I'm struggling, any suggestions?

Several years ago when I was in my early 20s, I was in the best shape of my life! I used my fitness pal religiously, worked out 6 days a week, and took Alli to help lose some extra weight and weighed myself almost daily to ensure the number kept going down. Now that I'm going into my 30s, to say that I have been struggling is an understatement.  I look at pictures of myself from back then to remind myself of how I could look now to help motivate myself. Now that I work a 2nd shift 50+ hour job (that is very physically demanding), I find myself too tired to work out. I want so desperately to get out of this funk and get back into shape so I can feel and look great again. I hate how I look now and feel so uncomfortable going out. I wish I had a workout partner that could help me hold my self accountable again.  I keep reminding myself that I have gotten in shape before all by myself so I should be able to do it again. Is anyone else having that issue as they get older?


  • mizroxy13
    mizroxy13 Posts: 466 Member
    Exactly what kommodevaran said. I am really physically active, but the scale almost never changes unless I stay within my calorie goals. I used my fitbit daily calorie burn average for the last three months, then cut my calories based on that. I'm already down this week and it's only been a few days. Just takes some mental readjusting and a little bit of planning. Also, I know that I eat most of my calories at dinner and that's just how it is, so I put in my dinner calories early in the day so I've accounted for those.
  • dmkoenig
    dmkoenig Posts: 299 Member
    You'll find each decade of your life your body will change (as do priorities and commitments) so the things that worked for you before may not as well as you age - it's a constant learning process but that's part of life's journey. Incorporating exercise is really important to ensure you are maintaining fitness (cardiovascular, full body strength, etc.), both for injury prevention and as a source of feeling more energetic. Getting an exercise partner is a great idea if you can find one with a similar schedule and interests. If you like running, signing up for at least a couple of stretch races a year is a good way to keep you honest in terms of training regularly. If you have access to a swimming pool and a bike, triathlons add some variety to workouts. Good luck!
  • alesiasmith8269
    alesiasmith8269 Posts: 24 Member
    Lets help each other reach our goal we can do it....