Just starting Keto. Would like a few friends.

Hello everybody, my name is Raina and I am 26 years old at 214 pounds. My goal weight is 150 as I am 5 foot 2. I just started Keto (or no carbs) on Sunday. I would love to add some friends that are doing Keto as well. Just to share recipes and motivation of course! I love to cook, but I am on a budget as well. Anyone?


  • XOOG91
    XOOG91 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey you can add me. Just started Keto as well!
  • kailen_maria
    kailen_maria Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I started Keto about 3 days ago! Looking for support friends to go through this journey with(:
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @Rvxna welcome and feel free to add me if you wish but I wanted to let you know upfront I have not track anything after about the first 30 days but my daily weight each morning to learn my net CICO ratio for the past 4 years. I have been eating the Keto WOE since Oct 2014 after I cut out all foods containing. Now I eat until I get full when I get hungry.

    My high weight several times was around 250 pounds but after the first year of Keto my weight has been in 190-200 range (past three years).

    In my case the first two weeks were hellish because after several Keto failed attempts I had to just go cold turkey because of my carb cravings leading to binging for the prior 40 years.

    My first 90 days or most of the first year on the Keto WOE I hit several bumps but just stayed the course. Now at 67 I have the best health markers than I have had in decades.

    Best of long term success with your objectives.
  • dmcnur
    dmcnur Posts: 157 Member
    I have been keto for nearly a year, have lost about 78 pounds and been maintaining for about 3 months. I still weigh and log everything as it keeps me accountable. I keep my carbs 20g net or under, protein about 20% and the rest of my calories from healthy fats.

    My doctor advised me to try this way of eating to reverse my insulin resistance and reduce my high blood pressure. It was a wake up call and I went cold turkey into keto. The first couple of weeks was difficult but once I got over my carb craving I have found it to be the easiest eating plan I have ever tried. I am off blood pressure meds and no longer showing insulin resistance, There have been other health benefits including no more acid reflux and less joint pain.

    I keep my meals simple, never cheat and don't indulge in sweet treat fat bombs or keto desserts as I fear the sweet taste of them will trigger my sugar addiction. You need to keep well hydrated and increase your salt intake as your kidneys will be working overtime and you will be passing more urine.

    Keto is not for everyone but for me it works. Do your research and learn to read food labels as there is hidden sugar, under any one of 50 or so different names, in many everyday products.

    Do not get discouraged if you kind you are not losing as fast as others or as fast as you would like. This is not a race and we are all different. Some weeks I would not lose weight but would measure myself and find I had lost inches.

    I hope that this has helped. Good luck on your journey.
  • jessdaytonxo
    jessdaytonxo Posts: 12 Member
    I’m 21 and I have been on Keto for a little over 3 months now. Coming from someone who over portioned food her whole life and loves sweets im 41lbs down so far and keto has been one of the only diets I actually enjoy sticking to and following. It helps a lot because it makes it clear pretty much what you can and can’t eat, which helps prevent me from digging into the wrong food and leading to any binges. Its great for jumpstarting weight loss and leaning out your body. My advice is to do research on what foods you can and cannot have along with some recipes before jumping in to avoid any confusion or frustration, because the first week or two of the diet may result in “keto flu”, causing fatigue and irriatability. Once you get through it your body will be transitioned into ketosis and you’ll start feeling great. If youre like me you’ll get to the point where theres no desire to cheat or binge. A simple google search of “keto foods” will bring up charts that pretty much show you whats ideal for every category in the food pryamid. There’s plenty of keto options or substitutes for a lot of foods that make it seem like its not even a diet or that its too good to be true haha. I went into the keto diet cold turkey and made the strict changes overnight, along with including intermittent fasting (an eating window of 12pm-7pm). I would advise to start with keto and if desired, to begin the intermittent fasting about 2 weeks into the diet to make a healthier transition. Wishing you the best on your journey!