Leading Ladies Challenge, Week 3 - CLOSED GROUP

defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
Welcome (better late than never) to WEEK 3 of our challenge!!

I only received 4 weigh ins this week even though you had an extra day to get it to me! Come on ladies, I wanna see you fired up!!

Of the 5 of us who weighed in, two of us lost, two of us gained, and one of us stayed exactly the same. AND the two of us who lost were -0.4 and -0.2.

I have a gym date tonight and I will be sweating my buns off!! I hope you will too!!

I've been sick (not like flu-sick but I'm not sure what else to call it... I have a doc appt today at 3:30 so we'll see what SHE calls it, lol) so I've been eating HORRIBLY and I think I may see a gain on Friday but I'm going to do everything in my power between now and then to minimize that gain and maybe even come out with a loss.

Today's question is this: Are you losing weight for life? Are you making small, intentional, maintainable changes to make your weight loss last? If so, what are they?


  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    WHOOPS!! mariawells had pre-weighed in and I forgot to mention that here! She lost FOUR pounds this past week. :-D
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    I may have gained weight this week (0.4 lbs), but in my opinion that is still success. I have been plotting my weight loss over the last year, and it has been on average a nice steady fall of about 3/4 lb per month. In that time I have made same great, enjoyable changes to my diet and have added exercise to my daily routine. I feel stronger and healthier every day.

    Today's question is this: Are you losing weight for life? Are you making small, intentional, maintainable changes to make your weight loss last? If so, what are they?

    Yes, I am making changes for life... no crash diets for me! As I said before, I have made some small changes to my diet and my excercise routine that I know I can maintain.

    The diet changes were easy since I have always loved fruit & vegetables. Even as a kid, I would snack on raw tomatoes, broccoli and sugar snap peas! Now I added healthy snacks during the morning & afternoon. My favorite is definitely greek yogurt & honey. Yum!! I also started substituting turkey for some of our beef dishes, and we eat fish more often. My husband works near a fresh fish market, and we've been having fun trying out new dishes. My kids devour all vegetables I put in front of them, so it has been easy to offer that to them instead of mac & cheese regularly.

    The excercise changes have been more challenging. I love to swim, but the pool near me is hard to get to and only available for open swim on weekdays from 8-9pm. I like to walk 2 miles along the riverwalk, which is right next to my office, during lunch, but I refuse to do that in 100+ weather! So, I started walking up the stairs at my office, and I average about 10-12 flights of stairs a day. Also, I have started doing an exercise video for 30 minutes, 4 times a week. Does anyone do the ChaLean program? I have been considering it.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Haha, I was just about to complain!! Yeah, sorry I'm always a week behind but Tuesdays just work for me to weigh-in and it's the only day I do it.
    Seems like it was a bit of a rough week for everyone. Well, ladies, you KNOW what to do so just DO IT!!!

    Today's question is this: Are you losing weight for life? Are you making small, intentional, maintainable changes to make your weight loss last? If so, what are they?

    Yes, I am losing it for life. I am tired and ready to be done. I just hope I can finally be 100% comfortable with myself at 105 because there won't be much room for loss after that lol
    I am taking things one pound at a time and so far I've stayed on track and have no intentions of stopping. I guess my next checkpoint is 112 by Sept 20th, which seems totally reasonable since the scale showed a beautiful 113 today!
    As far as making it last, I have learned SO much about my body and food using MFP and I am sure that knowledge will help should I fall off the wagon. I have learned to enjoy runs and they are such a big part of my weekly routine that now it wouldn't feel right to skip them. I'm sure that'll help lots too!!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    This is definitely for life for me.
    I knew I had to make sweeping changes and here's what I've done:

    Gave up meat and dairy
    Gave up sodas, even 0 calorie soda
    Eat minimal amounts of processed foods
    Hired a trainer and a pilates coach to help me learn how to move and work without hurting myself
    Log every bite on MFP
    No cake, no candy, no ice cream
    Bought a juicer and went on an 8-day juice fast
    Plan my meals around vegetables and fruit instead of protein and starch

    Way to go, Maria Wells!!
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Holy moly, way to go mabug01 as well! Those are incredible changes!

    My biggest push right now, in an effort to make this weightloss last a lifetime, is to take up exercise. I've been exercising intermittently for a couple of years. Sometimes 3x per week, sometimes nothing for a month or more. It's bad. So my focus right now is on making exercise something as ubiquitous to my life as brushing my teeth. I want to become an athlete.

    Eeeep! Haha. This is a turning point for me! Stopping thinking of myself as 'the fat girl" and beginning to think of myself as an athlete. :) That makes me so happy.

    Anyway, how is everyone doing? Is there anything anyone is struggling with? Weightloss or non-weightloss? Can we help with anything? Let us know!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I was so tired today! I noticed that my fat intake was a little lower than usual. I wonder if lower fat intake can make a person tired? anybody have experience with this? And how much fat are we supposed to eat, anyway? The MFP goal seems kind of high to me.
  • LauraU8
    LauraU8 Posts: 5 Member
    This is definately a life long change for me which I've been working on for years!
    I can't complain as I'm at a pretty good weight although I have a number in my head I'd like to be at in the end, so I continue to strive forward. My weight does vary daily, give or take 3 lbs, really depending on my workouts.
    I continue to try new workouts, new foods and new ways to life a healthy lifestyle.
    It's Thursday and I can't wait for the weekend!!
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Happy Thursday, Leading Ladies!!

    I've had a rough week (both medically and weight-loss-wise) but I'm trying really hard to get back on the horse! I hope you're all doing well and you're poised to finish this week on a strong note!!

    Today's question: What's your favorite weightloss related quote?

    Mine is, "I can do anything for a minute." It helps me keep going "just one more minute" on the treadmill at the gym even when I want to stop.

    I also like, "You can be sore tomorrow or you can be sorry tomorrow. You choose."
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    I've had a bit of a weird week. Ever since starting MFP, I have become incredibly in tune with my body and I'm happy with the way it is adjusting to this new routine. Well, this week I had to change a few things around to make sure I don't go nuts celebrating my husband's birthday. Well, it seems my body is NOT HAPPY and I've been kinda all over the place: hungry when I'm not supposed to and viceversa, excellent runs, kinda crappy runs when I feel like I'm pushing really hard (I thought I was flying this morning, but the clock disagreed!), felt kinda sick last night, fell pretty hard this morning while running and have no idea why/how (all I know is that it still hurts!!!!). So yeah, I don't know what's going on. I will mostly resume my routine on Saturday (slight workout change up), so hopefully thing go back to normal then. So yeah, that's that.

    Today's question: What's your favorite weightloss related quote?
    I've said this one before: If hunger is not the problem, food is not the answer.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    MariaWells, my heart goes out to you!! My body is all kinds of confused and messed up right now too so I hope we both get back on an even keel soon!

    On a different note,

    I fell off the wagon today. I went out with a coworker and, partly because I was feeling so bad about myself, I ate the biggest fast food meal I think I've ever had. I feel physically gross from head to toe. Carb overload, fat, grease... I feel so disgusting.

    And it sort of brought to light for me the fact that I have entirely too many ups and downs. I feel like my bad decisions happen so often that they're canceling out the good. I'm ok with taking 2 steps forward and one step back because at least then I'd be getting somewhere but right now I'm taking one step forward and one step back... again and again and again! I've been sabotaging myself for weeks and it almost makes me feel like something inside of me secretly thinks I can't lose weight. Or I shouldn't, or is scared I'll fail, or doesn't think I'm worth it. I need to do some soul searching and figure out why I keep continuing behaviors that are damaging to my weightloss efforts. I need to figure my $#*! out.

    Whew! I feel a little better having gotten that out. From here on out I will eat CLEAN. No more fast food. My body is a temple and deserves to be treated as such!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Maria - I applaud you for working so hard to fit in the food for the birthday celebration. It will be worth it in the end. Good for you for hanging in there with it.

    Samantha - I've been there so many times myself; I know exactly where you are coming from. That wagon you fell off is moving slow, so you can jump right back on it! If you want to jump off the wagon every once in a while, you have the power to do it and you know how to get back on, too. It is all within your reach.

    Discipline is a muscle that must be used in order to strengthen it. Try setting boundaries that you refuse to cross; for instance, you may decide that cheeseburgers will no longer be consumed by you; then reinforce this belief with a thought such as "I feel like having a cheeseburger, but I don't eat cheeseburgers anymore, so I'm going to have the garden burger."

    The thought that has helped me a lot lately is "Just because you can eat it, it does not mean it is real food." These edible things we love so much - fries, ice cream, etc., are actually poison because they are slowly killing us. You wouldn't drink antifreeze - so don't eat slow-acting poison, either. Real food is what grows out of the ground, or lives off the land and is minimally processed.

    I know you can do it! One day at a time.
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    Next week I will start to study for an exam I need to take at the end of October. I will be studying anywhere from 4-8 hours a day for about 5 days a week. My diet & exercise is seriously going to suffer, not to mention my time with my family. I am already starting to stress out about it.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Kim - just remember that frequent exercise will actually help you study BETTER. it will make you more alert and better able to remember things. And I've always found that it makes for a nice break when you just can't take studying anymore!

    Mabug - THANK YOU! You're so wise. :) I actually did get back on the wagon today. I WENT to my weight watchers meeting even though I knew it was going to be rough (gained 4 pounds this week) and then I walked down the hill, past all the cheeseburgers, and had a 300-calorie salad at Subway. :) 140 for the meat, 100 for the cheese, and I estimated 60 for the fat free italian dressing because I only used half of it. And the salad filled me up! And I drank a whole bottle of water and walked back up the hill. :)

    I ALSO signed up with a beachbody trainer who is going to help me schedule in my work outs and go over my meal plans and grocery list with me. :)

    Speaking of.....

    What is the healthiest dinner you make?

    Mine is: baked chicken or pork with (marinated in low cal italian dressing) lots of steamed green beans, and summer squash (sprinkled with herbs and garlic and baked). I add roasted rosemary potatoes for the bf, but I don't like them.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Last night we went to Red Robin to celebrate my husband's birthday. I planned my day so I could have the sandwich I wanted with a side of broccoli. Well, dinner was a bit later than I'm used to (I normally eat around 5) so I had used all stalling techniques: unnecessary shower, tried on more than 3 outfits, brushed my teeth, etc. I ended up having a bite of a cereal bar and drank water. We got to the restaurant and I said to myself "Awesome, I made it! Now let's EAT!".

    Well, then came the appetizers!!! I really don't understand the point. I mean, we're there and it's dinner time! WHY are we ordering unnecessary food?! I mean, it's fine with a drink, but c'mon! dinner will be here in less than 20 mins!!! So I found myself trying the dip, having a fry, having more dip, trying the onion rings. All very tiny portions, but still SO irritating. As soon as my sandwich came, I told the waiter: I need a box right away, please. I cut my sandwich in half and put it away :) The best part? I get to eat it again tomorrow for lunch!
    So yeah, didn't do TERRIBLE, but it could've been better. We have celebration #2 tonight and, again, I planned my whole day around it. I hope it goes well. There will be cake.

    Samantha- I am so glad to hear that you're back on track and you're taking the disappointing weigh-in as encouragement!
    Kim- I hope you find the time to do everything you need to succeed in all aspects. Best of luck to you!!
    Mary- Those are wise words. I wish it all actually tasted like poison :(

    What is the healthiest dinner you make?
    I don't really know. I plan a day ahead and just cook whatever we have at home. The unhealthiest thing we have at home is probably Texas Toast just because I absolutely love it!
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Maria I think you did a GREAT job! Asking for that box STAT was the smartest thing ever. :) Takes away the temptation because you can't see the food anymore.

    It's only 9am but I'm having a great day. I woke up naturally before my alarm and did some light stretching, crunched, leg lifts, etc. Felt good to be up in the quiet apartment my myself. (I'm going to go wak Josh up in a second.)

    We're headed to a party and I have NO idea what the food will be like except for the fact that his parents are bringing a cake. Now... I don't have a sweet tooth and I don't LOVE cake, but I particularly don't like his mom's cakes, lol. They're always dry and blah. Anyway, I'm already mentally rehearsing saying no thank you to the foods I see there that just aren't worth the calories for me.

    Have a happy Saturday, everyone! Question: who is your closest aly (spelling?) in weight loss?
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Good morning! I'm having a great day, starting with visiting everyone on MFP.

    Today I plan to clean out my walk-in closet and get rid of all of the clothing that is too big for me. Since my clothes are a bit too big now, tonight my daughter and I are going to the Macy's one-day sale and see if we can find some great bargains.

    Samantha - You are doing so well! Kudos for the hilly-salad-walk-decision!
    I never thought about baking summer squash. That sounds wonderful; what herbs do you use? Do you think lemon pepper would be good?

    Maria - Thanks for the idea about the to-go box. I have GOT to use that idea next time I eat out.

    Kim - Samantha is right! I just read an article that presented the results of a study that proves we are in a better state to study, can concentrate better and learn more, for about 1-2 hours after we exercise.

    Next to all of you in the leading ladies challenge, my best ally is my personal trainer. She is the ONLY reason I actually go to the gym.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Birthday celebration #2 was kind of a fail on my part. I had a good amount of icing while I was decorating the cake, so I thought I'd make up for it by pretty much skipping dinner since I wasn't even hungry at that point. I had 200g of watermelon and a 40 calorie hot dog (love them!!!), no condiments, no bun. I thought that was reasonable and I thought I was done for the night.

    Well...then came the cake. As I was serving it to my guests, I got more than the usual compliments so I figured I'd eat a small slice (even though I know exactly what this tastes like so I really had no reason to do so). I ended up eating a lot more than I wanted. Still, I didn't have a HUGE portion, but I'm disappointed in my self control and my ability to stick to a plan.

    Then I ate a TON of mixed nuts. Now, I know they are good for you, but not quite weight-loss friendly. Although I am disappointed and I really wish I hadn't eaten that much (my stomach actually hurt from so much food), I am SO glad that our habits have changed to the point that mixed nuts are the "worse" snack we keep around.

    Birthday celebration #3 will NOT be a problem because we're just having another couple join us for our normal Sunday brunch. So with this, I am proud to say I have survived vacation and birthday season (seems like everyone was born in the same 3 weeks!)

    So yeah! sorry about the long message. Just thought I'd share.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Maria - I'm not sure I could say no to cake under those circumstances, either. You did well; maybe you'll boost your good cholesterol with all of those nuts!
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    Thread closed.
This discussion has been closed.