no sweating, what would you do?

I have a rash, the doctor said no exercise or anything that would cause me to sweat until it is cleared up. what exercise would you/could you do that would not create sweat? (on my face and upper chest)


  • Baroness
    Baroness Posts: 35 Member
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I think I'd ask the doctor what is the best way to clean this area off AFTER I work out and sweat all over it. :wink:
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    id be screwed, i dont have to exercise to sweat (im really sensitive to hot weather)
  • StellaBby10
    I think I'd ask the doctor what is the best way to clean this area off AFTER I work out and sweat all over it. :wink:

    GOOD IDEA....I'd swim
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    I would think that the chlorine or salt water in a pool would aggravate a rash?
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    sit ups never make me sweat... and yeah maybe a walk..
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    maybe just keep a towel near by to keep dry?
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    light walking (as long as its not too hot out where you live,but you could always walk in the evening after the sun sets too)
  • Happyhellybell
    Happyhellybell Posts: 6 Member
    You could do squats etc while IN the shower.. then any sweat is washed off ;) Handy idea me thinks ;)
    Otherwise, i'd say just shower as soon as you've finished exercising. I imagine tho (from what you've said) that its simply the sweat glands being activated that is irritating them. Good luck hun. Hope it clears up soon
  • jayayach
    jayayach Posts: 178 Member
    :bigsmile: I'd work out directly under/beside the air conditioner vent. :bigsmile:
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    I think I'd ask the doctor what is the best way to clean this area off AFTER I work out and sweat all over it. :wink:

    GOOD IDEA....I'd swim

    Entering a public pool with a rash is a bad idea on many levels. 1) chemicals 2) bacteria from others getting into the irritated skin 3) transmitting your infection to others.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Not a DR, but I have had what I believe to be a similar rash. There are some creams that are super strong and should allow you to not be limited. Depending on your insurance, they may be expensive to you. (The cost of 1 tube is $400). Explain your concern to the DR.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Not a DR, but I have had what I believe to be a similar rash. There are some creams that are super strong and should allow you to not be limited. Depending on your insurance, they may be expensive to you. (The cost of 1 tube is $400). Explain your concern to the DR.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Can't go out in the sun so no pool, I am thinking maybe just keep a towell handy and wipe the sweat off. Luckily the rash is just on my face and neck, upper chest. Guess it is okay to sweat elsewhere. :wink:

    Yeah, the doc gave me a prescription for some of that cream, $147 after my insurance paid their portion. :noway: I decided to get the generic OTC version.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    how about low impact yoga, or thai che?
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    pilates or yoga? maybe just concentrate on working out legs and butt until it clears up?
  • marquesajen
    I don't know about your rash, nor will I ask because that'd be rude, but if the rash is caused by sweating (as opposed to one that isn't but is aggravated by it) I had one like that and it was because I didn't shower immediately after working out. My whole face starting breaking out in a strange way. I used straight baking soda to exfoliate it and it was gone within a week. Now, that is just me. I would ask your doctor if chlorine would irritate it, because swimming is probably your best option.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    He's not sure what caused it but thanks for the tip on the baking soda! It is disappearing already so hopefully will be back to normal by Monday.