Problems meeting calorie count.

Hi, I'm back on my weight loss goal. I decided to seek help from a medical dr. as well. I have been put on some prescriptions and it has really curved my hunger and eating intake. I am a rather large guy and I have daily calorie need of 3602 according to the formula of BMI X 1.2. Since starting this medicine for 2 weeks I have had a hard time getting even close to 1400 calories and I know I keep reading you want to be close to 1800 if you are a male. Just curious on some tips, I have an appointment with my Dr in 1 week but was curious on what I should be doing. I worry I will have a counter effect on my metabolism.

I currently have started a gym and do walking, bike, and stair climber for 45 minutes to an hour a day.

Today calorie count so far without supper is:

1180 and I feel like I've been shoveling food down today to try to meet my calorie goals. With a calorie count so much lower than my daily intake needed to sustain I'm just afraid of causing other issues. Any tips?

I have lost about 18 pounds in two weeks which I know sounds like a lot but I was up to 380 pounds, down to 359 pounds. Just want to do this right and keep this weight off as well. I've cut out fast food and soda.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It's really not that hard to find something of 100-200 calories to meet your goals!

    A glass of milk or fruit juice, a handful of almonds, slice of wholemeal toast with peanut butter.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    The problem is I have no appetite. I literally have to force myself to eat. I also worry about just eating to fit calorie amounts. I don't want to eat something that has the calories but other things that are bad for me. I live in a rural area, I really wish there was a dietician or somebody in this area I could get assistance from. I guess the question is should I force myself to eat even if not hungry? Or is this the purpose of the medicine to really drop down your calorie count and it won't hurt my metabolism.

    I have a 2 year old son, active as can be, and I'd like the ability to be active with the kid.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Go back to the doctor and see if you can get a lower dose or something. Being that you have NO appetite, that's not any better than being hungry all the time.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 484 Member
    1. Olive Oil and/or Flax Seed Oil. Both very important and nutritious fats. You can add a tablespoon to any meal where it fits and it'll be about 120-150 cals.
    2. An entire Avacado will be about 250ish.
    3. 2 ounces of nuts will be about 200 cals.
    4. Peanut Butter is approx 100 cals per tablespoon.
    5. Beans of any sort have alot of calories at small amounts.
    6. Brown rice, quinoa, and cous cous are calorific healthy carbs.
    7. Steel cut oats for oatmeal or natural rolled oats are very healthy and have 'higher' cals for the amount of what you eat.

    I suppose you just need to see what you can add on or change to be eating the same mass of food, but with higher and healthier calorie content. Hope that helps!
  • thistle0784
    It sounds like you need to speak to your doctor - any chance of bringing your appointment forward? Obviously the medication is doing the trick and your hunger cravings are gone, but losing weight too quickly is not what you're after for long term results, especially such a drastic drop and being unable to eat enough to maintain the recommended minimum. I don't know much about this type of medication, but could it be that it takes your body a few weeks to adjust to the medication and the effect won't be quite so severe in a couple of weeks? Or it may be worth asking if there's a weaker dose of the same medication? The last thing you want is to ruin your good efforts by causing other health problems from the rapid weight loss.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Big assumption here, but how did you get to be over 300 lbs? Is it the medications that has caused a change in you desire to eat?
  • soknurdy
    soknurdy Posts: 74 Member
    Gotta start with making sure you get in the water you need and stay the heckkk away from processed foods. Those are a HUGE calorie zapper and don't give you much of anything except sticking to you indefinitely in places you don't want it to.

    Just remember that target is your target, if you can't make it, just try to get close. Your working out helps cancel some of the calories you eat. If you stress too much about it, it can be counter productive.

    Take all the right steps first, then start counting the calories.

    Don't forget your vitamins.

    Also, please remember that magic pills aren't always the best answer. There's always side effects.. They should be the absolute last answer.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Big assumption here, but how did you get to be over 300 lbs? Is it the medications that has caused a change in you desire to eat?

    Yes, I just started this medications from the DR. It's Phentermine and a Topsomething pills. Since then my appetite has disappeared.

    Before I had no problems eating well, a lot of my weight gain came from Steroids I was put on for 3 years though. I was chunky in HS, around 240-250 at my highest, a was fine til a couple years ago when I got put on soritane and a steroid for my psoriasis. I just plumped up so fast gaining 130 pounds lickety split. I did drink a lot of soda though so it's not all the medications fault. I think it was bad habits and other factors just catching up with me fully.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    The pills was the Dr.'s idea as he wanted to jump start the weight loss. I've been taking a multi-vitamin that is in gummie form. I take 2 a day per the bottle. The Dr. told me that since he is having monthly appointments and I have to get my blood monitored for my Stelara treatment for my psoriasis that he isn't too worried about bad effects. I've not ran high blood pressure or anything in the past and somehow avoided diabetes, so big reasons I went to him to make sure I can try to keep avoiding those buggers.

    The medicine he stated was you are on it for up to 6 months then he takes me off it and puts me on a much weaker medicine that helps along with exercise then he will repeat as needed. He said the big thing was to get good habits formed while on the medicine which is what I'm working on.
  • jodie0520
    jodie0520 Posts: 36 Member
    Your appetite has disappeared d/t the phentermine. I'm not MD, but I do work in the healthcare field and I can say from experience that that stuff isdangerous.

    I'm sure your doc knows best, but you may want to question his use of that particular med. Or at least ask if taking 1/2 pill/day or 1 pill every other day would help. It absolutely does make your appetite completely disappear (which I can tell you know is not healthy). I'm sure with a little tweaking or possibly an alternative med, you'll be back on track. --Oh, and I'd also ask him if he has a timeline for how long he plans to keep you on it. (its a short-term med and can be dangerous if you stay on it too long)

    In the meantime, I'd follow some of the other members suggestions for high calorie, but healthy foods. It's tempting to continue on the quick path (and 18lb in 2wks is quick) but not good in the long run....and definitely not going to help you learn how to eat once the pills are gone.

    Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Your appetite has disappeared d/t the phentermine. I'm not MD, but I do work in the healthcare field and I can say from experience that that stuff isdangerous.

    I'm sure your doc knows best, but you may want to question his use of that particular med. Or at least ask if taking 1/2 pill/day or 1 pill every other day would help. It absolutely does make your appetite completely disappear (which I can tell you know is not healthy). I'm sure with a little tweaking or possibly an alternative med, you'll be back on track. --Oh, and I'd also ask him if he has a timeline for how long he plans to keep you on it. (its a short-term med and can be dangerous if you stay on it too long)

    In the meantime, I'd follow some of the other members suggestions for high calorie, but healthy foods. It's tempting to continue on the quick path (and 18lb in 2wks is quick) but not good in the long run....and definitely not going to help you learn how to eat once the pills are gone.

    Best of luck to you on your journey!

    He said it would be Phentermine and Topirmate for months with check ups every month. I also had to start a gym membership per him and keep a log. Then after 6 months there is a medicine they give diabetics and people who are obese for 6 months and after that I am done with the pills or he will start another round of Phentermine and Topirmate and etc. He said since I don't currently have high blood pressure or diabetes issues he isn't worried but wants to see me monthly.

    I think I am going to call him tomorrow and see if he will adjust the dose though. Looking at my bottles I take 1 37.5mg pill on Phentermine and 50mg Toprimate. Thanks for the tips. Is there any really high calorie food that is considered a healthy food? Unfortunately I don't like peanut butter that much. Trying to come up with some easy tips as I am trying to get used to eating healthy as well.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Olive Oil, extremely healthy, 120 calories per tablespoon. I cook everything in it for some easy extra calories.

    Almonds, pistachios, really any nut is a good high calorie healthy snack. Yogurt is another one.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Luckily we use a lot of olive oil (god bless having an wife of Italian background) only she is always trying to shove carbs down me as well!

    I am going to have to purchase some nuts. I really like shelled sunflower seeds, are they pretty healthy as well?
  • stephn1
    stephn1 Posts: 21 Member
    I would ask your doctor about seeing a nutrientist (sp) to help you eat right while taking these medications. This will also get you eating correctly for when you go off the medications.
  • Wilsota
    Wilsota Posts: 3
    I really like shelled sunflower seeds, are they pretty healthy as well?

    Yes they are, and they contain lots of mono-unsaturated fats, like olive oil. Just make sure they're not salted.
  • LMorrison1009
    LMorrison1009 Posts: 114 Member
    I don't know what your food diary looks like but I would cut out all "diet" foods for their fuller calorie counterparts. No light bread, salad dressings, etc... and actually if I were you I wouldn't go for salads at all. Choose heartier fruits and vegetables that will give you more calories. Try to eat throughout the day, and make them high calorie mini meals. Avacados, bananas, pasta, nuts, raisins, granola, dried fruits... all have a pretty high calorie content per serving. And maybe think about protein shakes.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I don't know what your food diary looks like but I would cut out all "diet" foods for their fuller calorie counterparts. No light bread, salad dressings, etc... and actually if I were you I wouldn't go for salads at all. Choose heartier fruits and vegetables that will give you more calories. Try to eat throughout the day, and make them high calorie mini meals. Avacados, bananas, pasta, nuts, raisins, granola, dried fruits... all have a pretty high calorie content per serving. And maybe think about protein shakes.

    That is a good idea, I've been eating a salad for lunch daily. Adding some light vingerette that I got because it was only 15 calories a serving vs a lot being 80+ calories a serving.

    Today here is my meals:

    Whole wheat bread and Ham, lettecce, tomato for toppings, no mayo or anything. 300 calories

    Salad - Romaine, carrots, lean turkey breast cut up. light vingerette dressing. Roughly 200 calories.

    Made spaghetti o's from whole food for the kid - I ate a couple spoonfuls. I don't know how to judge it a serving is 230 calories, but that is half a can, I had 3 spoonfuls. - Say 90 calories?

    Counted out the rice cake chips for 130 calorie worth. 1 serving.
    Ate some wheat things enough for 180 calories.

    So roughly 900 calories tonight. I have some grapes that I can eat to up that up.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I found a bunch of sunflower seeds but they are all heavily salted. I am going to have to make a trip to a bigger city as our rural grocery store doesn't have a lot of healthy snacks like that.. Was really craving sunflower seeds today.