Curves ??

I’m going to join Curves today. I need to get off my butt more. I hate the gym I just give up on it. Is anyone here a member? What do you think of it?


  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I was a member of Curves for about a year before I got married to lose some weight. It was WONDERFUL and I loved it! I'd highly recommend it! If I could afford it, I would definitely join again! Go for it!
  • lovessweets
    They are doing 6 weeks for €49 so i thought it was a good deal to see if i like it, The ladies in it were lovely and i have my first workout tomrrow. Heres hoping it works for me.
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I did it and loved it. Can't afford it anymore. If I could I would go back.
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    They are doing 6 weeks for €49 so i thought it was a good deal to see if i like it, The ladies in it were lovely and i have my first workout tomrrow. Heres hoping it works for me.

    I'm doing the same, only in Australia. Here the deal is 6 weeks for $84 and I figured what the heck, I'll give it a try. If I like it then I'll force myself to find the money to continue, and if not then it is no great loss.
  • toughcookie812
    I currently go to curves here in canada. Since joining in april Ive lost close to 30 pounds. It is quiet expensive but Im not complaining. Im more healthy now than I was 5 months ago.
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    I am a member of Curves and love it. proud of you go for it
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    I currently go to curves here in canada. Since joining in april Ive lost close to 30 pounds. It is quiet expensive but Im not complaining. Im more healthy now than I was 5 months ago.

    It is actually cheaper than my home towns normal gym. Certainly lots of townsfolk told me not to bother because it was "extremely expensive" so I was surprised to find that it was actually about 1/3 of the price I'd been told to expect. I had also been warned about expensive "lock-in" contracts, yet the 12 month contract I looked at just has a maximum $50 cancellation fee. Not bad given our local "normal" gym is a lock-in contract. for the 12 months.

    I went yesterday for the sign-up appointment and have to say I was really impressed by the atmosphere in the place. There was certainly some banter happening, but there was some pretty major effort being put in by some of the women. I would hazard a guess that in the time I was there I saw most age groups between about 20 and 70 and relatively equal numbers of young and more mature women.

    There was an attempt at the hard sell but I just said straight out that I was only going to sign up for the limited time offer and would make my decision on further membership once I have finished the 6 weeks. They were okay with that and stopped the harder sell once I stood my ground. If what I experience is like what I saw yesterday I will likely sign up long term after the trial period, but first I want to experience the routine and the culture of the place before signing up for a longer period.
  • lovessweets
    I have been every night since i joined and i love it. I love you can go as many as you want in a week. If you go alot it is so worth the money.
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    I have been every night since i joined and i love it. I love you can go as many as you want in a week. If you go alot it is so worth the money.

    Have to say I agree. I have really enjoyed it so far, and living in a country town I think I have probably met more women in the last week than I have in the 6 years I've lived here. At this point in time I'd have to say there is no doubt I'll be joining up after the trial six weeks is over.
  • kernowprincess
    kernowprincess Posts: 135 Member
    I use Curves 3 times a week here in the UK. They had an offer of first six weeks for £39 (bargin) then £34 per month which is comparable with other gyms around me. I love the fact it is women only. The first work out I did I was encouraged by others more experienced than me. I joined with my daughter but she does not go as much as me but because it is women only I don't feel embarrased and feel totally safe.

    Go Curves...
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    You are enjoying yourself and increasing fitness too, what a great combination.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    As someone who was a member and is now a member of a real gym, I'd go the real gym every time.

    If Curves is cheaper than a real gym, than great! But I'm currently paying less for my real gym than I did for Curves. By about $20 a month. (in Australia) If it was cheaper I'd find it a great way to exercise.But it's not in Australia, it's the same price as every other basic gym. It's not worth the money you pay for it.
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    I lost alot of weight with Curves and wish we had one where I live now. If I had to chose between a 'real' gym and Curves, Curves would win hands down. I find it to be a better atmosphere, and quicker ;).
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    Curves is a greater starter gym, but you will plateau eventually. For just starting out, and to get comfortable in a gym environment, go for it! If after awhile you want to take your fitness to the next level, you will have to join a real gym.