Salt water cleanse?

Has anyone tried this.....I'm going to start doing a diet, but i feel like i have all this crap, literally, in my intestines that i want to get out....has anyone tried the salt water cleanse.....basically its 1 liter water to 2 tablespoons salt water and some lemon juice.


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    if you eat properly and exersice a few times a week and drink water your body will sort itself out the right way!
  • Gabbylou22
    Gabbylou22 Posts: 43 Member
    The salt water cleanse can be very dangerous, and you need a specific type of salt otherwise you'll quite literally rip your intestines apart.
  • hellhammer
    what trud said is right, lemon water is good for one thing is activating bile secretion , which makes you digest better and faster if i was you i wouldnt add salt but olive oil thats my own 5 cents you can take than in the morning its the NATURAL flush!!

    have fun!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I tried it once while doing master cleanse a few years ago. It made me feel like absolute garbage and I had to call in sick to work that morning. I do NOT recommend it. It's a top-down enema.
  • DulceDollie
    I also did this while on the master cleanse. It was one of the worst physical experiences I have ever been through. And no one could pay me to do it again!!! Ugh. I don't think it's worth it. Use some good old psyllium husk. Anything, anything (!) but the salt water cleanse. I feel like vomiting just thinking about it. Which a lot of people do when doing the salt water cleanse. My body hurt, I was struggling not to hurl, I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom. All at once. I could go on, but I don't want to relive the horror.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    what trud said is right, lemon water is good for one thing is activating bile secretion , which makes you digest better and faster if i was you i wouldnt add salt but olive oil thats my own 5 cents you can take than in the morning its the NATURAL flush!!

    have fun!

    WELL THANX dude! :)
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    These fad cleanses are unnecessary. sure you'll shed some weight because you'll be consuming only liquids & very little calories.Salt water/Lemon cleanse, whatever. Just eat correctly & drink water with a steady workout routine & you'll be golden.
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Trudy is right but ill add one thing. If you fast for a day or so your body will cleanse itself and take care of free radicals at the same time. I try and fast every couple of months. Nothing is better though than fasting and lots of veggies for cleansing the body and drinking water and eating fresh fruit.
  • vlr59
    vlr59 Posts: 10 Member
    If you really want to clean out, try what they give you before a colonoscopy. It is a combination of dulcolax and miralax. I would honestly check with a doctor, first, though. I had my second colonoscopy last December, and ever since then, my "habits" have changed, and I needed to use colace to be able to go. So be very careful what you do.
    Remember, it is normal to have "stuff" built up inside of you, so even if you cleanse now, it will build back up, so that is not a normal way to lose weight.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    well i don't want to do it to drop weight, i want to remove the "old fecal matter" built up on the sides.....because i have never in my life done a cleanse or anything similar to it. I just wanted a fresh start in my bowels
  • paulielb39
    TRUD72: oh my you have lost alot of weight!!! congrats girl!!! :)
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    I heard it is alot better to do a salt water flush than a colonic. I was keen to try the flush but not seeing many positive responses here. Anyone feedback on this?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    well i don't want to do it to drop weight, i want to remove the "old fecal matter" built up on the sides.....because i have never in my life done a cleanse or anything similar to it. I just wanted a fresh start in my bowels

    Why not bump up your intake of fruit and veggies and drink lots of water? That will get everything moving well through your system and will be much healthier and more enjoyable than punishing yourself (and risking your health) by drinking salt water.
  • velloxal
    velloxal Posts: 78 Member
    Himalayan salt can clean your system, but I didn't try it. Can't remember how to use it, but I am sure you can find it on the net.

    My GP recommended THE BEST possible way.
    In the morning drink one tablespoon Olive oil with one cup orange juice and follow by two glasses of water.
    To be honest on third day I almost vomit (can't stand heavy texture and smell of olive oil brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) so I did moderation
    I add olive oil to orange juice (best freshly squeezed) quickly stir and drink.
    At the beginning it was way too much to drink 3 cups of liquid by one go, so I drank orange juice and one cup of water and slowly I was able to drink a bit more every day.

    Orange juice cleanses all intestines and is friendly to your body. If you want to clean it better you can replace orange juice with grapefruit juice.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    There is no "old fecal matter built up on the sides" in your body. The body eliminates waste quite efficiently. Try substituting a whole lot of fruits for one meal. It'll cleanse you enough.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    If the question involves the words "cleanse" or "purge", then the answer is NO!

    Particularly when you are talking about ingesting large amounts of sodium or other substances that are useful to the body only in very small amounts.

    Drink plenty of water, eat healthy food, keep it up for a week and let the body's organs do the job they were intended to do. After a week, you'll be as "clean" as you're ever going to be. Save your money to spend on better food, not gimmicky and possibly dangerous pseudoscience.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    well i don't want to do it to drop weight, i want to remove the "old fecal matter" built up on the sides.....because i have never in my life done a cleanse or anything similar to it. I just wanted a fresh start in my bowels
    There's no such thing as "old fecal matter" building up on the sides of your intestines. That's not how the human body functions.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    well i don't want to do it to drop weight, i want to remove the "old fecal matter" built up on the sides.....because i have never in my life done a cleanse or anything similar to it. I just wanted a fresh start in my bowels

    If you somehow have "old fecal matter" attached to your colon, eat a normal amount of fiber every day, drink your 8 glasses of water, and I assure you that it will be replaced with "new fecal matter" in short order. The colon should have a certain amount of fecal matter in it - that's what the colon is FOR.

    Removing ALL fecal matter from the colon means you are also purging out beneficial bacteria and other stuff that SHOULD be there for your body to operate efficiently. You feel so bad, that when you start recovering you start feeling normal - and you think the "cleanse" somehow improved you.

    In a similar manner, you can stop headaches by tapping your head gently with a hammer. Once the extreme pain of the hammer-tapping-induced headache subsides, you won't even notice the original headache and you'll be able to convince yourself that you've made an improvement.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    CLeanses are a fad, a gimmick and some of them are downright dangerous. Don't waste your money or your time. Your liver and kidneys are natures own detox and they do their job very well. Eat healthy, eat clean, drink lot's of water and exercise!