1200 calorie suggestion guideline?

Hello MFP friends.. I'm opening up my soul here, and Im sure that i'll get mixed reviews/opinions, if it's negative, I'm asking in advance that you refrain from posting just this once. I've starting on a weightloss medication and I havent been able to meet even my minimum calories for the day.I have been eating breakfast, and at least a snack or small lunch. I've also managed to get something at dinner. So Ive made sure that I have 3 "meals" a day thanks to MFP..(LOL) I love being accountable and logging in. And even then it doesnt seem to be enough. Should I overlook or overeat when it comes to the guideline?


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'm not quite clear if you are having problems eating more or less than 1200?
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I'm not sure what the question is :)

    If you're asking if you should eat more than 1200 calories -- my intitial response is yes -- for most peopel that would be true.

    BUT without knowing your details, its hard to say. Can't see your diary, age, height, weight, goal weight, medical contitions etc.
    Generally 1200 is too low for anyone unless you're super tiny, have 100+ pounds to lose or just had weight loss surgery :)

    Did somsone prescribe these meds? Maybe its the doctor/supervisor you should be asking?
  • I would never suggest eating when you aren't hungry, seems counter productive doesn't it? What I would suggest is that you eat food that packs a bigger punch. Nuts, legumes, granola bars, cheese (any dairy is a good way to go), whole grains. I am always under on my calories but seem to go over on my protein or fat; I cut my losses and allow myself to be under on the cals. Good luck to you! :smile:
  • alwayzalady30
    alwayzalady30 Posts: 8 Member
    I eating UNDER the 1200 calories, and that is only going to work against me in the end right?
  • I've always heard that you want to get close to the number of calories you need. If you don't, your body will go into starvation mode and hold on to everything you eat with everything its got. This is the exact opposite of what you really want. So if MFP says you should be eating about 1,200 calories per day to lose your weight, then you will want to eat as close to that 1,200 calorie mark. I know it can be hard (for some reason, in the summer I can have a hard time eating much), but I know it is for the best, so I try to eat lots of fruits and veggies to increase my calories.

    Hang in there - you'll get into a routine and you'll start seeing the progress you want! Good luck!

    P.S. I just read the other posts. I completely agree with the nuts, etc. They are healthy, and can pack a punch with the calories. :)
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I eating UNDER the 1200 calories, and that is only going to work against me in the end right?

    Most likely yes. BUt I have no idea why you're eating so little and for how long you plan to do it --- or have been doing it.
    You don't look very heavy so I would say starving yourself to lose faster doesn't always have the results you want.

    I got stuck in a plateau and didn't start loasing again until I upped by calories to 1400 -- and if I exercise I try to eat at least half of those back too... I eat or drink protein shakes often when I'm not very hungry because I need the calories. I should probably be closer to 1600 but for now 1400 is working.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    You're on Meds... are you checking in with your doctor or a nutritionist regularly?

    Personally, I would shoot for the 1200. I say this because it is important to build good eating habits.

    When I went from LOSE 1 lb a week to maintain adding all those calories back FREAKED ME OUT.
    So I moved my goal 5 lb lower and went to LOSE 1/2 lb a week. I'm getting used eating closer to my maintenance calories.

    In the end it's all about the maintenance. You can't (probably shouldn't) stay on those meds forever. And all this work doesn't do us any good if we don't create a lifestyle we can live for a long, long time to come.

    **Oddly enough I've had a of stressful situations crop up lately where I didn't have as much control over my food choices as I'd like. (hospital vending machines suck)... But then again stress happens... And you've got to build eating habits around the circumstances of your life. So for a while the lose 1/2 lb options is really been working well as maintenance for me.
  • alwayzalady30
    alwayzalady30 Posts: 8 Member
    Im sorry, let me try explain in more detail. Yes, these is a Dr. prescribed medication. And per MFP I should be having 1200 cals per day. Plus after excercising it adds anywhere from 300-480 daily. I dont have an appetitie for that anymore. (Which is what Ive actually wanted forever) Plus with all the additional water that Ive been drinking, I constantly have a "full" sensation". I want to lose weight, but I want to do it the right way. I DO NOT want to do the whole starvation thing...or where my body works against itself. Any advice is appreciated.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    what 1200 suggestion?

    i hope you dont mean the 'we need to eat at least 1200 cals to suvrive' myth. because thats what it is..a myth
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Im sorry, let me try explain in more detail. Yes, these is a Dr. prescribed medication. And per MFP I should be having 1200 cals per day. Plus after excercising it adds anywhere from 300-480 daily. I dont have an appetitie for that anymore. (Which is what Ive actually wanted forever) Plus with all the additional water that Ive been drinking, I constantly have a "full" sensation". I want to lose weight, but I want to do it the right way. I DO NOT want to do the whole starvation thing...or where my body works against itself. Any advice is appreciated.

    As you are on meds from your doctor it might be best to go back to him/her and ask for their advice on how many calories they suggest are a healthy minimum for you.

    I don't think 1200/day is a myth, but I do think it is intended as a general guideline and doesn't necessarily suit everyone's circumstances (and you aren't going to drop dead or instantly reduce your metabolism though this might happen eventually if you eat very very low cals).

    I wouldn't panic if you aren't reaching 1200, but my personal opinion is that eating very low calorie over a period of time is probably not going to help you get into healthy eating habits to set you up for long term success.

    Can you ask your doctor for a referral to a nutritionist so you can look at your eating habits alongside the medication you are taking?
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Im sorry, let me try explain in more detail. Yes, these is a Dr. prescribed medication. And per MFP I should be having 1200 cals per day. Plus after excercising it adds anywhere from 300-480 daily. I dont have an appetitie for that anymore. (Which is what Ive actually wanted forever) Plus with all the additional water that Ive been drinking, I constantly have a "full" sensation". I want to lose weight, but I want to do it the right way. I DO NOT want to do the whole starvation thing...or where my body works against itself. Any advice is appreciated.

    I added my two cents early, but just remember you don't have to be perfect, just do better.
    A lot of time small adjustments over time will get you where you ought to be.

    So for now... do what you can, then gently tweak bit by bit.
  • If you don't, your body will go into starvation mode and hold on to everything you eat with everything its got.

    I apologize, I didn't mean to sound like an alarmist (sorry, new and clearly too enthusiastic). Your body won't react overnight, but over time what you are doing could be more of a hindrance than a help.

    I agree fully with discussing your particular situation with a nutritionist. They can provide you with a clear picture that is tailored to you and they can provide you with a ton of suggestions that will create better eating habits over all.

    Again, good luck!
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    what 1200 suggestion?

    i hope you dont mean the 'we need to eat at least 1200 cals to suvrive' myth. because thats what it is..a myth

    You can survive on it, yeah. But for most people, it's not a good idea.

    As for the OP, you are probably on a medication that is decreasing your appetite. This happened to me while I was on Tetracycline. For now, it may be good to switch out the lower calorie foods for dense, high calorie options, even high fat (good fats) foods. You may also consider cutting down on your exercise. Keep up with the intensity, but maybe cut the time in half.