sometimes have a bad day?

do you guys sometimes have a bad day when you might have a chocolate cake or bar or something that you know is off limits. Especially if its sitting in front of you and cant resist it. And what happens if you eat it (i did sadly) is it so bad. The guilt is killing me!


  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Dont kill yourself with guilt. It happens - and i have certainly lost the battle over temptation at times. Excercise a little more, count what you ate, and do better tomorrow!
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    put it into your food diary, and if it puts you over, just exercise a little extra. Its not so bad
  • pjol79
    pjol79 Posts: 50 Member
    I have bad days all the time. Maybe not with cake or candy, but too many calories/too much sugar, possibly even a cheeseburger? Yup. I just enjoy every bit of my splurge and drive on. I don't think of myself being on a diet, but making changes to my lifestyle for the better. I'd go a little batty if i couldn't cheat ever again :D
  • cdskates
    cdskates Posts: 49 Member
    You've got to give in once in awhile, otherwise you blow it MAJORLY later... Doctors agree, if you don't give in to a small piece once in awhile, you eat a ton later and completely blow the diet. So don't feel guilty, just don't do it all the time. =)
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    It's not a "bad day"... it's called *life". :-)

    Are you going to go without chocolate or cake or pie or pizza or chips forever? Life is full of choices. Sometimes we make good ones, and sometimes not so great. One not-so-healthy treat or meal is NOT going to ruin your way of eating, unless you let it, and allow it to turn into a habit.

    If you make the choice to eat the treat, do it...and move on. Make your next choice healthier. Simple as that.

    Also, nothing should be "off limits" in a successful diet plan. Balance and moderation in all things. If it makes you feel better, work it into your calorie allotment for the day, or workout longer/harder.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Oh, I always have bad days LOL

    I Eat it, Log it and then move on.... I never expected to lose the weight quickly, and it's supposed to be a lifestyle change and sometimes life in general does get in the way and I need that Chocolate or whatever!

    I have learnt that making myself guilty over it isn't the way forward.....I just work out that little bit harder the next day :smile:
  • kamula
    kamula Posts: 49 Member
    thanks guys
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    oh yeah...Sat-Tuesday were bad days for me. Today's a new day though and I can't change the past all I can do is make better choices in the future. (although I don't consider one reasonably sized piece of cake a bad day...)
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Nothing should be off limits. When things are off limits, we tend to want it more than we did when it wasn't "off limits". Just plan around it and move on. It's only as big of a deal as you make it.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    We all slip up from time to time. Try to learn from it. What can you do to help prevent getting in that situation again. What stategies can you use to resist temptation? If you just have to have it don't beat yourself up about it. We all have to have treats occasionally, just make sure they are only occasionally! If you decide to go for the treat then see what you can do for the rest of the day to minimise any damage, for example work out or have a smaller portion at dinner time and fill up with more low calorie veg instead.

    Don't let the temptations control you, if you really want that chocolate cake then do it because you decided to, not because you felt you had to. It's amazing what feeling in control can do for your powers of resistance. It's also easier to decide to eat healthier the rest of the day/week if you made the decision to have the "naughty" food in the first place. And I find I don't crave the bad foods again for a good while if I take responsibility for my decision to eat cake. If I tell myself I fell off the wagon/slipped up/couldn't resist, I keep on doing it because it feels like it's not really my fault and I'm not taking responsibility for my actions. If I tell myself I know it's not a good choice but I need a treat and it's the only one I'm having for the rest of the week and I'm going to be extra healthy and exercise well, I find I don't slip up again nearly as easily because I have taken responsibility for my decision. I decided to eat that cake, not anyone else. I hope that makes sense :laugh: