12 week challenge (30 pound)



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member

    Female 58 yrs old –My name is Donna 5’ 5” Midwest USA



    Starting weight -235
    September starting weight – 178.8
    Current weight – 175.2
    December goal by the end of December : 157.2 (18 pounds)
    Ultimate goal – 145 (by Valentines Day)

    I will be weighing in on Tuesdays based on the challenge starting day. I will also weigh on or near the first and last day of each month for a monthly total. In December I will weigh on the morning of the 24th instead of the 25th. I will be experiencing lots of water bloating foods on Christmas Eve night with family which would only be temporary weight gain. I don’t want one night to undo the entire month’s stats. Besides, I will be waiting for Santa on the morn of the 25th and too busy to weigh as I listen for those sleigh bells.

    My Stats:

    Sept 25 - 175.2 Challenge Starting Weight Hefty 18 pound goal through the most challenging Food Smacked holidays in the USA. Okay. Let’s do this folks!

    Sept 30- 173.8

    September Weight Loss………………………….. - 1.2

    Oct 02- 174.0 Not proud of my last couple of days.
    Oct 09 - 174.8 Bad choices. Not enough movement or water. I don’t like this, but I deserve this.
    Oct 16-
    Oct 23-
    Oct 30-

    October Weight Loss………………………………..

    Nov 01-
    Nov 06-
    Nov 13-
    Nov 20-
    Nov 27-
    Nov 30-

    November Weight Loss……………………………..

    Dec 01-
    Dec 04-
    Dec 11-
    Dec 18-
    Dec 24-
    Dec 31-

    December Weight Loss………………………………..

    Total weight Lost so Far: - 0.4

    Final Challenge Thoughts:
  • catglitterinabox
    catglitterinabox Posts: 1 Member
    I hope it's not too late to join the challenge! :wink: Below are my stats!

    Starting weight -198 lbs
    Current weight - 161 lbs
    December goal -130 lbs (super ambitious!)
    Ultimate goal - 110

    I am 5'1'', female, 24 years old and pretty active.

    Oct 9th - 161
    Oct 14th-
    Oct 21st -
    Oct 31st-
    Nov 7th-
    Nov 14th-
    Nov 21st
    Nov 28th
    Dec 5th
    Dec 11th
    Dec 18th
    Dec 25th
  • priyankarai2005
    priyankarai2005 Posts: 86 Member
    Starting weight -231 lbs
    September starting weight - 196.2
    Current weight - 191.8
    December goal -165
    Ultimate goal - 143

    Sept 25 -191.8
    Sept 30th -193.3
    Oct 7th -192
    Oct 14th-190
    Oct 21st -
    Oct 31st-
    Nov 7th-
    Nov 14th-
    Nov 21st
    Nov 28th
    Dec 5th
    Dec 11th
    Dec 18th
    Dec 25th
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member

    Female 58 yrs old –My name is Donna 5’ 5” Midwest USA



    Starting weight -235
    September starting weight – 178.8
    Current weight – 175.2
    December goal by the end of December : 157.2 (18 pounds)
    Ultimate goal – 145 (by Valentines Day)

    I will be weighing in on Tuesdays based on the challenge starting day. I will also weigh on or near the first and last day of each month for a monthly total. In December I will weigh on the morning of the 24th instead of the 25th. I will be experiencing lots of water bloating foods on Christmas Eve night with family which would only be temporary weight gain. I don’t want one night to undo the entire month’s stats. Besides, I will be waiting for Santa on the morn of the 25th and too busy to weigh as I listen for those sleigh bells.

    My Stats:

    Sept 25 - 175.2 Challenge Starting Weight Hefty 18 pound goal through the most challenging Food Smacked holidays in the USA. Okay. Let’s do this folks!

    Sept 30- 173.8

    September Weight Loss………………………….. - 1.2

    Oct 02- 174.0 Not proud of my last couple of days.

    Oct 09 - 174.8 Bad choices. Not enough movement or water. I don’t like this, but I deserve this.

    Oct 16 - 175.4 September & Oct have found me falling off plan way too much. I was on top of it all from Jan – August then all heck broke loose. I’ve got to get re-inspired. I’ve worked too hard to mess it all up now. I hope next week I can type my weight in red instead of green. DON’T FORGET TO SCHEDULE YOUR MAMMOGRAM!

    Oct 23-

    Oct 30-

    October Weight Loss………………………………..

    Nov 01-
    Nov 06-
    Nov 13-
    Nov 20-
    Nov 27-
    Nov 30-

    November Weight Loss……………………………..

    Dec 01-
    Dec 04-
    Dec 11-
    Dec 18-
    Dec 24-
    Dec 31/-

    December Weight Loss………………………………..

    Total weight Lost so Far: - GAIN + 0.2

    Final Challenge Thoughts:
  • I’m starting too:

    Starting weight -160 lbs
    December goal -130 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 120

    I am 5'7'', female, 26 years old

    Oct 14th-160
    Oct 21st -
    Oct 31st-
    Nov 7th-
    Nov 14th-
    Nov 21st
    Nov 28th
    Dec 5th
    Dec 11th
    Dec 18th
    Dec 25th
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Original starting weight : 136.2 (MFP - 5 1/2 yrs ago) 192.2 (heaviest - 08/18/05)
    I used to be 5'7" until arthritis hit...now Doc said...5' 5 1/2". I sure liked sayin, "I'm five-seven." :|
    Oct starting weight : 147.2
    October goal : 145.0
    Ultimate goal : 135.0

    Monday weigh-ins

    09/24 - 145.2
    09/30 - 147.2
    10/08 - 144.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/15 - 147.2 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/22 -
    10/31 -
    11/05 -
    11/12 -
    11/19 -
    11/26 -
    11/30 -
    12/03 -
    12/10 -
    12/17 -
    12/24 -
    12/31 -

    Good luck everyone!

  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Starting weight -175 lbs (July 18th, 2018)
    September starting weight - 161
    Current weight - 150.5
    End of December goal - 140
    Ultimate goal - 130-135

    Sept 25 - 155
    Sept 30th - 154
    Oct 7th - 153 (forgot to post yesterday but did weigh in)
    Oct 14th- did not weigh
    Oct 22nd- 150.5 I know I wold have better progress if it weren't for all the bad foods lately. Gonna try and close out the month with healthier choices! I set myself a goal to be at 148 by Halloween. Really hoping to make that goal!!
    Oct 31st-
    Nov 7th-
    Nov 14th-
    Nov 21st
    Nov 28th
    Dec 5th
    Dec 11th
    Dec 18th
    Dec 25th

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member

    Female 58 yrs old –My name is Donna 5’ 5” Midwest USA



    Starting weight -235
    September starting weight – 178.8
    Current weight – 175.2
    December goal by the end of December : 157.2 (18 pounds)
    Ultimate goal – 145 (by Valentines Day)

    I will be weighing in on Tuesdays based on the challenge starting day. I will also weigh on or near the first and last day of each month for a monthly total. In December I will weigh on the morning of the 24th instead of the 25th. I will be experiencing lots of water bloating foods on Christmas Eve night with family which would only be temporary weight gain. I don’t want one night to undo the entire month’s stats. Besides, I will be waiting for Santa on the morn of the 25th and too busy to weigh as I listen for those sleigh bells.

    My Stats:

    Sept 25 - 175.2 Challenge Starting Weight Hefty 18 pound goal through the most challenging Food Smacked holidays in the USA. Okay. Let’s do this folks!
    Sept 30- 173.8

    September Weight Loss………………………….. - 1.4

    Oct 02 - 174.0 Not proud of my last couple of days.
    Oct 09 - 174.8 Bad choices. Not enough movement or water. I don’t like this, but I deserve this.
    Oct 16 - 175.4 September & Oct have found me falling off plan way too much. I was on top of it all from Jan – August then all heck broke loose. I’ve got to get re-inspired. I’ve worked too hard to mess it all up now. I hope next week I can type my weight in red instead of green. DON’T FORGET TO SCHEDULE YOUR MAMMOGRAM!
    Oct 23 - 177.8 Not proud of this. Out of town unexpectedly most of the week to the big city to help DB after his surgery. Lots of take-out and way too many carbs for my own good. So much has been taking me away from home (my safety zone when it comes to food). The next few days continue to be a heavy “away from home” schedule. Pray for me. This never goes well. I yearn to have things settle down again.

    Oct 30-

    October Weight Loss………………………………..

    Nov 01-
    Nov 06-
    Nov 13-
    Nov 20-
    Nov 27-
    Nov 30-

    November Weight Loss……………………………..

    Dec 01-
    Dec 04-
    Dec 11-
    Dec 18-
    Dec 24-
    Dec 31/-

    December Weight Loss………………………………..

    Total weight Lost so Far: - GAIN + 2.6

    Final Challenge Thoughts:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Original starting weight : 136.2 (MFP - 5 1/2 yrs ago) 192.2 (heaviest - 08/18/05)
    I used to be 5'7" until arthritis hit...now Doc said...5' 5 1/2". I sure liked sayin, "I'm five-seven." :|
    Oct starting weight : 147.2
    October goal : 145.0
    Ultimate goal : 135.0

    Monday weigh-ins

    09/24 - 145.2
    09/30 - 147.2
    10/08 - 144.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/15 - 147.2 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/23 - 145.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/31 -
    11/05 -
    11/12 -
    11/19 -
    11/26 -
    11/30 -
    12/03 -
    12/10 -
    12/17 -
    12/24 -
    12/31 -

    Good luck everyone!

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member
    @cpanus and @cdavisdeva ..... We are the only 3 left. Even our host jumped ship. Shall we abandon this particular challenge and just stick to "Just give me 10 days" and some others?
  • 1) Thank you for creating this challenge. For now, my goal would be to lose 2 pounds a week, (on average) from today, 10-27 till 12-27.

    2) My starting weight, when I first used a weight loss app (Lose It) was 142 pounds with a BMI of 30 (11/5/2014). By March of 2015, my BMI was 41. Every year, I gained weight... till my 5’3 frame was carrying over 200+ pounds...

    3) I (finally) stopped doing the YoYo routine (weight gain/weight loss) this Summer... nearly 4 years later... (I learned what works, for me.)

    4) My Starting Weight in 2018 -212 lbs
    July 25, 2018 - 206
    Aug 29, 2018 - 197
    October 25, 2018 starting weight -186 (39 BMI)
    December goal - 170
    Ultimate goal - Unsure somewhere between: 115-135 lbs & a BMI in the low 20’s.

  • @cpanus and @cdavisdeva ..... We are the only 3 left. Even our host jumped ship. Shall we abandon this particular challenge and just stick to "Just give me 10 days" and some others?

    Please don’t “jump ship.”
    We may be a small group, but we are mighty!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member
    edited October 2018
    Female 58 yrs old –My name is Donna 5’ 5” Midwest USA



    Starting weight -235
    September starting weight – 178.8
    Current weight – 175.2
    December goal by the end of December : 157.2 (18 pounds)
    Ultimate goal – 145 (by Valentines Day)

    I will be weighing in on Tuesdays based on the challenge starting day. I will also weigh on or near the first and last day of each month for a monthly total. In December I will weigh on the morning of the 24th instead of the 25th. I will be experiencing lots of water bloating foods on Christmas Eve night with family which would only be temporary weight gain. I don’t want one night to undo the entire month’s stats. Besides, I will be waiting for Santa on the morn of the 25th and too busy to weigh as I listen for those sleigh bells.

    My Stats:

    Sept 25 - 175.2 Challenge Starting Weight Hefty 18 pound goal through the most challenging Food Smacked holidays in the USA. Okay. Let’s do this folks!
    Sept 30- 173.8

    September Weight Loss………………………….. - 1.4 LOSS

    Oct 02 - 174.0 Not proud of my last couple of days.

    Oct 09 - 174.8 Bad choices. Not enough movement or water. I don’t like this, but I deserve this.

    Oct 16 - 175.4 September & Oct have found me falling off plan way too much. I was on top of it all from Jan – August then all heck broke loose. I’ve got to get re-inspired. I’ve worked too hard to mess it all up now. I hope next week I can type my weight in red instead of green. DON’T FORGET TO SCHEDULE YOUR MAMMOGRAM!

    Oct 23 - 177.8 Not proud of this. Out of town unexpectedly most of the week to the big city to help DB after his surgery. Lots of take-out and way too many carbs for my own good. So much has been taking me away from home (my safety zone when it comes to food). The next few days continue to be a heavy “away from home” schedule. Pray for me. This never goes well. I yearn to have things settle down again.

    Oct 30- 177.2 Lots of travel in the past week, too much restaurant food and bloat. I am going to work harder this week to get back on track. Otherwise, I will look like Santa by Christmas.

    October Weight Loss……………………………….. + 2.4 pounds GAIN

    Nov 01-
    Nov 06-
    Nov 13-
    Nov 20-
    Nov 27-
    Nov 30-

    November Weight Loss……………………………..

    Dec 01-
    Dec 04-
    Dec 11-
    Dec 18-
    Dec 24-
    Dec 31/-

    December Weight Loss………………………………..

    Total weight Lost so Far: - GAIN + 2.0

    Final Challenge Thoughts:
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Starting weight -175 lbs (July 18th, 2018)
    September starting weight - 161
    Current weight - 149.5
    End of December goal - 140
    Ultimate goal - 130-135

    Sept 25 - 155
    Sept 30th - 154
    Oct 7th - 153 (forgot to post yesterday but did weigh in)
    Oct 14th- did not weigh
    Oct 22nd- 150.5 I know I wold have better progress if it weren't for all the bad foods lately. Gonna try and close out the month with healthier choices! I set myself a goal to be at 148 by Halloween. Really hoping to make that goal!!
    Oct 31st- 149.5 Didn't make my Halloween goal but came pretty close so I will take it. Lots of Halloween goodies though, so that'll probably set me back a few days.
    Nov 7th-
    Nov 14th-
    Nov 21st
    Nov 28th
    Dec 5th
    Dec 11th
    Dec 18th
    Dec 25th
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Original starting weight : 136.2 (MFP - 5 1/2 yrs ago) 192.2 (heaviest - 08/18/05)
    I used to be 5'7" until arthritis hit...now Doc said...5' 5 1/2". I sure liked sayin, "I'm five-seven." :|
    Nov starting weight : 143.2
    November goal : 140.0
    Ultimate goal : 135.0

    Monday weigh-ins

    09/24 - 145.2
    09/30 - 147.2
    10/08 - 144.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/15 - 147.2 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/23 - 145.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/31 - 142.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    11/01 - 143.2 at 5:00 a.m.
    11/05 -
    11/12 -
    11/19 -
    11/26 -
    11/30 -
    12/03 -
    12/10 -
    12/17 -
    12/24 -
    12/31 -

    Good luck everyone!

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member
    Female 58 yrs old –My name is Donna 5’ 5” Midwest USA



    Starting weight -235
    September starting weight – 178.8
    Current weight – 175.2
    December goal by the end of December : 157.2 (18 pounds)
    Ultimate goal – 145 (by Valentines Day)

    I will be weighing in on Tuesdays based on the challenge starting day. I will also weigh on or near the first and last day of each month for a monthly total. In December I will weigh on the morning of the 24th instead of the 25th. I will be experiencing lots of water bloating foods on Christmas Eve night with family which would only be temporary weight gain. I don’t want one night to undo the entire month’s stats. Besides, I will be waiting for Santa on the morn of the 25th and too busy to weigh as I listen for those sleigh bells.

    My Stats:

    Sept 25 - 175.2 Challenge Starting Weight Hefty 18 pound goal through the most challenging Food Smacked holidays in the USA. Okay. Let’s do this folks!
    Sept 30- 173.8

    September Weight Loss………………………….. - 1.4 LOSS

    Oct 02 - 174.0 Not proud of my last couple of days.

    Oct 09 - 174.8 Bad choices. Not enough movement or water. I don’t like this, but I deserve this.

    Oct 16 - 175.4 September & Oct have found me falling off plan way too much. I was on top of it all from Jan – August then all heck broke loose. I’ve got to get re-inspired. I’ve worked too hard to mess it all up now. I hope next week I can type my weight in red instead of green. DON’T FORGET TO SCHEDULE YOUR MAMMOGRAM!

    Oct 23 - 177.8 Not proud of this. Out of town unexpectedly most of the week to the big city to help DB after his surgery. Lots of take-out and way too many carbs for my own good. So much has been taking me away from home (my safety zone when it comes to food). The next few days continue to be a heavy “away from home” schedule. Pray for me. This never goes well. I yearn to have things settle down again.

    Oct 30- 177.2 Lots of travel in the past week, too much restaurant food and bloat. I am going to work harder this week to get back on track. Otherwise, I will look like Santa by Christmas.

    October Weight Loss……………………………….. + 2.4 pounds GAIN

    Nov 01- 177.6 Too many Halloween indulgences.
    Nov 06-
    Nov 13-
    Nov 20-
    Nov 27-
    Nov 30-

    November Weight Loss……………………………..

    Dec 01-
    Dec 04-
    Dec 11-
    Dec 18-
    Dec 24-
    Dec 31/-

    December Weight Loss………………………………..

    Total weight Lost so Far: - GAIN + 2.4

    Final Challenge Thoughts:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member
    Female 58 yrs old –My name is Donna 5’ 5” Midwest USA



    Starting weight -235
    September starting weight – 178.8
    Current weight – 175.2
    December goal by the end of December : 157.2 (18 pounds)
    Ultimate goal – 145 (by Valentines Day) 💗💗💗

    I will be weighing in on Tuesdays based on the challenge starting day. I will also weigh on or near the first and last day of each month for a monthly total. In December I will weigh on the morning of the 24th instead of the 25th. I will be experiencing lots of water bloating foods on Christmas Eve night with family which would only be temporary weight gain. I don’t want one night to undo the entire month’s stats. Besides, I will be waiting for Santa on the morn of the 25th and too busy to weigh as I listen for those sleigh bells.

    My Stats:

    Sept 25 - 175.2 Challenge Starting Weight Hefty 18 pound goal through the most challenging Food Smacked holidays in the USA. Okay. Let’s do this folks!
    Sept 30- 173.8

    September Weight Loss………………………….. - 1.4 LOSS

    Oct 02 - 174.0 Not proud of my last couple of days.

    Oct 09 - 174.8 Bad choices. Not enough movement or water. I don’t like this, but I deserve this.

    Oct 16 - 175.4 September & Oct have found me falling off plan way too much. I was on top of it all from Jan – August then all heck broke loose. I’ve got to get re-inspired. I’ve worked too hard to mess it all up now. I hope next week I can type my weight in red instead of green. DON’T FORGET TO SCHEDULE YOUR MAMMOGRAM!

    Oct 23 - 177.8 Not proud of this. Out of town unexpectedly most of the week to the big city to help DB after his surgery. Lots of take-out and way too many carbs for my own good. So much has been taking me away from home (my safety zone when it comes to food). The next few days continue to be a heavy “away from home” schedule. Pray for me. This never goes well. I yearn to have things settle down again.

    Oct 30- 177.2 Lots of travel in the past week, too much restaurant food and bloat. I am going to work harder this week to get back on track. Otherwise, I will look like Santa by Christmas.

    October Weight Loss……………………………….. + 2.4 pounds GAIN

    Nov 01- 177.6 Too many Halloween indulgences.
    Nov 06- 179.0 Lots of travel this week. More to come. Yikes!!!!
    Nov 13-
    Nov 20-
    Nov 27-
    Nov 30-

    November Weight Loss……………………………..

    Dec 01-
    Dec 04-
    Dec 11-
    Dec 18-
    Dec 24-
    Dec 31-

    December Weight Loss………………………………..

    Total weight Lost so Far: - GAIN + 3.8

    Final Challenge Thoughts:
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Starting weight -175 lbs (July 18th, 2018)
    September starting weight - 161
    Current weight - 149.5
    End of December goal - 140
    Ultimate goal - 130-135

    Sept 25 - 155
    Sept 30th - 154
    Oct 7th - 153 (forgot to post yesterday but did weigh in)
    Oct 14th- did not weigh
    Oct 22nd- 150.5 I know I wold have better progress if it weren't for all the bad foods lately. Gonna try and close out the month with healthier choices! I set myself a goal to be at 148 by Halloween. Really hoping to make that goal!!
    Oct 31st- 149.5 Didn't make my Halloween goal but came pretty close so I will take it. Lots of Halloween goodies though, so that'll probably set me back a few days.
    Nov 7th- 149.5 No loss in a week. Going to work hard to fix this for next week :).
    Nov 14th-
    Nov 21st
    Nov 28th
    Dec 5th
    Dec 11th
    Dec 18th
    Dec 25th
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Original starting weight : 136.2 (MFP - 5 1/2 yrs ago) 192.2 (heaviest - 08/18/05)
    I used to be 5'7" until arthritis hit...now Doc said...5' 5 1/2". I sure liked sayin, "I'm five-seven." :|
    Nov starting weight : 143.2
    November goal : 140.0
    Ultimate goal : 135.0

    Monday weigh-ins

    09/24 - 145.2
    09/30 - 147.2
    10/08 - 144.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/15 - 147.2 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/23 - 145.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    10/31 - 142.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    11/01 - 143.2 at 5:00 a.m.
    11/05 - 145.0 at 5:00 a.m.
    11/12 - 145.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    11/19 -
    11/26 -
    11/30 -
    12/03 -
    12/10 -
    12/17 -
    12/24 -
    12/31 -

    Good luck everyone!

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member
    Yes I am interested 💪🏾

    Welcome! No rules. Just post your weight once a week on day of your choice. You can copy/paste one of our date formats if you like. It's always nice to read how your week went. Any motivations you've had. Share your strengths and weaknesses if you like so we all can learn, and also realize we are not alone in our journey. Very happy to meet you.