Anyone focused on just food and not exercise?

I feel like such a loser. I so desperately want to be one of those people who work out every day but due to some injuries and other issues I’m having a hard time with the exercise. I’m hoping if I lose some weight the exercise will be easier but I feel like I’m letting myself down and not working on becoming healthy without the exercise aspect.

I know I can lose weight with just counting calories, it’s more overall health I’m concerned with.


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    You don't have to "workout" to exercise and it certainly doesn't have to be every day. If you want to improve your fitness, start small.

    Use stairs instead of the lift, if you drive park a little further away than you usually do when you're out and about, if you take a bus get off a stop earlier, if you work get out for a walk on your lunch break or in the evening, if you have a desk job move your bin so you have to get up to throw things out, spend less time on the sofa.

    All the little stuff adds up, I drove too/from work (desk job) on Monday because I had rare access to a car and the weather was rubbish but still got in nearly 5000 steps over the day and did a bit of yoga before bed to help me sleep. Far from my most active day, but it's more than I would have been doing 2 years ago.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited September 2018
    Another vote for walking (or gentle yoga, or swimming) when someone can't do more vigorous activity for whatever reason.

    Yes, people can lose weight by diet alone. I'm not one of them. Not only do I need those exercise calories, but exercise has a tremendous positive influence on my mood.

    I've just started Walking to Mordor and am almost to Tookland.

    For those interested in downloading the app - here are the links:

    iOS =

    Android =
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I focus on food (and total energy balance), but I also ride a bike a lot. I do that because I enjoy it, and it does factor into my calories obviously, but I burn way more calories just existing than I do riding, so diet is the overall focus for me.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    My sciatica is acting up so I havent exercised in a week. Weight loss for me is way more about diet than exercise. Once I reach my weight loss goals then I am going to be in the gym more trying to gain muscle.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I feel like such a loser. I so desperately want to be one of those people who work out every day but due to some injuries and other issues I’m having a hard time with the exercise. I’m hoping if I lose some weight the exercise will be easier but I feel like I’m letting myself down and not working on becoming healthy without the exercise aspect.

    I know I can lose weight with just counting calories, it’s more overall health I’m concerned with.

    There are so many forms of exercise I would love to be doing but my knee prevents me from doing most. For cardio, I am limited to walking and swimming and I hate swimming so that really just leaves walking. In the beginning, I started off slowly and gradually built up distance and speed as I became fitter and thinner. I suggest finding something that you can do and enjoy doing and go from there. I should really incorporate resistance training for better body composition but just can't bring myself to join a gym and I really don't like what I can do at home so don't stick with it. My body is nowhere near perfect but it is a darn sight better than what it was weight and fitness wise and that is good enough for me.

    Good luck xxx
  • rsj7799
    rsj7799 Posts: 74 Member
    I agree with all those those who suggest walking (if it is possible). You do not need to do hardcore cardio, but the health benefits of moderate aerobic activity (like walking) are real and substantial.
    The fact that it lets you eat more is a bonus.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    For weight loss: I focus on pure calories. I started at over 350lbs. Simply eating at a definite was all it takes to lose weight. As weight drops, exercise does get easier as there's less of you to move.

    Fast forward 3 years and I'm down to 160lbs. For weight loss, I still just focus on calories. Exercise doesn't burn that much and after a good workout I eat!!!

    I exercise for health. When I first started, all I could do was a slow 20 minute walk for my exery. For the first year about 95% of all my exercise was just walking. I still enjoy my walks, now they are just part of my routine to destress from the day.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Don't feel like a loser - you are doing something about your health, you have joined MFP. I started on 170 kg - 375 pounds and initially could barely walk, even a few steps. Aqua aerobics is beneficial - takes most of my weight away and I can still do a good work out. I don't fit onto - into most gym machines yet but I can walk - started with short distances and by now I manage (slowly) 3 or 4 km. That goes hand in hand with a healthy meal plan and the support from all the MFP members. We can do it - meal by meal, day by day!
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    You're not a loser (unless by that you mean you're losing weight :wink:)

    You don't need to exercise every day to be fit. Just exercising a little more than you currently are, will make you fitter than you were before.

    Yes if you lose weight exercising will be easier. But not actually that much. Just being a little more active will make exercise easier. Trust me as someone who was both fat and fit, losing weight didn't make exercise any easier. It just meant I trained more intensely, meant I performed better.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    I had some injuries along the way in the past ten years since I lost my weight. Broke a bone in my foot, broke a couple toes. Such is life, and it's annoying and stressful to be couch-bound. Really difficult for me when it happens so hugs to you.

    I have to make food my job when I'm laid up because I can't eat very much and that seems to be all I feel like doing with myself.

    You don't say if your injuries involve bones or if they are recent, but I always just eat at maintenance when I'm laid up. My body needs the calories for healing and I just give myself a break. I usually try new recipes and stick to mostly vegetables. I keep treats out of the house.

    Feel better. You can focus on food.