So discouraged

I’ve gained roughly 25 lbs since exactly one year ago. I’m 5’9 and 42 yr old.
I finally started getting serious the past few 2 months about losing weight and instead of losing I’m gaining. I’m extremely frustrated
For the past week I’m finally doing cardio on my treadmill- 30 Min. each time walk and run but at least it’s something. Burning 250 calories roughly each time. That in addition with my logging in my daily food and staying below my alloted daily calories I’m at a loss as to why I’m gaining weight. As of 1 week ago this morning I ’ve put on 3 more lbs. What is going on ??? I drink about 6 glasses of water per day. I weigh myself same time and spot in the morning. Clothes are so tight I need new sizes. Ugh
Still have my HUGE sweet tooth with chocolate but I’m staying under my calories
Can someone please shed some light ? Thank you


  • joinn68
    joinn68 Posts: 480 Member
    edited October 2018
    3 lb in one week? new exercise regimen could mean holding water weight and all that.

    If you are talking about gaining weight while logging at a deficit these past two months though: you are eating more than you think. At 5'9 your maintenance calories should be high enough though :/

    Could you open your diary so that people who want to help can have a look?
  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    Are you certain that walking for 30 minutes burns 250 cals? That seems like a very inflated figure. Try using the formula weight in lbs x 0.3 x distance walked in miles. What does that give you?
    You are probably eating more than you think, are you weighting all your food on a digital food scale? If not, then you are almost certainly eating more than you think.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    Yeah, that calorie burn sounds way high.

    And yeah, food scale!

    There are lots of reasons the scale weight could be higher than it was. Time of the month, salt, exercise, stress, inflammation, illness, too much food, sleep, hydration and so on.

    Stay the course. Keep logging food, maybe use a smaller number on that exercise calories and keep going.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,489 Member
    Agree about the water weight and exercise.

    You point to your last WI, but how are you doing overall? How long have you been keeping a food diary? Do you use a food scale? Are you eating back exercise calories?

    Folks get their backs up over this, but consider that the issue may be you aren’t eating in a deficit. Water weight, medical/medication issues, too many calories- can’t think of any other reason for gaining weight.

    But take heart. All of these calculators give the impression that they are spitting out the exact number for you to eat in a deficit. You don’t get an exact number outside of a lab. Plus there are always calorie counting gray areas. If you don’t have a food scale get one.

    If looking at your diary, you are convinced that your counting is as tight as you can get it, cut 100 calories per day and see if you can live with it. See it it moves the scale. Keep tinkering and adjusting until you find the right numbers. Be patient and determined.

    Last thing. Don’t beat yourself up over a piece of chocolate or two if it fits your plan. Feeling deprived is a plan killer. The rigid eating austerity program rarely lasts for long.
  • angelsja
    angelsja Posts: 860 Member
    I'm 5ft 8 and burn approximately 180 calories on a 30min walk depending on OP's weight and pace 250 isn't that unrealistic
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    The supplement chromium picolineate helped me break the sweet tooth habit.

    Exercise, while good for you, isn't nearly as effective as calorie deficit for weight reduction.
  • missmelis1976
    missmelis1976 Posts: 17 Member
    You guys are great, thank you so much.
    Let me see if I can answer these questions:
    1. How do I show you my food log?
    2. I walk and run, together Sorry I just looked back and the highest was 205. Transposed my numbers
    3. I've been on and off this site many years but most recently since mid - end August 2018
    4. Definitely do NOT have a food scale. Do you really weigh every single thing you eat?
    5. Yes eating back calories.. Maybe that's what is going on??
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    You guys are great, thank you so much.
    Let me see if I can answer these questions:
    1. How do I show you my food log?
    2. I walk and run, together Sorry I just looked back and the highest was 205. Transposed my numbers
    3. I've been on and off this site many years but most recently since mid - end August 2018
    4. Definitely do NOT have a food scale. Do you really weigh every single thing you eat?
    5. Yes eating back calories.. Maybe that's what is going on??

    You need a food scale. Once you get used to it, you'll find it's easier than measuring cups.
  • missmelis1976
    missmelis1976 Posts: 17 Member
    Just thought of something. A lot of things I guess on for calories b/c I can't find the exact thing I'm eating.. I make dinner each night. A lot of Pinterest recipes and so I try to find something close to it so how would I accurately figure out the calories in a casserole or dish I'm making for instance?
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Just thought of something. A lot of things I guess on for calories b/c I can't find the exact thing I'm eating.. I make dinner each night. A lot of Pinterest recipes and so I try to find something close to it so how would I accurately figure out the calories in a casserole or dish I'm making for instance?

    You can use the recipe builder on this site. It's under Food > Recipes. Enter in all the ingredients, the number of servings, and it'll calculate a calorie count for you for that portion. If you get a food scale, you can weigh the total amount of food to know how much a portion should be.
  • missmelis1976
    missmelis1976 Posts: 17 Member
    @RelCanonical AMAZING! I had no idea!!!!! Thank you
  • missmelis1976
    missmelis1976 Posts: 17 Member
    Random thought also... The past two nights when I used the treadmill was at 8:30pm right before bed. I woke up the next morning on both days with the same exact weight as the morning of
  • missmelis1976
    missmelis1976 Posts: 17 Member
    So for instance if I eat a sandwich at lunch this weekend I would weigh the sandwich beforehand? Just a little confused
  • DietQJ
    DietQJ Posts: 8 Member
    You have to weigh the individual ingredients to be accurate. Bread, weigh it. Meat, weigh it. Mayo--especially weigh it. etc. If you eat the same sandwich over and over, you can enter it into MFP as a recipe. I do that but I weight everything out all the time. Basically I make my sandwich on a plate on the scale. I love the OXO scale with a pull out front--makes it easy.
  • ruffneckred
    ruffneckred Posts: 69 Member
    I second that humans are not so good at estimating food volumes and weights, I try to guess the weights before measuring to condition myself to be more accurate, maybe someday the scale will gather dust. I make home cooked dished alot, like pizza. I use to get the macro, it can be tedious, but I get better at using it each time. I am definitely open to a better analyzer. Have a great day.
  • RunForPizza88
    RunForPizza88 Posts: 56 Member
    If you aren’t weighing your food that is your number one issue right there. Forget anything about exercise or what time you exercise it’s practically irrelevant if you aren’t tracking correctly.

    If you aren’t weighing your food how on earth can you track your calorie intake? For example if you had spagetti for dinner, you could be eating 250 calories worth, you could be eating 600 calories worth! I know I could gobble down the latter without stopping for breath!

    Start weighing all your food, from today! If you are making a receipe, for example the casserole you mentioned you need to weigh all the individual ingredients, raw, before you add them to the pot.

    Don’t forget to measure things like cooking oils as you can be adding lots of calories there. Also as you say you are just choosing random entries from the database that loosly match what you eat, stop doing this, the entry you are selecting could literally be any old rubbish that the calories in no way relate to what you just ate.

    P.S. I have been tracking and weighing food for 4 months and have lost much weight!