How much weight will I lose..

I'm going out for volleyball this year and we have practice at 7-8:30 am and 7-9 pm. And half the time we have to do a core workout then we practice working on court. At the beginning of practice we have to run 7 minutes before we start. So I was wondering how much weight would I lose if we do this everyday? And yes, we do this everyday. xD I'm 5'2 and weigh 125, I would like to weigh about 105-110. How long do you think it would take for me to get to that goal? And I only drink water and basicly the only food I eat is grilled chicken.. Don't ask why, I just do. xD


  • saveeggscracksmiles
    No one will help me! ):
  • saveeggscracksmiles
    Oh, and around 10 o'clock I go on a mile walk with my sister.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I would post in the fitness section, this is the introduce yourself section.. HELLO AND WELCOME though :-)...

    As for how fast you lose there is way too many variables! Your metabolism, the calories you burn, are you taking a multivitamin since you are only eating chicken! Plus you are at a spot that your weight loss will be slower than someone like me who has a ton to lose.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Hi saveeggs - I don't think it's that no one will help you, but just that you only gave it a little over an hour. Give folks a chance, and you'll find they're pretty helpful around here. If you're worried your thread will get pushed to the bottom and no one will see it, you can always just type "bump!" - and that will bring it back up to the top so people who might have an answer for you can see it and respond. :smile:

    If you were just looking for support and encouragement, you probably would have gotten a reply already, but when you ask a very specific question, it's going to take longer. That's a good thing, it means that you're more likely to get an answer that is helpful.

    At a guess, you can healthfully lose 1-2 lbs a week, so to lose 15-20 lbs will take about 15 weeks. If you lose more than 2 lbs a week, especially at your height, you'll be losing muscle as well, which is not what you want, especially if you're gearing up for a sport. Doing strength training can help preserve your lean muscle mass during weight loss (plus it is helpful for your metabolism.) It is important that you hit your recommended calories a day, so if you're only eating grilled chicken and water, you will probably need to increase what you're taking in -- if only to make sure that you're getting enough of your macro- and micronutrients so that you're performing at your peak. There are a lot of threads here on "eating back your exercise calories" - you might want to do a search and check that out if you're going to be working out twice a day, every day. You WILL be able to hit your weight loss goals if you are eating all your calories!

    Good luck!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    log it and see. If you eat a lot of grilled chicken then those calories add up. If you log just your food then it should set you up to lose at least a pound a week with all that exercise. But seeing as you dont have much to lose it can take longer.
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    What Collinskuy said... Welcome. Be sure to setup your profile as active, eat fresh vegetables, and eat your calories or your body will go in starvation mode and store fat instead of burning it. You can do it!