Painting a garden shed

Hi There
I did ask this question on my status but then realised that most of my friends are overseas so possibly in bed..

Today i have painted my shiny new Garden shed... it took me 3.5 hours and i never sat down.. i bent to dip the paint brush into the paint tin... I twisted to the right.... i twisted to the left... and stretched too... Basically I exercised while painting...

Now though when coming online to log my exercise, i have no idea what to log it as so i can see if i have burnt any calories for the day ( Every limb aches haha )

What do i log it as please? :huh:


  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member
    I did our new fences last week & logged it as gardening, general as couldn't find anything else :)
  • I thought of doing that but wasn't sure.. I shall do that then.. thank you xxx
  • I did mine also and painted it really well, my storage shed looks great..
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i'd log an hour of light gardening. anything else is bonus deficit.

    p.s there are plenty of UK pals knocking around!
    PHOTOCHAP Posts: 104 Member

    p.s there are plenty of UK pals knocking around!

    Oh yes. Even in Yorkshire ;)
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    i'd log an hour of light gardening. anything else is bonus deficit.

    p.s there are plenty of UK pals knocking around!

    I'll bet their shed is ready for a new paint job!