Today's Libra Scale Crushers Challenge is brought to us by L

mrscjwilson Posts: 252 Member
edited October 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Ready to giggle?
The stretching and ab exercises combined can be completed in about 10 minutes TOTAL!

First things first... Finish your first 8oz water before getting dressed for the day!

Now for the funny... You know that movie, Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang? Well, let's do a spin on it! Sucking in the abs all day is boring, but not when it makes you smile every time you do it! AND, this little move instantly makes you look and feel like you've lost 10 lbs, AND will strengthen your tummy!!!
You're gonna laugh (at least I hope so!), but here goes...

This exercise I call "Titty-Titty-Bang-Bang": suck in your abs while lifting your chest... Several times a day. Aim to keep it going all day!!!

Now for some stretches!
"The Hangover": Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over and let your hands and head dangle loosely, relax every muscle till your fingers touch the floor, then relax some more. Aim for 30 seconds of complete & total relaxation. Then slowly come to an upright position, one vertebra at a time, till you're standing upright. You'll feel the stretch all along your back and back of legs.

Now, widen your feet a little more and bring your arms straight out to the side, then above your head. Clasp your hands together, then slowly lean as far as you can to the right, hold for 8 seconds, come back to the center, then lean over to the left and hold for 8 seconds.
Do 3 times. You'll feel the stretch in your sides and ribcage.

Next, standing with your hands over your head, and with your knees slightly bent, turn your upper body to the right, bend over and stretch/reach for the wall. Come back up to starting position, turn to the left and stretch/reach for the wall.
Repeat 3 times.

"Pendulum": This one's pretty fun! Sit on a matt on the floor. Bend your knees to your chest. Grab your ankles. Roll backwards then immediately roll back up to starting position... Except don't let your feet touch the floor! Hold your balance for 5 seconds.
Repeat 5 times.

Now for some strengthening...
"4-Way Crunch'tastic": I like to do these when i first crawl/roll out of bed in the morning, or while watching TV, but some people prefer to do them before bedtime. These are small moves and takes just two minutes TOTAL! Basically, it's 4 sets of 25 crunches: Shoulders-up; To the right; To the left; Butt-up. As you read the directions, you'll get it!
1. Lay down on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Gently touch your fingers to the back of your head. Concentrate on using your abs as you lift your chin and shoulders towards your knees, then return to starting position. Do 25 times.
2. Now cross your right ankle over your left knee. With your fingers gently touching the back of your head, Lift your left elbow and shoulder as you reach & point your chin towards the right corner of the room. Lower. Do 25 times.
3. Cross your left ankle over your right knee. With your fingers touching the back of your head, Lift your right elbow and shoulder as you reach & point your chin towards the left corner of the room. Lower.
Repeat 25 times.
4. With your hands clasped on top of your head and your upper body completely relaxed, bring your knees up towards your chest. This is your starting position. Tighten your abs as you pull your hips up off the floor bringing your knees towards your chest. This is a VERY small movement and will work those hardest-to-work-on lower ab muscles.
Repeat 25 times.
When you're done, you will have worked every one of your ab muscles and done 100 crunches!!!

"Girl-Dog Boy-Dog": Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Do a squat, making sure your knees don't go past your toes. Come back to standing position, then immediately lift your right leg out to the side, then return to starting position. Repeat squat, then immediately lift your left leg out to the side. Alternate on both sides 25 times.

"Commercial Break": for every commercial during your favorite show, do 10 Jumping Jacks, then Run/Jog in place 1 minute -- Repeat till your show comes back on!

And last, but not least!!!
"Hug Your Honey!": Uh- Just do it! :D Often!


  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    This sounds like fun. Will do this after lunch since running to physical therapy this morning! :heart:
  • OH MYYYYYYYYY, this is gonna b fun XD Already lafn @ the Titty-Titty-Bang Bang! Love the commercial break thing!!!
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