Slipped Up and Gained Weight - Could Really Use Advice and Support

For context:
I began my weight loss in January, when I was a little overweight, technically, but not by a massive margin.
My stats are:
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Height: 164cm
Start weight: 65kg
Goal weight: 54kg
Weight 3 weeks ago: 58.8kg
Current weight: 60.4kg
Exercise: 2/3 runs a week of about 4 miles (interval training), 2/3 sessions of BBG (5x30-45 minute workouts per week total), horse riding several times a week, occasional 30 minute walks (I'm very fit but not particularly toned, my legs would show it if I weren't carrying extra weight for my frame). I haven't been eating back my calories from exercise, I don't track them.
Work: desk job with an hour's total daily commute in the car, so almost entirely sedentary outside workouts and riding
MFP calorie allowance: I've currently been given 1200 and when I select less weight per week to lose it still gives me that, I think because I'm sedentary.

Hello everyone!
I hope you're having a good week.

I could really use some advice and support. I'd be very grateful and feel really lost.
I was on here a few weeks ago because I had at that point lost about half of my target amount of weight and was feeling happy but frustrated because my weight loss had slowed and I wasn't sure what to do.

I had some great advice from my last post but looking back over the last month and a half/two months, my weight loss has slowed in part because I was being very inconsistent, and cheating on several days of each week (by cheating I mean snacking, eating sweets, seconds and just generally eating over my calorie limit and in a number of cases probably eating enough to maintain or gain weight and not being able to face tracking because I knew that deep down and logging it was depressing). I also recently learned how badly I've been tracking because I had no real concept of what portions I was giving myself and weighing everything seemed a bit mentally unhealthy.

Four weeks ago I was 58.8 kg and although I'd had a patchy time leading up to that I was mainly just concerned about how to maintain momentum and continue my journey. I had three weeks until my big annual week-long work trip which is abroad and always pretty stressful, showy and disruptive. I resolved to get focussed for those three weeks and also to relax about weighing myself every week, as I had been advised on here, and expect slower weight loss. I hoped though to be at my initial interim goal weight of 58kg at that point and then I could assess what changes I could make going forward to lose the last of it and tone up more.

Those three weeks though were so patchy again and I had many cheat days and stops and starts, and I didn't weigh myself. I went into my trip fed up but resolved to diet during it because otherwise I'd just be making excuses. Then I kind of lost it over that week though and I would say I semi-binged during it. I ate so much each day, at meals, and after dinner each night I was so full I was uncomfortable going to sleep. Another small attempt to get back on track as soon as I got home failed by last night after three days so I got back on the scale this morning, hoping maybe it hadn't been as bad as I thought because I do tend to worry, but I've gained 1.5kg back.

Over that same month period I resolved to change up my exercise routine as it's been the same for a long time and I wanted to look after my joints and look to build more tone, so I started doing 2 runs a week, not 3, and 3 BBG Sessions a week instead of 2. While I was away I stuck to the exercise each day but it was more moderate because I didn't have any kit with me so I had to improvise.

I'm so annoyed with myself and feeling out of control. I'm back to where I was in July, which is a depressing thought and also means that I've undone the work I did over August and September, and that was very patchy and frustrating anyway.

I don't want this to turn into a story where I was successful on a diet for a while then put it all back on and more.
Has anyone been through this?
How did you stop the giving into temptation and ruining your progress?
Has anyone else been in this position where they are trying to lose weight while no longer being overweight or where you were only a little overweight in the first place?
Have you all run into a constant lack of motivation in eating during the day after you reached a certain weight? I wake up each day with a fire to do well and then break either by midday or by about Thursday each week. What usually gets me is just basic temptation or being hungry.

Any advice would be so appreciated. I feel lost and nervous and irritated with myself and have no one in my life in a similar position. If I have left anything out please tell me.



  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    Yup lost weight here a few years ago and slowly gained it all back
    I so sooooooo disappointed and angry at myself!
    I stuck my head in the sand, didn't weigh myself anymore and continued to tell myself I would go back on my 'diet' tomorrow...which didn't happen and i gained back 20-25 pounds I lost
    It sucked!!!!

    Now Im eating 1400 cals a day and the weight has come off sllllllowly...I havent lost in a few weeks but haven't gained either so I consider that a success and continue forward
    I know if i have a minor slip up it doesnt mean that I should start binging on everything junky
    I must get back on the wagon the VERY next day

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    That's roughly 4lbs, and could easily be a fluctuation. How you will know is if you are consistently tracking your calories accurately, if you are truly back to eating at calorie deficit again that gain which is probably water will go.

    How much did you select to lose per week? 0.5lb at your height/weight would be ideal - any further loss is gonna be slow and will take really accurate logging, use of a food scale will help you ensure you aren't eating more than you think. Once you get the calorie intake sorted weight loss will follow, its just a slow process.

    We have similar stats and it took me 3 months to lose my last 5lbs but the good news is I kept it off (5 years in maintenance).
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,486 Member
    Tracking comes first. Make the process more important than the number. If tracking is going to serve its purpose, you can’t only track the days that you like.

    Make tracking the center of your effort and there is no way to cheat. The only cheat available is quitting. Don’t.

    Last- training like you are, your eating is going to have to be spot on. Do you count macros? I don’t. But I know folks who train very hard and do. Suspect that you find yourself eating over your number because you can’t fuel your workouts on 1200 cals.

    Do some research. You can’t just beat yourself into submission.
  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    Try eating slightly more each day and then youll be less likely to have days over overeating and potentially drowning out your weekkly deficit. I also have an office job and 1 hr commute each way. Get out and do a walk for your lunch break thats what i do. So im doing like 12k steps per day.
    Stop eating 1200 a day its obviously not working if you are then getting fed up and having huge calorie days to stop the hunger. If your doing 4 mile runs and strength training you need more than 1200.
    Im fairly similar to you, age 30, only 5ft1 and i started at 130lbs 4 months ago. Now down to 114 as of this morning and currently averaging 1800 cals per day for the last 4/5 weeks and im still loosing weight! Stop eating like a mouse
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why would you set yourself as sedentary but then not account for exercise in your activity setting?

    You're a healthy weight so weight loss will be slow (0.5lb per week)
  • emmarobbo2756
    emmarobbo2756 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice.
    So should I mark myself as something other than sedentary?
    And do you all track your exercise calories too?

    I guess I've just assumed that the lower my weight is the stricter I'll have to be about eating.
  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    The answer is simple, you are restricting yourself so much then you are going over calories by loads of other days. I used to be the same, its taken me time to realise your not gonna loose weight and keep it off this way. If i was you id put yourself as lightly active (to account for weekly bbg and horse riding/ gerneral life) and then also eat back your exercise calories from runs. I calculate my cals burned for running with the formula weight in lbs x 0.63 x distance in miles, as i find strava, fitness watches etc give inflated figures for cals burned.
    You will be more likely to stick to your calorie amounts if your not over restricting yourself.
    Also be prepared for times when the scale doesnt move for a week or 2, at a low weight like ours that happens, you just have to stay consistent and rememberthat if you are staying within your deficit that the weight does come off sooner or later.
    Make sure you are using a digital scale to measure EVERYTHING you eat.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice.
    So should I mark myself as something other than sedentary?
    And do you all track your exercise calories too?

    I guess I've just assumed that the lower my weight is the stricter I'll have to be about eating.

    yes, and yes.

    you don't have to be more strict as such, but you have to be more accurate when you're only dealing with a small deficit.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    1. Log consistently.

    2. Raise your calorie goal.

    3. Log all your exercise too and eat back your exercise calories.

    4. Don’t weigh yourself in fractions and expect water weight fluctuations of 2 kg or more.

    5. Don’t compare yourself to a perceived former ideal. You aren’t going backwards. Every day resets to zero.

    Tip 1 will lose you weight over time. Tips 2 and 3 will put a stop to the binging. Tips 4 and 5 will help you focus on success instead of frustrations.
  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    By the way forgot to ask, what weekly weight lose have you chosen? Make sure its only set to loose 0.5lbs per week, any higher than that its not sustainable when your small already.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

    You can reach your goal in 6 months time by being consistant and sensible or you can dart around between starving and overeating like you are now and in 6 months be the same weight or heavier!