
Does anybody have "cankles" or had them and lost weight and they went away? Did you lose any weight in your ankle calf area so they looked smaller? Anything you did specifically to get rid of them? TIA


  • CarmenSox
    CarmenSox Posts: 110 Member
    I lost weight in both my ankels and feet. I also went down an entire shoe size.
  • julzmamabear
    My cankles were caused by retaining water, so I have been drinking loads of water and since losing the last 12 lbs, my cankles are pretty much gone. I also walk and do the elliptical, but I think it was flushing out the water I was retaining that helped the most. Good luck!
  • mfastdriver123
    i get canckles only not all the time. Most of the time throughout the day my ankles are fine and then in the evening they swell. I can feel the pressure of my skin filling out. Not painful but not pleasent either. :(
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Drink a TON of water. I check my ankles often now and am happy, rather than embarrassed! They used to be so big with swelling! I also think that as you lose weight, it will help those areas too.
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Drink a TON of water. I check my ankles often now and am happy, rather than embarrassed! They used to be so big with swelling! I also think that as you lose weight, it will help those areas too.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    I've always thought that I would have big legs and no matter how much weight I lost, I would still be out of proportion.
    I am now starting to see that I'm beginning to even out all over now. I've lost 3 cms off my ankles, 5.5cm off my calf, 4cms off my knees (you know the podgy bits around them - theyre gone) and 6cms off my thighs. Those measurements are all compared to when I was 17lbs heavier than now.

    Only recently have I discovered the powerful affects that walking has on your legs! I'm a waitress and my pedometer tells me I walk 6 miles every shift I work so I always thought "I already walk a lot so I'm not convinced that walking / jogging will help reduce my leg size" - boy was I wrong! Actually going outside and walking 1+ miles everyday SERIOUSLY helps!! xx
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    depends if your cankles is from fat or just your body type. i am short (5'3") with a large frame and sadly I just have large bones in my lower leg. No swelling, no fat but I will never have tiny, delicate ankles.The only thing you can do is lose the weight and see what they look like.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I have "cankles" and do a lot of running. I'm not sure if it's fat or whether it's my bones, but I never get weakness in my ankles especially while running. They're solid and don't fall apart when in use. I like them :P