The 17 day diet

I would like to know what you guys have to say about this diet! I have the book, and after reading through it a couple times, it looks ok to me. I'd really like to know if anyone has done this and has come out with good long term results, or if it is just another diet scam (IE: the HCG diet :S). Thanks for the help!


  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    I never done a diet nor have I heard of this diet. I believe for long term results you need to change your eating habits. Quick fixes will not work. Once you go back to normal eating you will put the weight back on.
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    I never done a diet nor have I heard of this diet. I believe for long term results you need to change your eating habits. Quick fixes will not work. Once you go back to normal eating you will put the weight back on.

    Agreed. There is no "quick fix" for weight loss. Essentially you'll lose because you'll restrict, so when you go back to your old ways, so will your weight!

    It's a lifestyle you need to embrace, not a of luck :-)
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 235 Member
    I agree with Sharon on that one - I used The Beck Diet Solution, its a book that teaches you how to change your eating habits and behaviors to become a healthier person, its not a diet, its a cognitive therapy program that can literally change your life in 6 weeks, I did it 4 years ago, and lost 50 lbs, then I had not actively tried to lose more since, but did maintain the skills I have learned in the book, and I have kept it off with out ever working at it. Now I'm on MFP to try and get the rest of the weight I want to lose off (another 18 lbs) and I've found the MFP helps me stay on track and keeps me motivated, if I'm logging daily its rewarding to see it say "under my calorie goal" and also to see that exercising "buys" me more calories - because who doesn't love a bonus!

    good luck!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I think that everyone's body is different and there is not one specific way of eating that works for every single one of us.

    I also have this book and after reading it felt like it was a good option for me. Carbs are not my friend but I can't live my life without them. This book has taught me the difference b/t a good and a bad carb and been very beneficial to me. The first 17 days are carb free with the exception of fruit and then the next 2 cycles you are adding healthy carbs back in. By the 4th cycle you are eating a very healthy, clean and natural blend of all the food groups.

    I think the name of the book is deceiving b/c it sounds like a 17 day fad diet, which it is not.

    I think it is always important for people to remember that what works for you might not work for all so don't be so quick to judge and tell people how they should be doing it bc they might have tried it your way or some other person's way and didn't have success.

    FYI, I did Weight Watchers for months and only lost 5 gave me far too much freedom with my food choices and I found myself eating alot of processed foods b/c it gives you the freedom to do so. I am on cycle one of The 17 Day Diet and have lost 8 lbs. I eat fish, chicken, turkey, fresh fruits and veggies, yogurt, milk, a little cheese, olive oil and in a few days I will be adding some whole grains back into my diet. So my point is just b/c it is a book does not mean it is a fad diet. The first 17 days are designed to get you jumpstarted so you encouraged rather than discouraged and some people need that. So until you have done the research don't be so quick to judge :)