Tips to keep myself from ordering out so often!!

I used to LOVE cooking. But I seem to have lost all motivation to cook for myself. I end up eating out for dinner most nights. It has been bad for my weight AND my wallet. I am tempted to leave my credit cards at home just to keep myself from buying food out but I am wondering if anyone has any other tips for me.



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    1) Only order out if you have the cash to pay for it.

    2) Keep a running total of how much money you spend on eating you.

    3) Consider that when you cook at home, you have control over what goes in the food, calories, macros, and it makes it easier to know the number of calories, and easier to tweak recipes to help you get more balanced nutrition.

    It was really looking at my budget that got me eating at home more. I still enjoy food out, but much less frequently.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    For me, eating out is a convenience thing, so to help, I do some prep work on weekends so that all I have to do for dinner is assemble and add heat (if needed).
  • Mercerld
    Mercerld Posts: 12 Member
    I work 24 hours at a time and eating out totally became an easy way to eat on the go. It does get super expensive so what I did was take a certain portion of my paycheck each time, $50-$100, and that way my fast food budget. Once it was gone I was done eating out until the next paycheck.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    Get quick things to prepare from the grocery store! Bags of salad ready to go, plates of meat and cheese, delicious soups to reheat. Less expensive and usually more healthy. Or batch cook something in the slow cooker for the week. Whatever you do, make things simple and you're more likely to stick to it! Good luck oxox