Should I use a mass gainer? Only doing Cardio



  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    rach__b wrote: »
    I’d like to be 9 stone. But I’ve not lost a single pound over the past few weeks and reading about in the forums I figured maybe I’m not eating enough. I’m finding it difficult to eat more as it makes me feel so sick and full! I weigh everything out religiously, hence how I managed to lose a stone and a half before by being diligent with tracking/weighing food.
    You are trying to lose weight? You are 5'6.5 and 140 pounds?

    What is your goal weight?

    Are you using a food scale and logging everything that passes your lips, no skipping, cheating or forgetting?

    Can't have been MFP forums. This thing you mention is frowned upon here because it is untrue.

    Get a weight trending app and and start weighting every day.

    I have no problem eating enough. I love food. Don't you?
  • rach__b
    rach__b Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for everyone’s messages. The community on here is so great and really helpful. I weighed myself this morning and I’ve actually lost 3 pounds. Nice surprise. I’ll take the advice on board and start weighing regularly. Thanks everyone. Really appreciate it :)