Need some motivation!

I am eating really bad! Right now I am eating fried okra. I skipped my workout yesterday. I did work out today, but I had to convince myself to do it!

I don't know if it is the fact Aunt Flo is in town and this is probably the first really big one I have had since I was maybe 18 years old (since I have been on BC). I am having horrible cramps and just major pms! I hope she leaves soon cause she is ruining the progress I have been making! Needing a little boost and some words of wisdom how to beat her when she comes back next month.


  • reneepeg
    reneepeg Posts: 4 Member aunt arrived yesterday and I didn't work out either. I have to tell myself everyday to take it one day at a time. I'm not seeing any results at all right now....but I'd rather be where I am than gaining weight, so just keep on keepin on....