studying& eating& diet

Hello everyone :D! I am a first year student in university. I’ve been trying hard to get fit during the summer, and I actually succeed! However, I have a problem now. When I study, I need energy from snacks&sweets. If I don’t consume those, my brain does not function at its max power. When I studied hard during my gr. 11 and 12 years, I gained some weight and I did not feel confident in myself. When I cut, I get too stressed out from not being able to eat what I want and not being able to study. I also don’t have time to go to the gym. I know this is a common excuse, but the only free time I have is at night, after 1-2:00AM when I’m done with studying. Fortunately, my campus is pretty huge so I walk more than 10000 steps a day, so I try to power walk when I move from building to building. I dont think this is enough workout for me though. Do you guys have any tips for balancing fitness and studying?? Thank u and have a lovely day❤️


  • janinermt420
    janinermt420 Posts: 2 Member
    Keep fighting the fight ! Do what you can when you can
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    Well, to this day, I still review notes (continuing education) while doing cardio/ hour each day, embedding a little information everyday goes a long way towards not stressing out about cramming for exams or boards, etc.

    Time management skills are a must; you can always rearrange gym time with studying (I would get lifting/cardio out of the way waking up @ 4am and/or shove a cardio session in between free gaps between classes - walking suited campus as opposed to a commuter only campus). Good luck
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I listen to lectures and audio readings from ebooks while I am out walking. I read my textbooks and watch necessary videos while on the treadmill as I have one I found cheap secondhand. The best $100 I spent fitness wise. I can't walk as fast but at least I get some exercise in. I do most of my study standing up and add a few squats, lunges, pushups from desk height etc into the mix when my brain needs a break and my body needs movement.

    As far as snacks go why not stick to vegetable sticks, greek yoghurt, nuts (just a few as they are calorie dense) etc? These will give you the energy and nutrition you need without the calories of sweets (which really you don't need as the energy you get from them is short-term at best).
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    On that note, I really should be working on this assignment instead of being here......
  • kimothyschma
    kimothyschma Posts: 209 Member
    Coffee or tea are great for energy, as long as you don't overdo it. And it gives you something to hold and sip.
  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    If you're snacking while you are sitting down studying, it's hard to maintain any kind of portion control. It's basically mindless eating. Drink a beverage while studying, like coffee, tea, flavored water, or water. After you've hit a wall studying, get up and go outside and eat your snack. Feel refreshed, go back in and study some more.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    I will preface this by saying that I’m a professor.

    You do not “need” to snack while you study. You need to eat a balanced diet that properly fuels your body. Going to class regularly, keeping up with readings and assignments, developing a good study schedule and habits that work for you, and seeking out help from your professors/other resources on campus are all things that will help you pass your classes. Sugar does not cause you to pass a class.

    You may be able to study at the gym, and some people find that they retain more information if they move while studying. My campus has exercise bikes in the library so people can pedal while they read. Walk around campus while reciting things you need to memorize or listening to audio recordings. Use the Pomodoro method: set a timer for 25 minutes, work for that time, then take a 5 minute walk break. Repeat as needed.

    We have treadmills with a table top.
  • joaniebalonie088
    joaniebalonie088 Posts: 93 Member
    I used to have fizzy drinks, like Diet Coke or ICE drinks. That, and gum chewing, seemed to help me avoid snacking.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    I will preface this by saying that I’m a professor.

    You do not “need” to snack while you study. You need to eat a balanced diet that properly fuels your body. Going to class regularly, keeping up with readings and assignments, developing a good study schedule and habits that work for you, and seeking out help from your professors/other resources on campus are all things that will help you pass your classes. Sugar does not cause you to pass a class.

    You may be able to study at the gym, and some people find that they retain more information if they move while studying. My campus has exercise bikes in the library so people can pedal while they read. Walk around campus while reciting things you need to memorize or listening to audio recordings. Use the Pomodoro method: set a timer for 25 minutes, work for that time, then take a 5 minute walk break. Repeat as needed.

    If you don't feel you can take a 5 minute break (which you should) take a few moments and do some stretching exercises. You might think you look weird doing it in public but I will bet you that anyone seeing you that has been sitting for a long time will wonder why they aren't doing it too.
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    edited September 2018
    I lost weight when I went to college. I lived at 1 end of campus at the bottom of a hill...and had all my classes at the other end of campus.

    The most important factor for me was improving my diet. I was already getting a TON of low intensity cardio (the gym was also on the far side of campus). I cut out soda (and the liquid calories that come with). The school cafeteria had a huge salad bar and plenty of protein choices. I just didn't load up on pasta, pizza, fries.

    I'm sure if you really looked at your schedule that you have a 30-40 minute break between classes to fit in a bit of lifting. I WISH I had started lifting in college. Just throw a change of clothes in your bag in the AM and find even a small block of time a few days a week.

    ETA: I never kept snacks in my dorm room (mostly b/c I had no $ to buy snacks)...I did have a coffee maker and plenty of coffee though.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I always had flash cards with me on the treadmill when I was a student. I was a married, part time job, part time student with three kids and practical hours to fill. And if not flash cards at least one phrase or paragraph done in my own words so that I could learn how to explain a concept.

    You could add in sets of body weight exercises in tiny study breaks. Pushups, squats, lunges, etc. At least until you find yourself with a schedule that has a bit more flexibility.