A bad habbit-

So I have been on MFP for ten days. I ve been on turbo fire and eating healthy for 6 weeks now. I ve lost 7 lbs and about 4 inches. I feel great. I know I can reach my goals. I am determined to do it. But.........

I CAN NOT QUIT SMOKING.----I have been smoking since I was 16. I have tried quitting many times. I quit for nine months when I was pregnant with both my kids. I recently tried chantix and quit for about 6 months. Chantix made me sick though and mean and angry. I found that once I quit taking the chantix I started smoking again.

My question is, is there anyone out there (besides you hard core cold turkey people) that have quit smoking for good and how did u do it? I cant do chantix again, I just cant deal with how sick and angry it makes me. I cant afford nicorette gum or patches as a single parent and full time college student, however, if it works, i might actually work it out to where i can. I know how bad it is for me. I know I want to quit for my health. I dont even actually enjoy the smoking part that much ( i smoke lights) it gives me headaches and everything. But for some reason I just cant quit. Its my nervous habit. I actually only crave a cig like once or twice a day, its the habit that keeps me coming back.

Any input would be appreciated!


  • houzkat
    houzkat Posts: 78
    I'm a "hard core cold turkey" person but my husband couldn't do it. He's currently using an e-cig to quit. He's been doing it about a month and he's moving to the no nicotine ones now. I wish you good luck and determination on your journey :-)
  • katihamlin
    Maybe you have an oral fixation addiction that makes you crave the cigarette. Try putting something else in your mouth like a sucker or even something cigarette shaped and see if you can trick yourself into not smoking. I've never smoked, so I have no idea what the addiction is like, but I've known many that have overcome it and you can too!
  • Raw07
    Raw07 Posts: 206

    Im wanting to quit smoking too but just stumped. Hoping to read some good responses. I quit but only last about 2 weeks max latley. :(
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I smoked for 19 yrs and have been cig free for 4 yrs. I could never take a pill to help me. I needed something I could reach for when I was craving a cig. Something I could control. So I choose the nicorett gum. I could reach for it just as I used to reach for the cancer stick. I also would take walks when the cravings got bad, so that meant several walks a day which helped in the weight loss department. Also brush your teeth after you eat. That helps for that after meal cig. YOU can do this. I DID and I smoked for more than half my life. Think about that child of yours, he/she needs a mom! Good luck to ya
  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    Ok, I'll try to help...but don't yell if it doesn't work ok?

    Pick a date you want to be smoke free by, circle it on the calendar and make a big old deal about it (to yourself). Then get an elastic band and stick it round your wrist...hear me out, i'm not crazy!

    Each time you want to smoke ping that band around your wrist so it stings, but not hurts. And cut down SLOWLY! It's a drug, your body needs to quit slowly. Just cut back by 1 a week, then 2, then 3 and so on and you'll get there. Reprograme your brain into not needing a cigarette. Each time you want one, PING! And then do something else. Have a glass of water, a mint, do a crossword...anything that is not associate with the smoking!

    And good luck!
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    If quitting smoking is anything like quitting biting my nails... good luck to you! It's a habit that I don't even realise I'm doing until it's too late...

    I'm thinking of trying hypnosis.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    o.k. I was the same way. I can go all 8 hours at work and not crave it. So, My issue was the hand to mouth habit. I went to smoke tip.com It is a electronic cigarette. You can wean yourself down to no nicotine. I have been cig free for 2 years this month. but now I still use the electronic smoke. but the smoke if just nicotine and water vapor. Just an idea. it is costly in the beginning to get the set up, but after that it is about 20 bucks for a "carton". My girls no longer yell at me in the van and this has no smell at all.
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427

    anyway, i wish i had words for you that would help. i quit again a month ago....using chantix again. 1st time it worked in 3mos, didnt smoke for 2yrs. this time feels different. i havent gained a pound(thank geeez) and im really not im the mood for one..much. maybe this suggestion...i was totally ready. i was sick of it and ready to stop. are you? i think that what may makes the difference. not being told you should quit, but b/c deep down you are ready. kinda like dieting/gettting healthy...if youre not ready then its going to be a hard road. good luck to you girlie!
  • TheJesterKing
    I stopped buying packaged cigarettes used an electronic cigarette that lead into weening off of smoking entirely.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I hope I didn't come off as a sales man but if you have any questions please ask me. I love this company and I know other people who went with others and weren't happy. They do replace the battery for free if anything goes wrong.
  • lerachase
    I'm kind of in the same boat. The prob is, different things work for different people. However, you have an advantage you may not have thought of...you're a college student. Most college and university campuses provide access to councilors and real psychology professionals free of charge. (Well, not free because you pay tuition, but you get what I mean.) A psychologist could seriously help you figure out the best way to quit for YOU and be a professional support help keep you going. This is something that a lot of people pay good money (and sometimes a lot of it) to get. Quitting an addiction like smoking is tough and complicated, its a lifestyle change just like loosing weight, and if you've got free access to people TRAINED to help you succeed, I say use it!
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I have never smoked, but I know my doctor's office is able to help out with giving prescription stuff - and at prescription prices so it's cheaper than some of the over-the-counter stuff when covered by insurance. Have you looked into anything like that?
  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    Thank you all for the ideas- to the poster with the hubby with the ecigs, i was thinking of trying this next. It is the habit and oral fixation i know that. I dont want to add a sucker or candy or anything in its place though, not that I havent tried that too though. I have stepped down in smoking as well, i used to be a pack a day, now i m about a pack every 2-3 days. So i think I will try the ecig and the stepping it down more. I just wish I could stay quit. I mean dang i quit for 9months twice and 6 months once....what is wrong with me. I also dont smoke in the house or vehicle so its not convenient for me to smoke, yet I still do it. /pulls hair out
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You might look into the free help for smokers. I know here in Arizona there is a program funded by the taxes on cigarettes called the Arizona Smokers' Help Line (www.ashline.org). They offer free or reduced cost quit aids as well as coaching. You might look to see if something similar is offered in your state.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Am not a smoker, but I'll second the suggestions to try and replace it. Even a regular piece of gum, a sucker, a toothpick, etc. might help you retrain yourself to do something else.
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    start with what you smoke now, say 1 pack a day, and smoke that 20 for one week. Next week take one cig out each day, and only smoke those 19 a day. next week, go 18, next 17. It's not as scary and does,t send you into anxiety attacks. Just like weight, one lb at a time.:smokin:
  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119

    anyway, i wish i had words for you that would help. i quit again a month ago....using chantix again. 1st time it worked in 3mos, didnt smoke for 2yrs. this time feels different. i havent gained a pound(thank geeez) and im really not im the mood for one..much. maybe this suggestion...i was totally ready. i was sick of it and ready to stop. are you? i think that what may makes the difference. not being told you should quit, but b/c deep down you are ready. kinda like dieting/gettting healthy...if youre not ready then its going to be a hard road. good luck to you girlie!

    I tell myself I am ready. I dont enjoy it, it gives me headaches. but i guess deep down I m not. I am convinced now though to try the esmokers- i wasnt sure if they were worth it but now I think i can atleast try.
  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    start with what you smoke now, say 1 pack a day, and smoke that 20 for one week. Next week take one cig out each day, and only smoke those 19 a day. next week, go 18, next 17. It's not as scary and does,t send you into anxiety attacks. Just like weight, one lb at a time.:smokin:

    This i have not tried either- thanks, I ll try this too!
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427
    oh and i eat sunflower seeds now like crazy!!! i think im hooked on those now :)
  • SusM321
    SusM321 Posts: 141 Member

    I cant afford nicorette gum or patches as a single parent and full time college student, however, if it works, i might actually work it out to where i can.

    Any input would be appreciated!

    First, you CAN do this!! The more we tell ourselves we CAN NOT, the more it is exactly how it will be. I have said the same thing at times. Negative brings negative, POSITIVE brings POSITIVE!! We must REALLY want to be & stay quit.

    I used Nicoderm CQ Patch system for my 8th quit of my life (Started smoking @ age 15, quit @ 54!) I have been quit since 02/10/2011!! Still have cravings now and then but I get over it. I had used the patch in the past without following directions. Used the gum with no success. Cold turkey numerous times (longest 13months).

    The initial cost of the quit aid is actually less than a pack a day habit for a week & you get 2 weeks worth. I used the name brand for the first 2 steps, for the last I used Walgreens (Pharmacy) brand. Walmart seems to have the lowest prices.

    It's not an easy thing to do but I feel 100 % better now!! I hope this has helped a bit for you. Good luck on quitting. It will be so worth it,
    Hugs. p.s. Feel free to add me