coconut oil

This may have been brought up previously, but where can I find coconut oil to cook with? I didn't see it in the grocery store today. Do I have to go to a health food store to find it?


  • marujita
    This may have been brought up previously, but where can I find coconut oil to cook with? I didn't see it in the grocery store today. Do I have to go to a health food store to find it?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I found it at my local Super WalMart. Does it really work? I have been using it for a week now. So far I haven't seen any results. Good luck on finding it----Caliecat
  • sunflower8926
    sunflower8926 Posts: 485 Member
    I'm curious why you would want it. It is quite a heavy (saturated) oil.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I lost a lb this morning. That is why I am taking it. It does keep me satisfy and not wanting to eat all the time. But I do intend to read up more on the subject. Caliecat
  • marujita
    I just read an article in a magazine about how it was supposed to get rid of belly fat. It says something about it being MTC (medium-chain tryiglycerides) that digest differently and enhance weight loss. Is this bogus? I don't know about the magazine, but it says that a Columbia University study showed that coconut oil is great for belly fat.

    Does this sound bogus to you?

  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    NOT bogus. Anybody that tells you otherwise has been grossly misinformed (not their fault though, there is a lot of misinformation out there).

    Doctors used to say that coconut oil was bad for you but they are all taking it back now. Studies show Coconut Oil does way more good for your body than bad.

    Think about it this way - coconut oil is sold in health food stores, and is only one ingredient from one plant. Margarine is a man made product derived from disgusting oils (that cockroaches won't even eat, and they eat everything!).

    I'm at work right now but I will post more info for you tomorrow. Trust me, I've been using it for years and it is AWESOME.

    You can purchase it at any health food store. It is quite pricy though, $10-20 per container.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    We buy coconut oil at the GFS store. We get it in a big jug, because we use it in our popcorn popper. Makes it taste like movie theater popcorn. Also makes it way more calorie laden, but when I add M&M's to my popcorn, do I really worry about the calories? :laugh:
  • onwardfatgirl
    I found Louann's coconut oil on the top shelf at Wal-Mart a few months ago for about $6. However, I'd suggest getting some Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil since it is unrefined. Check out for good prices.