Back at work, and getting off track FAST!

Hi everyone! This past summer I've been unemployed. I spent alot of time focusing on bettering myself. I walked every morning about 3-5 miles a day and I was really eating healthy and keeping track. I lost 15 lbs. I started working last Wednesday and I am so grateful to be working again but I'm so off track already. I've already accepted there is no way to walk after work as I dont get home till after 630. I'm considering joining planet fitness. Any home exercise I can do, like dance or something? I try to eat healthy there but it seems like everyone there snacks all day at their desks. I've already gained a little weight back. I dont want to stop my progress, I want to continue this journey to a healthier me. Thankyou for any input!


  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Don't eat anything at work that you don't bring with you. Can you workout in the morning?
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Can you build any of your walking into your commutes?
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    Why can't you walk at 18:30?
    Perhaps you could fit a short walk in during your lunch break? Even if you do it a couple of days a week.

    For weight loss though, exercise is less important that focussing on your diet. Track your intake accurately (using a food scale) and stay within the calorie limit set by MFP and you will lose weight.
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    A big change in routine can make your eating habits go a little out of wack. Everything is new, and you'll have a million and one new things to learn and remember, it's tiring and stressful. So give yourself a break.

    - First off, how's your logging? Make sure your logging is on point, that way you'll be able to see where you're straying off. Log all those snacks, log everything. Really tighten it up right now.
    - I'd honestly suggest easing on your deficit, even if it's just for a few weeks. A new job is stressful enough, get used to the new flow and consume a few more calories. It's make it easier, then go back to your deficit.
    - Remember that exercise is not necessary to lose weight. If you were unemployed before, chances are you weren't actually getting that much general exercise aside from your morning walk. So the fact that now you'll be walking around the office, walking to and from your car, things like that, means that your calories out are probably not that much different to how it was before, even without the intentional walk.
    - Can you walk during your lunch break? Walk in the morning? Why can't you walk after work, 6:30 isn't that late? If the actual reason is that you're just so exhausted after work, that will pass once you've got used to your job more, it'll probably take about a month, but you'll get there, it will get easier.
  • Finkelstien
    Finkelstien Posts: 55 Member
    nothing changes if nothing changes
  • Whey125
    Whey125 Posts: 189 Member
    Pack your lunch and snacks as much as possible. That way you can weigh and log everything and pre plan your day.

    I work out in the morning at home. It did take some time to adjust but it has now become a habit. YouTube has tons of workouts- fitnessblender is quite popular.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Ya, I was unemployed my first summer of MFP and did lots of walking, swimming, and gardening.

    I need to get some exercise at lunch or I am sleepy and have the munchies in the afternoon. Often, I walk.

    I do this at home: The RBG Workout: How She Stays Strong . . . and You Can Too! and really like it. It's a full body workout that I do twice a week and find the right amount of challenging.

    I started off with weights and bands that I already had, got some more from freecycle, and recently upped my workout by buying heavier weights and a slant bench.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Remember: Just because everyone else snacks at their desks doesn't mean that you have to. :) If you want to snack, build it into your calorie plan.

    If you're concerned about walking at dark, can you get a gym membership -- are there Ys, or LA Fitness, or Planet Fitness, or anything like that near either home or work? The treadmill is as boring as all get out, but it does serve a need. And LA Fitness would only cost you $30 a month or so -- think of that as being from your snack budget. :D
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited September 2018
    What is your schedule like? Can you get up an hour early and go for a walk then? Can you go to a gym on your lunch break? Also it's not an all or nothing thing. Even if you can't walk 3-5 miles after work, going for a quick 20 minute walk is still better than nothing. You could even just wake up 20 minutes early, go for a quick 15 minute walk, go for a 15-30 minute walk at lunch, and go for a short walk after work.

    As for eating, pack your food... I pack my lunch and afternoon snack every day and that's all I eat. It's hard to stay active when you work all day for sure, but the eating part I find to be really easy. I get into a "routine" during the work day, maybe you will too.