Just Dance 2

Hi everyone i need some advice i was just wondering how i would work out cals for the just dance2 songs for the wii. I have just put it under Dancing, General do you think this would be ok, While i know it's not a major workout it's a start for me and i can do it with my children xxxx


  • CristineD
    CristineD Posts: 59 Member
    That's what I log it as...I do try to go to the extremes when I play so that I use as many body parts as possible and I only log it if I break a sweat. Played 15 minutes this morning with my daughter :)
  • JWoodyard07
    JWoodyard07 Posts: 55 Member
    Just dance 2 has a workout feature that approximates calories burned with how hard you are dancing.
  • fatcitizen
    fatcitizen Posts: 103 Member
    Is this fun? I have wii active, and I'm looking for something to do on my "rest" days......
  • CalamityCat
    It's so much fun! Love it!
  • christinechipchase
    christinechipchase Posts: 76 Member
    i just done the "just Sweat" feature it said i had 1600 sweat points not sure what this means i will look out for the calories next time i do it because i didn't see it xxx
  • christinechipchase
    christinechipchase Posts: 76 Member
    Hello it's fun doing it with the kids, i did 4 hard songs and was sweating so i hope that counts xxxx
  • Gay11nell
    Gay11nell Posts: 166 Member
    Another suggestion: Not sure what kind of cell phone you have - but I have dowloaded an app call "cardio trainer". It design to record your workout and give you an estimate of how many calories you burned, how many miles and other good stuff. I use to put my phone in my pocket, now I have an workout armband. It really helps when you really want to know your calorie count.
  • christinechipchase
    christinechipchase Posts: 76 Member
    hi it is really fun and we have family comps to see who wins ha ha xxx
  • kimstric
    Just dance 2 has a sweat mode that shows sweat drops. The sweat drops are not equal with calories burned. I have seen anywhere from 4.2 sweat drops equal 1 calorie to 10 sweat drops equal 1 calorie. I think it depends on your height and weight. I know after dancing 30 minutes and having a score of 1450 sweat drops, I am actually sweating and out of breath. I don't believe I only burned 145 calories (based on the 10 sweat drop conversion) based on my level of exersion compared to other activities I do like elliptical training that have a more defined calorie burn. I tend to think that I burned around 340-350 calories (based on the 4.2 sweat drop conversion). Then again, I am 5'7 229 lbs so the 10 sweat drop conversion may work if you are closer to your goal weight as you would be exerting less energy to do the same activity. Hope this helps.
  • christinechipchase
    christinechipchase Posts: 76 Member
    thats a great help i don't intend on eating any of the extra calories unless i did a major workout so i am hoping it will boast my weight loss xxxx