Weight loss breakfasts

corissamilne Posts: 1 Member
Hello! What are good breakfasts to eat in the morning to help with weight loss? I’ve been drinking protein shakes with banana, peanut butter and chia seed. I am still not losing any weight :(


  • tbright1965
    tbright1965 Posts: 852 Member
    edited September 2018
    My typical breakfast is a two-egg omelette. Two slices of center cut bacon. I use the fat from the bacon to sautee a mix of peppers and onions. I might add mushrooms if I have them. I weigh out about 28g of cheese.

    If I have a banana, that breakfast is about 430 calories, or just over 20% of my daily allowance. It is 36g of carbs, all but 6 come from the banana. 23g of fat and 25g of protein. Pretty close to my target macros of 40/30/30 for c/f/p.

    I've lost 51 pounds since Valentines Day eating this way.

    It keeps me full until lunch.

    If I know I'm going to indulge a bit more for lunch, I might leave off the banana. Or, if my fasting Blood Glucose was over 100 that morning, I'll also leave off the banana and maybe add another slice of bacon for more fat and less carbohydrates.
  • alicebhsia1
    alicebhsia1 Posts: 82 Member
    egg white omelette - hi protein low calorie. i like mine with chopped tomato and fresh basil or parsley and a little cheese.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Hello! What are good breakfasts to eat in the morning to help with weight loss? I’ve been drinking protein shakes with banana, peanut butter and chia seed. I am still not losing any weight :(

    Are you maintaining a calorie deficit? As @deannalfisher pointed out unless you are weighing what you are putting into your protein shake that could be a calorie bomb. There are no magical weight loss foods. What I eat depends on what I'm in the mood which could be sweet or savory. Eat what you like, but make sure you are in a deficit and you will lose.
  • NovaVita365
    NovaVita365 Posts: 9 Member
    I generally eat a high fibre breakfast ( Oatmeal ) Sometimes I will eat an egg sandwich which will consist of Whole grain bread, egg whites ham and some swiss cheese. But what works for one person may not work for you. I had done diets previously that were 'Engineered' where you do meal replacements and take supplements. I have found them to work but not be a solution to the problem. I had been able to lose weight by doing this however I don't eat that way and it doesn't show a person how one should eat healthily. It simply takes the weight off. I have simply reverted back to cutting out almost all processed foods. I drink Mostly water or natural juice without additives. I now enter all my meals and everything I consume into My Fitness Pal Meal Diary. I also enter all exercise. By doing this I can keep track and adjust as I go and I have been losing weight. You just need to see what works good for you, you'll do good
  • jscot002
    jscot002 Posts: 9 Member
    1cup of tea and a piece of toast. Seriously in your life style do you need a big breakfast. I sit on a bus, walk a short distance then work eight hours at a desk sitting down. I excerise at night. In the weekend I eat more but I eat around 9 to 10am.
  • slappy01uk
    slappy01uk Posts: 12 Member
    Poached egg on a slice of toast or porridge / cereal.
    The poached eggs don't take long to do in the microwave.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,223 Member
    It's not what you eat, but how much compared to your total energy consumption. Log everything, get a food scale, ensure you're consistently in a deficit and you'll be fine.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hello! What are good breakfasts to eat in the morning to help with weight loss? I’ve been drinking protein shakes with banana, peanut butter and chia seed. I am still not losing any weight :(

    Eating some specific thing for breakfast or any other meal does not induce weight loss.

    Weight management is about energy (calorie) balance or lack thereof over time. If you take in less energy (calories) than your body requires, you burn stored energy (body fat) to make up that difference.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    One of my favorite low cal breakfasts is the Ocean's tuna snack kit with rice crackers. That particular one in Canada runs around 145 calories and gives me 15 grams of protein. I find it filling and easily transported. Some folks like hardboiled eggs. At 70 calories an egg you could easily have two and a low cal high fibre bread. Lots of options out there you just have to count the calories and decide what you like. Specific foods don't make you lose weight as I'm sure you know. It is finding something you like that keeps you satisfied until the next meal without breaking the calorie bank.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    You can eat whatever you like, as long as it makes you happy, and is within your calories goal.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    @corissamilne It's been < 3 weeks. Is that breakfast something you expect to do for the rest of your life?
    What sorts of 'diet' lunches, suppers, and snacks have you been having? I'll ask the same question. Are these things you can do for the rest of your life?

    Have you been weighing all your food? Have you been accurately and honestly logging everything, including the various spritz and splashes of oil and syrup?

    Once you get solid with logging and put together several consecutive days of a moderate calorie deficit, you will lose weight. That's how it works.
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    Hello! What are good breakfasts to eat in the morning to help with weight loss? I’ve been drinking protein shakes with banana, peanut butter and chia seed. I am still not losing any weight :(

    PB and Bananas are pretty high calorie alone, as are protein poweders...so it's possibly your smoothie is taking a ton of your daily calories.

    there is no food that you can eat (or not eat) for breakfast that will impact your weight loss/gain. If you eat less each day than your body burns you will loose weight.

    So enter your stats in MFP, and start weighing adn logging all foods and ensure to be accurate and stay at your calorie goal.
  • DoubleUbea
    DoubleUbea Posts: 1,115 Member
    Hello! What are good breakfasts to eat in the morning to help with weight loss? I’ve been drinking protein shakes with banana, peanut butter and chia seed. I am still not losing any weight :(

    How much peanut butter by weight are you using? Protein shakes and peanut better are probably a lot of calories.
  • cgibson522
    cgibson522 Posts: 31 Member
    smoothies have way more calories than you'd think. I alternate having 2 hardboiled eggs with fruit with oatmeal with peanut butter and a banana. I have the eggs and fruit when I want something sweet and the oatmeal when I'm feeling especially hungry or felt like I had a hard morning workout. Eggs + fruit is about 300 calories while the oatmeal dish is around 500 calories.
  • honestly? i've been drinking coffee until 11am B)>:)
  • Lorie444
    Lorie444 Posts: 3 Member
    I make my own waffles using egg whites, oatmeal, that I grind up a little, a cup of protein powder, cinnamon, vanilla and baking powder.
    I have a Belgium waffle maker.
    They are delicious.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Why do you think that eating special foods for breakfast will make you lose weight? I encourage you to read the sticky posts at the top of the forums. These will give you a better understanding of how weight loss works.