Help -- PLEASE!!!

Good Morning!!! I hope you are all doing well on this Thursday morning. I'm new to the site but certainly not new to weight loss attempts and have lost roughly 50 pounds in the last few years. Here is my issue -- I am trying to go very low carb and it's difficult. Mainly because I am a super carb-aholic!!! So I am looking for any ideas on what everyone else eats that is either low or no carb. What are YOUR favorites? I appreciate any input you guys may have.

Thank & enjoy your day!!!!!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    First; portion control is key.

    Second; try to find low carb and sugar free substitutes, I use pepperidge light style bread, thomas's sahara mini pitas and low carb low fat tortilla's for sandwiches.

    Third; you need to stay away from processed, fast foods and junk food. They contain a lot of carbs and sugars.

    Fourth; you will go through a withdraw, it will pass. You need to fight through.

    Fifth; eat a lot of fresh veggies, smart servings of fruit and a lot of water.

    Sixth; educate yourself on healthy eating. buy a food scale. you will be shocked at what a real serving looks like. sometimes this is all you need.
  • Question, why do you want to go low-carb?
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    I love carbs!!! it has never worked for me to try to go super low or no carb. One simple thing I started doing was higher fiber, healthier whole grain bread on my sandwiches and cutting down to just one piece. during the summer at BBQ's I have been having my turkey burger without the bun especially if I have some pasta salad. I ave just been trying to slowing get rid of some of the carbs without overall fast cutting where I feel deprived it seems to be working better for me like this slow and steadsy cut down. hope that helps a little :)
  • Catheve
    Catheve Posts: 3
    Its the refined carbs such as white bread, cakes, biscuits that do the damage. If you cut out all carbs you will always be hungry. Stick to wholegrain bread, pasta etc and keep portion sizes small. Fill up on low-fat protein and loads of veggies. I am diabetic and find that doing this keeps my blood sugars stable. Also, eat small regular meals rather than going long periods with nothing. Good luck!!
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    I can't help you with that because I LOVE things with carbs, and while I can cut back, I know if I tried very low or no carbs I would fail. BUT - welcome to MFP and good luck!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I love carbs!!! it has never worked for me to try to go super low or no carb. One simple thing I started doing was higher fiber, healthier whole grain bread on my sandwiches and cutting down to just one piece. during the summer at BBQ's I have been having my turkey burger without the bun especially if I have some pasta salad. I ave just been trying to slowing get rid of some of the carbs without overall fast cutting where I feel deprived it seems to be working better for me like this slow and steadsy cut down. hope that helps a little :)

    I could never go no carb. It's just not realistic for everyone but you can eat healthy carbs.
  • achtracy
    achtracy Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not sure if this will help or not, but I've done the low carb and yes it works and very rewarding, but there is still alot of work in maintaining it. Be thoughtful of the plan you choose and not something that's just a quick fix. My personal experience was loosing 82 lbs in 5 months, I maintained it for 3, then gradually begain putting it on a few lbs at a time, until I was back to my original weight. i found it difficult to start again knowing that I couldn't truly commit to it for a lifetime. I also started MFP with the low carb in mind because I knew I couldn't keep going like I was. But it didn't take long for me to start missing some of my old food. So I've shifted and have begun to watch calories instead. Yes, the weight is coming off slower than with low carb, but I feel so good and feel 100% satisfied with this as a lifestyle that I can live with forever! I'm down 8 lbs today, have met all my daily goals for food and exercise. And I don't feel cheated of any foods! I too LOVE my carbs!!! Whatever you choose, I wish you the best of luck!!!
  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217
    Smaller portions will help