Need friends šŸ˜

hi! im looking for friends on here. my name is hannabelle and have been on a weightloss journey, lost 20 so far but now really trying to build muscle and lose. im looking good but stuck at my weight. feeling so confused as to how to tweak my diet and workouts. im currently down to 1260 calories and wondering maybe if i need to go higher. just afraid to backtrack šŸ˜•


  • holistictherapies888
    i should add that id like to lose 15 more. its so nice to be able to run again woth getting the extra weight off my joints. i gained so mcb weight from my pregnancies it has been over 2 years since my littlest and its been really hard.
  • pattilynnebaniewicz8977
    Hi! I need friends too. Feel free to add me.