Looking to lose 30 lbs.

Hello, I’m looking to lose 30 lbs in the next year. So far my biggest challenge is eating a healthy diet.


  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    You can do it! Just research healthy recipes on YouTube or google it can add me if you are dedicated to this
  • Rcharest
    Rcharest Posts: 21 Member
    edited September 2018
    Have u tried keto? I want to lose 30-50 lbs thats what I'm doing
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    alhoward79 wrote: »
    Hello, I’m looking to lose 30 lbs in the next year. So far my biggest challenge is eating a healthy diet.
    Why? A healthy diet is balanced and varied, you can eat whatever you like in moderation.

    You lose weight by eating less. You can eat nothing but Skittles and lose weight as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn. You won't be healthy, you may not be able to stick to it for long, but you'll lose weight if you keep at it.
  • pinkkatmilk
    pinkkatmilk Posts: 43 Member
    Hey ... youve made the first step..
    Count your calories, be honest with yourself. Build a support group ... and pick the brains of people who have been successful. ... fads are just fads
    Welcome to add me