This takes soooo long



  • esocha2060
    esocha2060 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there, back at it today after being sick last week. Man, it’s good to be working out.
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    esocha2060 wrote: »
    Hi ladies, I hope I’m doing this right. I’m 54 and started working out again and watching my diet back in April. I am down 15 pounds and getting healthier, it’s my patience that I need to check. I did a MyIntent bracelet with “health” as my word to remind myself of my commitment. Maybe “patience” would have been the better choice!

    Break your goal down into smaller goals. They are much more attainable and can give you something to look forward to instead of your total weight loss to get to goal. Check out my profile online if you want to get an idea. I have mine in 5 lb increments to help me eat at my 100 lbs weight loss goal.
  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    You're doing great!
  • ShayCarver89
    ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
    I gained 70 pounds over the course of 2 years. I’m trying to drop it off and it’s just not wanting to budge. I know, I know! “Are you using a food scale?” “Are you drinking enough water?” Blah blah blah. This isn’t my first rodeo (I’ve lost 70+ pounds 3 separate times.) but it is so frustrating. Turning down cake. Taking the stairs. Chugging water I don’t want to drink. And the scale is just like “hi I’m not budging!”
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I gained 70 pounds over the course of 2 years. I’m trying to drop it off and it’s just not wanting to budge. I know, I know! “Are you using a food scale?” “Are you drinking enough water?” Blah blah blah. This isn’t my first rodeo (I’ve lost 70+ pounds 3 separate times.) but it is so frustrating. Turning down cake. Taking the stairs. Chugging water I don’t want to drink. And the scale is just like “hi I’m not budging!”
    You have to separate good advice from bad advice, understand why it's given, and direct your effort to where it has an effect; when you're ready to take weight management seriously, you can and will do what it takes, not "try". Your fat stores has (have?) no will, they get depleted when you're in a sustained calorie deficit. This means that to lose weight, you just have to eat less than you burn, but you have to do it for real, consistently and for a long time - it's simple, but not necessarily easy. Many important things are difficult. If weightloss is important to you, make sure you're not making it more difficult.
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    esocha2060 wrote: »
    Sorry I haven’t been on here in a while! I’m still trying to figure out how to use the forums on this thing. Thank you everyone for your encouragement. I’m down now about 25 pounds! August was a trying month with some business and personal travel, which always seem to disrupt my new routines. But I’m back at it and doing well. I’m looking forward to next April when I can see how much I’ve lost over the 12 months. My doctor said I’m doing well and I’m healthy otherwise!
    Woot! You're down 25 lbs! :)

    The great thing about things that require patience is that you don't see your success as you go: it's only when you've gotten used to the grind of it and finally look up for a moment that you see how much progress you've won.

    Another thing to remember about patience is that it will be April in six and a half months, no matter what you do. I figure it can't hurt much (as long as you stick to healthy methods) to see what you can do in the meantime.