Dieting for cycling

Hi everyone,

Im new to myfitnesspal, what im using it for is to try and get my weight from 89kg down to around 75kg.

Would anyone be able to help out with a program for me, including food to eat, any exercises to get rid of the belly.
I dont eat any type of fish, and im starting to eat more vegetables compared to what i used to.

Im 25yrs old, 6ft and current weight is 89kg.

I have taken up road cycling, been out 6 times so far with the rides being between 50 - 90km each.

if anyone can help that would be great.



  • Bumblebee26
    Bumblebee26 Posts: 118 Member
    HOORAY for cycling! I eat a lot of chicken,eggs and turkey. I also eat almost any veggie you can think of, so I don't get bored with said options. As for when I'm cycling I take along some kind of nuts and/or a fiber one bar or quaker oats bar.