I'm a newbie!

Hey y'all. I'm new to these parts, and new to this fitness game.

I'm a former couch-potato looking to sweat myself into a less-chubby state of being.I'm not looking to be a skinny minny, I'm looking to feel good in my own skin again and do it the right way. I'd love a couple of new friends to help keep my butt in line, so if you are interested, go ahead and add me!


  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member
    haha I like your sense of humour!

    Please feel free to add me, I log on (probably a bit too much lol) but I am loving this site :)
  • jujubugs22
    jujubugs22 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome! We are all here to help each other...especially when things get a little hard to handle some times.
  • janetj518
    WELCOME!! This is a great place.
  • njfitnessgirl
  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    Welcome! I will friend request you! I'm not trying to be a skinny minny either. I just need there to be a little less of me to love :)! Hope you love it here Future Friend!
  • EmilyPippin
    I am new too. I just started Monday. I went backpacking with my 65 year old father and 5 year old daughter and could barely keep up with them. I have been off and on with exercise, but have never successfully tracked my food. Someone at work recommended this site, and it seems do-able. I want to loose 15 - 20 pounds, then maintain. I don't want to be a skinny minney either. I would like to be slightly less round in the tummy and a little less wide in the tush. Main goals are to sleep better, have more energy, and I am noticeably less grumpy when I exercise.