Starting over :)

I was here a while back but unfortunately I didn't manage to maintain all my weight loss and am back again, struggling to shift the pounds. I figured I'd introduce myself as sometimes I feel it's harder to do this when you feel like it's just you against the world.
I'm Lorna, I'm 25 and from England.
I run 3-4 times a week, go kayaking as often as I can (I aim for once a week but that's not always possible), and bake just enough to undo all of that exercise!
I'm a vegetarian and am a massive lover of food. My problems generally tend to be too many rich home cooked meals and cakes, rather than fast food or junk- I know how to eat well, I just love the food I make :D


  • AvandHK
    AvandHK Posts: 36 Member
    Yes feeling it’s you against the world makes it harder for some odd reason
    I like your active lifestyle, 2 years ago I was active but now I’m tomato can 😂 don’t worry you can lose the weight no problem
  • Bushw12
    Bushw12 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Lorna,
    So how are you getting on any progress yet??