Personal Experience with Statins

Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
edited September 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
Would like to hear people's experiences with Statin family of drugs. Doctor put me on them since my score on a scale taking into account age, cholesterol levels and blood pressure put me in a slightly elevated risk of heart attack. My BP is great, doctor said my weight, diet and exercise are fine, it's heredity that is jacking with cholesterol levels that impacts my score. In any case, I've been on a 40 mg generic Lipitor for about 5 months and am having issues with muscle pain and fatigue. Reading, I know these can be issues with this drug. I'm going to a different doctor (original one retired) in a week and see if can figure out what is going on. Anyone have issues like that that were fixed by a different Statin formula or some other way? Thanks


  • farsteve
    farsteve Posts: 157 Member
    I've been on statins for about 15 years now and at one time I was even taking two different ones. I have never experienced this issues you're talking about although I have heard of them. No good advice sorry, this is just how it has worked for me.

    As you are planning, going to see the doctor is probably your best approach.
  • DoubleUbea
    DoubleUbea Posts: 1,115 Member
    You should be discussing this with your doctor.

    I have discontinued all statins because of problems so it does happen.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    edited September 2018
    My dad had that problem. He was suffering from crippling leg cramps and barely managed 2-3 hours of uninterrupted sleep because of the pain. As a result, he walked around like a zombie throughout the day and could barely keep his eyes open.

    Changing Statin formula helped him. He had to try out several until he found one with an acceptable level of side effects (they ran out of possibilities to try before they found one with no side effects). So right now, he has the cramps maybe once per week and no longer several time per night. This cured the fatigue problem as for him it was directly related to the lack of sleep.

    I hope you find a solution.

    ETA: not taking the statins is currently not an option for him. We're hoping that he can lower the dosage soon (weight loss and changes in nutrition)
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    DoubleUbea wrote: »
    You should be discussing this with your doctor.

    I have discontinued all statins because of problems so it does happen.

    As I mentioned I'm going to doctor next week. Have been doing some reading and just looking for others experience as part of my research.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Definitely discuss with your new doctor. My cholesterol is above 200 but because my good cholesterol was where it needed to be and my triglycerides were low my doctor took me off my meds. My son, who is 46, had a heart attack while ice climbing last winter and he was put on crestor I believe and he experienced muscle pain. He's now on a different medication which seems to be working for him. That said, his heart attack was from a blood clot, not because of blockages by plaque so the cholesterol meds are temporary.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm curious too... High cholesterol is hereditary for me and my doctor has been trying to put me on statin for 4 years now and I keep saying no (losing weight made my ratio better but overall numbers higher). I'm guessing that at some point I will need it though.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    Been on statins for over 30 yrs. Lowered cholesterol levels. No problems.

    Weight loss and regular exercise over past 2 yrs lowered levels further but levels increased again slightly in past year despite that.

    Individual reaction to statins vary widely. Most have no problem w/them. Some do. If you do, stop taking them and if the symptoms go away you'll know why.

    You can then try another statin (there are many) or another therapy, as recommended by your doctor.

    Good luck!
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    There are many statins. If you’re having side effects on one, then you’re doing the right thing by seeing your doctor. Ask if a different statin could be better for you. I tried a few before I found one that worked for me, though I never had the side effects you describe. I was on a statin for many years until I lost weight and began exercising routinely. I now control my lipid levels without medication, though even at an optimal BMI and as an endurance runner, my cholesterol hovers on the higher end of normal.
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    edited September 2018
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm curious too... High cholesterol is hereditary for me and my doctor has been trying to put me on statin for 4 years now and I keep saying no (losing weight made my ratio better but overall numbers higher). I'm guessing that at some point I will need it though.

    Like you, my high cholesterol is genetics. I went on statins several years ago after my doctor bugged me for a couple of years. I had really horrible leg cramps with statins after six months, tried another type but the same thing. I then tried red rice yeast, a natural statin...i eventually quit that after I felt I was getting too much yeast. Not sure what I will do next...if anything.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Thanks for all the comments/suggestions. I talked to the doctor. Going off the statins and really upping my diet game. I'm not substantially off based on the calculator from being able to get by without them. I have my annual physical in 6 months, going to reevaluate then.
  • RonyMack
    RonyMack Posts: 131 Member
    My personal experience with satins is that they are best dry cleaned and not machine washed. Stains such as wine demand a long pre-soak. And even on gentle cycle, they still require a lot of ironing.
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    I took myself off statins due to muscle pain and committed to weight loss and exercise. I 'fessed up when I went in a couple of years later for a physical and did the lab work. My cholesterol moved in the right direction but was still high. Anticipating that my dr would recommend re-starting statins I searched for reputable research regarding various classes of statins and which had the lowest muscle-pain, cognitive fog profile. I wish I could share the results with you but I tossed out the data after meeting with my dr, going over the risk evaluation and determining I didn't need to take them. If you are into some data collection, you can probably find the same info.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    My doctor wanted to put me on a statin but we negotiated. I promised to work to lose weight and she promised to wait another year (my cholesterol was just over 200. Went down to 153. I just need to work to get my HDL up).

    My main issue with statins (for me) is the potential side effect of contributing to T2Dm. I am already taking antidepressants which also have the same side effect. My total cholesterol wasn't real high so I had some wiggle room.