I can't lose weigh no matter how hard I try

I have quit smoking in the beginning of June, done really well on that front (read: didn't gain weight). Before I even quit I changed my behaviors around, and began to exercise. Been doing really well there too. My eating I would say is healthy, ok, maybe I can work on portion sizes. But I strictly don't eat junk food, and really try to stay natural and organic. But losing weight has been like pulling teeth. I was able to lose 1 lb. THAT'S IT!!! ONE MEASLY POUND:explode: :mad: :explode: !!! To add to that I got sick and couldn't work out for almost 3 weeks. Now I the scale says I gained 4lb and my clothes confirm it. At this point I have like zero motivation to keep up at this. Could quitting smoking have this affect? Anyone here had similar experience?


  • Can't see your diary, so it's hard to quantify what 'eating ok' means. If you gained weight, your eating too many calories.
  • amyers35
    amyers35 Posts: 51
    I know its not what you want to hear probably but portion control IS probably most important! Atleast for me. I always ate healthy things and NEVER lost while working out hard and always wondered why until i paid attention to exactly what a serving was and started measuring it out. just with that i could probably still lose gradually even without working out. so so so very important!
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    lack of adequate sleep and stress will hinder any weight loss strategy.

    Get some rest and a massage!!
  • Kristy144
    Kristy144 Posts: 166
    I am not a smoker, but I heard you gain weight after you quit.. but what do I know about that.. nothing.
    I think you should measure your portions, drink all your required water and track everything you eat on here. Continue to exercise as well, try to fill up on protein and stay away from high amounts of sodium, hope that helps. Don't give up! You can do this!
  • suse56
    suse56 Posts: 30
    Believe in yourself. You can do anything that you believe you can do!! Keep at it!!
  • HadraPriestess
    HadraPriestess Posts: 58 Member
    I agree. The calorie in/ calorie out facts cannot be denied.
    Track your calories like there is no tomorrow. Track any exercise kcals burnt.

    If you keep your intake at or below your BMR (basic metabolic requirement) you WILL lose.
    Keep at it!
  • soknurdy
    soknurdy Posts: 74 Member
    Smoking suppresses hunger.. That's why homeless people would rather buy a pack of cigarettes than a burger.

    It's 80% diet, 20% exercise. Portion size plays a huge factor, and definitely cutting out processed foods helps too. Processed foods always seem like it's a small portion, but it's always packed with other nasty buggers like high sodium content and lack of real nutritional value. But it sounds like you're pretty much there with the natural and organic.. Are you drinking enough water? Ex-nay the coffee if possible. Coffee will actually make you dehydrated.

    Are you feeling hungry ? It could be lack of protein. ...Maybe vitamin deficiencies?

    Hope that helps.. Somewhat.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    It is all in the portion sizes. Invest in a food scale and log everything! You will be amazed how much you are eating. For me at least, I though stuff was heathy because it was in the natural foods section but once I logged it I realized it was terrible.
  • Hey there
    I did have a similar experience, and it wasn't until I cut down my portion sizes (I measured everything for a week, it drove me bonkers but was worth it) to make sure that I was eating 1600 calories a day (recommended for me and my goals) that I started seeing results. Because I Was on a processed-sugar-free diet and only ate organic I completely overestimated my portions. Once I had that under control I ended up not even needing the exercise (in a weight loss sense, obviously not health-wise). It really is about what you eat.
    Hope this helps :)
  • Also remember that if you're working out a lot, you could be gaining muscle, but still losing fat, so your weight might not drop as quickly as you'd like. Sometimes, the way your clothes fit is just as good an indication as the scale for progress.
  • racloud
    racloud Posts: 10
    Don't be discouraged! It took me a long time before the scaled even moved 1 pound down. You body has to get adjusted to the change. Your body is holding on! Keep pushing through those walls, I PROMISE, it WILL HAPPEN! Stay encouraged and continue to EAT RIGHT! Look at the food diary of others and see if you can implement some of their menu items. ALSO WATER, WATER, WATER means soooo much when you are on your journey!

    Best of Luck dear!
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    Can't see your diary, so it's hard to quantify what 'eating ok' means. If you gained weight, your eating too many calories.

    I agree here!! You have to lose more than you put in... For a while I was having the same issues. I wasn't eating ALOT, but what I was eating was NOT a balanced meal. This is why I love this site so much!! It shows me what I need and how much of it I need.

    Getting good rest works too!!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    wow yup! Yesterday was my 3 month quitting smoking, I put on 19 lbs and 4 inches on my waist quitting. Even though I tracked food, and burned over 3000 calories a week training (with a personal trainer, kickboxing, and three days of strict cal burn blasting cardio sessions)

    I'm finally starting to lose. A few things, a smoker burns an extra 200 calories a day. When you quit, Your metabolism comes to an instant crawl. Takes a while to get rid of it ... I didn't start gaining weight until about a month into my quit, then I averaged 3 lbs a week. I went to a naturopath and asked myself the following questions

    1) What do I do with my other 22.5 hours in the day I'm not working out?
    Am i sitting all day at work ? yes
    Am I sitting on my butt when I get home from the gym? Yes
    Ok so need to start moving around more

    2) do you eat as much as your 6'4 husband? Yes
    Ok No more big plates in the house, small plates only.

    I get hungry cuz I work out, though I don't eat crap - you can view my diary - I eat too much - though it hasn't made me GAIN before, Now that my metabolism is at a crawl ... and I'm still eating the same (though not bad) it's not helping the situation.

    My doctor, and naturopath both say 'Id rather see you overweight than smoking!' so keep at it, it will take some time, but keep at it!
  • track your food for a week and i bet you will see that is where the problem lies...most people gain weight after quitting smoking because the replace cigarettes with food and voila they gain weight...once you find out the problem then a solution is sure to follow...you can do this don't give up !!!
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    Smoking suppresses hunger.. That's why homeless people would rather buy a pack of cigarettes than a burger.

    It's 80% diet, 20% exercise. Portion size plays a huge factor, and definitely cutting out processed foods helps too. Processed foods always seem like it's a small portion, but it's always packed with other nasty buggers like high sodium content and lack of real nutritional value. But it sounds like you're pretty much there with the natural and organic.. Are you drinking enough water? Ex-nay the coffee if possible. Coffee will actually make you dehydrated.

    Are you feeling hungry ? It could be lack of protein. ...Maybe vitamin deficiencies?

    Hope that helps.. Somewhat.

    ^^ This. I hate to say it but quitting smoking does not make you gain weight. The stuff you put into your mouth instead of cigarettes is what does it.
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • hannavasgreen
    hannavasgreen Posts: 27 Member
    This is just the way it worked for me so I don't know if it will work for you but I only have about 10 pounds to lose. I exercised and stayed within my calories ( which were healthy calories) but I lost 1 pound in 2 months. I talked to the gym trainers and a nutritionist who suggested that i try to limit my carbs. She didn't say to cut them out completely but cut back on carbs that come from whole grains. So now I only have bread, pasta, or rice at 1 meal during the day and no more than 2 servings of fruit. I have lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks! I try to keep my carbs around 75 grams a day. This has definitely gotten me back on track! It's really discouraging to be stalled for so long.
  • Liz1dixon
    Liz1dixon Posts: 7 Member
    Sometimes you don`t realise what you are eating, and the ONLY way I can lose weight is to write down everything that I eat and this site has helped me enourmously with this. But you do have to be honest and realistic. Measuring/weighing your food to paint an accurate picture is essential. Also a tip I picked up off this site also, is to drink more water. I gave up tea/coffee and now only drink water all day. If you really can`t give these up with everything else you are giving up - try Green Tea to boost your metabolism.
    I know exactly what you are going through - I was in the same position as you earlier this year, but in June I joined a Zumba class to lift my mood. I now do two Zumba classes a week and go on the treadmill most days. I have lost 18 pounds since the beginning of June.
    Keep up the good work on the smoking front and don`t give up on the diet. You will get there, but sometimes it is difficult trying to give up too much at once.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    ps. I'm on a quit smoking forum, and got a REALLY good post -but possibly too long for here, but it's strictly about weight gain and quitting smoking, happens to the best of us! :)