Anyone from the Midwest?!

Hey all!

I just joined the site yesterday and was looking for some support friends!

I started my diet towards the beginning of June and have lost 30 pounds so far - it's amazing what cutting out soda & fast food will do for you! LoL.

As of right now, I would still like to lose between 120-130 pounds prior to March 28th (my birthday!) That would - hopefully - be my present to myself!

I have absolutely no will power when it comes to food, so I just started drinking the Slim Fast shakes for breakfast & lunch. My friends at work told me about this site the other day and I'm such a tracking/spreadsheet freak that I just HAD to join!

I'm 25 years old, from the midwest - and looking for anyone who also has a pretty hefty goal or needs a support system.

Feel free to add me if you'd like!


  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I'm a midwest guy from Missouri, having a battle with the fat monster! He's won the last few years but the war isn't over!
  • mleb2005
    mleb2005 Posts: 45
    Im from the Illinois side of the Quad Cities.
  • tmh0816
    tmh0816 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I just started too! I am looking to lose a total of 120 lbs in the future... but my short term goal is like 40-50 by Christmas. I just turned 27 and I have been doing really well working out in the mornings this week. This is something I have never done before because I usually value my sleep too much :) But I am trying!!!! Where exactly are you from. I am in Ohio.
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    I also am from the Midwest, Indianapolis to be exact. I started my diet in March and have lost 56 lbs so far. I would like to lose another 80. My birthday is March 21st.
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Missouri here! We all have our days and it just takes perserverance and hard work. I keep telling myself this everytime I go for something bad
  • titletown
    titletown Posts: 377 Member
    I'm from the Upper Mid-West, welcome!

    First off, congrats on dropping the first 30 lbs, well done.

    Now, you want to lose an additional 120-130 by NEXT March?

    I'm not saying it can't be done, but it would be extremely unhealthy and very hard to keep it off losing it that fast. I'm speaking from experience, this has to be a long, sustained objective, something you an live with for the rest of your life.

    I lost 100 lbs, but it took me around 2 years, and so far, knock on wood, not gaining any of it back :)

    2-3 lbs a week is a good rule of thumb and you have to exercise regularly on top of diet.

    Diet will get you about 80% of your results, but exercise will boost your metabolism and help you maintain along the way.

    Best of luck to you, you'll find some real great people here to help you if/when you need them.
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    I am from the great MW...I live in WI...and I do know some things about farming! I have lost 52 pounds since February and still have about 100 to go to get to my goal weight, so I am around for quite a while yet. I am hoping to be at goal weight within the next year. I am a little older than you, but I am willing to help be one of your motivators...feel free to request me! Best of luck with your journey!:flowerforyou:
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I live in IA, not from here but its home now. :) 28 looking to loose about 70 lbs.
  • Bluejenn
    Bluejenn Posts: 20
    HI, I just started on this site yesterday also. I am from the great state of WI and am looking to lose 70lbs.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Wisconsin is my home. I have also been with MFP since June. Like you, I thrive on the computer aspect of the program. I check the threads, post my meals and exercise, and even look in the database to see what I can eat prior to eating (A Small Chocolate Culvers ice cream with Creme de menthe is about 350 calories). I just looked it up to see what I could mucnch on yet tonight. I have joined a few weight loss challenges and do the mini challenge that Charger 440 puts out each day. Dive in! You seems to be on the right track; just remember, "It took a long time for you to gain that weight; rushing it off will probably not be effective." Set realistic goals. Allow the program to work for you. Friend me if you wish. I will support you.
  • dawnm92
    dawnm92 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi! I'm from the midwest too. I live right between two corn fields smack dab in the middle of Illinois! Ideally, I would love to lose close to 100 pounds! I wish I could say I'd lost 30 already but my body is as stubborn as I am so I've lost and regained the same 3-4 pounds repeatedly over the past several months.

    I'm happy to be friends and hope that we can support each other and help us to both meet our goals!

    Welcome to MFP and thanks for adding me as a friend! :-)
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Wisconsin is my home. (A Small Chocolate Culvers ice cream with Creme de menthe is about 350 calories).

    One of the few thing I miss about the job I lost earlier this year. The once or twice a year I would travel to Wisconsin and could have Culvers. We don't have them here in California. Yummy.
  • Thanks to everyone for the replies so far! I'll definitely be adding some new support friends!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Wisconsin is my home. (A Small Chocolate Culvers ice cream with Creme de menthe is about 350 calories).

    One of the few thing I miss about the job I lost earlier this year. The once or twice a year I would travel to Wisconsin and could have Culvers. We don't have them here in California. Yummy.

    Squeaky cheese! We have one close to us, but I avoid it since I'm on a diet. Goal is no fast food for 60 days. 3 weeks down!
  • smhunnicutt
    smhunnicutt Posts: 19 Member
    Im shannon. Im from oklahoma. So far I have lost almost 25 pounds. Im here to give support and get the same. Feel free to add me. I accept all. Thank you everyone. So proud of yall
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i'm from Ohio! we like to pretend to be in the midwest!
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    I live in Tulsa Oklahoma!!
  • I was born raised and currently reside in Central Wisconsin
  • PJoy6
    PJoy6 Posts: 38 Member
    Northern Chicago Burbs here!
  • Please feel free to add me! I live in Illinois along I-70. Good luck on your journey