Want to start year 40 off right

I am not new to Fitness Pal but I have never kept with it very long. And that can be said for pretty much any attempt I have made to lose weight. However, I want to change that pattern starting now. I am 39 and depending on what charts you look at or professionals you talk to I am between 40-70 lbs overweight. I would be happy losing 40 lbs; that puts me at where my doctor recommended I be at a few years ago. I would love to be well on my way to that goal before I turn 40 in March. I would love to find a few individuals or a supportive group on here that would help give me some pointers and encouragement to get started and also help keep me accountable.


  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    Wow, I just read a post that could have been written by myself almost 2 years ago, on my 39th birthday. I suddenly realised I would be 40 on my next birthday, took a long, hard look at myself and decided I didn't want to be the overweight, depressed, unfit, heavy smoker any longer. I too had lost a few kilos using MFP a few years before that but had put it all back on again. First I quit the cigs, cold turkey, and that was TOUGH. Unfortunately I swapped them for boiled sweets and cakes. Two and a half months later I realised I was in serious trouble. Set my goal again on MFP, dusted off and plugged in the treadmill and vowed to stay under my calories and walk every single day, for half an hour at first.
    By my 40th birthday I had reached a healthy BMI, completed a couch to 5k running programme and was pretty much a different person.
    Today, 18 months after starting again, I've lost almost 30 kilos (about 65 pounds I think!) and am training to run my first half marathon.
    This is a great community, if you're willing to put in the effort you will definitely find the support here!
  • climberbry
    climberbry Posts: 22 Member
    If you haven't already, seriously consider *religious* resistance training, in addition to diet tracking. Best of luck! Never give up!
  • jerseygirl227
    jerseygirl227 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there! I will be 47 (ouch, lol) at the end of February. I have a three-year old, and I want her to have a healthy momma. I want to lose 56 pounds ideally, but I'd be happy if I got down by 41. I lost almost 40 pounds 12 years ago, but gained it back recently. I know I can do it. Just need some planning and support.