New and looking for people for motivation

G’day peeps.

I’m new to this app and I’m looking for some people to friend that I can assist with there journey and help keep motivated.

I’ve been on my journey for 3 years now and have currently lost 85kg or 187lbs. 3 years ago I was a ridiculous 200kg or 440lbs and I was told by my doctor that, if I didn’t make a change ASAP I would not live to see the age of 32. I’m now 34 and maybe the best I have felt in my life.

My goal is to 1 day compete in bodybuilding!

I would love to know some new people and help assist with there journey and also have some people assist in helping me stay on track and motivated.

Cheers 👍💥💪


  • khadl07
    khadl07 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi nice to meet you!! I am currently 310 and fell off track because some friends were bothered by be tracking my food. So, it's been hard to get back on track, but here I am! Glad to see someone who is working hard!!
  • tking893
    tking893 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey, thanks and nice to meet you as well. That’s not good having friends feel that way. Just remember, you can do this!

  • SandyH2015
    SandyH2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! Ive been back here about 2 weeks with 100+ lbs to lose. Friend request sent!
  • Westleighnandr
    Westleighnandr Posts: 4 Member
    I’ve been battling with weight for almost ten years now. I don’t have a good support system. And personally don’t have enough knowledge. So this is a daily learning curve for me. I’m currently 260ish with over 100 to lose according to doctors. Would love friends that want to see me succeed and that I can watch as they are on their own personal journey.
  • denysse_lopez
    denysse_lopez Posts: 7 Member
    If its any more motivating.... Its more difficult to lose small amounts like 30lbs. Than larger amounts...... You'll get there.....don't get discouraged
  • tking893
    tking893 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I have been battling with weight issues my entire life as well.
    I started by making little changes and gradually getting better as time went on. Don’t try to make drastic changes instantly as this is where most people fall off the track and go back to previous bad habits.
    I’ve travelled this journey on my own as well and it can be difficult but not impossible.
    If you ever need a chat, just msg and I’ll be happy to chat and assist in any way I can.

  • tking893
    tking893 Posts: 6 Member
    This is true as our bodies adapt to the changes therefore making it increasingly harder as we progress.
    This is where we have to frequently change how we are going with our training and eating to shock our body and not allowing it to become routine. Our bodies and minds love routine

  • Adele_D
    Adele_D Posts: 4,154 Member
    That’s amazing!! Way to go! I hope you continue to to kill your goals!!
  • fitdaddyothree
    fitdaddyothree Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there. I wish you all the best on your journey. Feel free to send a friend request!