
codenamevoodoo Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2018 in Introduce Yourself
I have to lose 100lbs. I am doing it for health reasons, comfort reasons, for fitting into my clothes, for the hope that I won't be out of breath from tying my shoes. I am miserably fat.
Here we go AGAIN. I am tired of diets, workout programs, everyone being an expert, the right way, the wrong way, this way to eat or it will kill you, that way to eat or it will kill you, however, I simply have to lose the weight.
I tried the Orbera Gastric Balloon - do not waste your money. I am having it taken out early because it is useless and does not work (for me).
I start doing stuff, eating differently, trying to workout...then I stop. It is supremely frustrating. Years ago I lost 50+ lbs eating a low carb diet and minimal to moderate exercise. I know that works. We get pulled in so many directions these days when we are trying to lose weight, it is maddening. The weight must come off though. I think a mild calorie deficit, lower carbs and exercise (e.g.- movement that I will actually do, repeated several times a week. Increased as necessary and able.)
If this doesn't start working after a really good try - I'm considering some kind of surgery, which scares the crap out of me.


  • Grimfeather
    Grimfeather Posts: 12 Member
    You can do it. I am no expert, but i have a great personal trainer and i have found what works for me is working out every other day. Losing weight naturally and slowly is always the best way. Fad diets and people who want to toss off 20lbs a month are going to pack it all on and more. Your skin and your heart need time to adjust to less weight. The max the body should lose is 2lbs a week, obviously when you are obese, you lose a lot at first, but you only need 30 mins of cardio 3-4x a week, and lower your calorie intake. One thing i have noticed also is fast food seems to destroy my weight loss. Its odd, i can eat chocolate bars, ice cream, even cake and that doesnt seem to affect my body nearly as bad as a pizza or mcdonalds. Fast food just seems to linger in my digestive track and pack all my weight back on. I was 273 few months ago, i am 250 now. I bought a Brita water pitcher and drink the entire pitcher of water a day (about a gallon of water a day). I only drink one glass of juice a day, and quit soda entirely. Im sure you probably know already much of what i said, but drink water like its going out of style and exercize you will lose weight. Do not try to overdo it with cardio, if you force yourself to do 90 min workouts you wont stick with it. Try to add some abs after every cardio too, i do 100 crunches a day from power 90. Some days i do yoga, others i do power 90, others i ride my mountain bike for 15 mins around town. The key is consistency, not killing yourself, some people think they need to work out like lance armstrong to lose weight, you dont. Take it off slow, skip the fad diets and surgery. Do it slow, drink plenty of water and take a multi vitamin. You can do it!!
  • eas32
    eas32 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m starting my journey to a healthier life too🙂 We can do it!
  • bythebeach1154
    bythebeach1154 Posts: 4 Member
    I hear you! Behind you all the way 😊
    Day by day