step on the scale and see that you are a pound or two more than you were the day before but do not let that discourage you, stick with it and you will most likely see that on the next weigh in, you are down those pounds and another one or two as well. Do your weigh in once a day in the mornings before any caloric intake and stay away from the scales throughout the rest of the day because there are many mitigating factors that cause your weight to vary during those times of the day/evening. Good luck in your endeavors!
