
My name is Laurie. I’m 52 and just started the Restart plan.
So far I’m practicing big. The first official class isn’t for a week and a half. I’ve been eating mostly on point and crept coffee creamer with sugar yesterday and Hirchata, cut 50% with almond milk, today.
I haven’t been hungry at all, and no sugar cravings. Hoping I’ll start sleeping better and not have pain levels through the roof.
Thx for being supportive. I’ll be supportive right back!


  • Kar1us
    Kar1us Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Laurie. I don’t know what the Restart plan is, but I’ve restarted my personal fitness plan several times this year. In any case I hope you succeed managing pain! I know how it can undermine good health intentions and make everything more difficult. Cutting sugar is awesome! I think it’s linked to pain.
  • lisawagner7777
    lisawagner7777 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a year into Menopause n it's so much harder to lose weight after
  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    You can do this!! :)