Thinking of doing freestyle WW instead of counting calories

I don't know which would be easier? I'm just tired of counting calories!


  • nataliew12
    nataliew12 Posts: 32 Member
    Ok thank you for your replys! I have been watching freestyle youtube videos and they make it look so easy haha I will prob stick with counting calories.
  • Mugs203
    Mugs203 Posts: 26 Member
    Just an FYI - WW is discontinuing their Simply Filling Plan. Freestyle is the only plan on WW.
  • colorfulcoquette
    colorfulcoquette Posts: 94 Member

    That’s sad to hear. I think it’s a good tool for when you are weary of tracking and need some guidelines to help keep you within a calorie deficit.

    Back in 2010 when I started on my weight loss journey I started with WW online. I didn't need the meetings but it was a way to track what I ate and helped guide me to better choices. After I'd lost 30 lbs with it I plateaued and started to look into more detailed tracking methods. I also found I wanted more awareness of the nutrients I was getting and how they impacted the way I felt. I tried a couple before settling in with MFP which I've been using for over 7 years now. It helped me lose the last bit that I wanted to and has been invaluable to me for maintenance.

    I don't think I could have start with it though. I think I would have found it all overwhelming and given up. WW was an easy way to keep track of what I ate, encouraged exercise, and it worked well enough for a while that I was able to turn it into a habit. After months of that I was ready to take on learning a more detailed and precise approach and sought that out, but I did find it very useful for a while.
  • WillingtoLose1001984
    WillingtoLose1001984 Posts: 240 Member
    edited October 2018
    Meetings and an in person weigh in really help me. I am not a fan of paying 45 a month but the benefits seem to outweigh the cost for me. People on Mfp are very against WW but you need to do you.
  • nataliew12
    nataliew12 Posts: 32 Member
    Weight Watchers is a good program if you are willing to be restricted by what you eat. But Freestyle still requires counting points instead of calories. If you are truly tired of counting calories their Simply Filling plan might be good for you. In the end it still boils down to calories. But Simply Filling restricts your menu more and allows less tracking.

    I personally like the nutrition info provided on myfitnesspal and my budget does not allow a monthly fee for WW. I incorporate many recipes that look interesting to me from WW or low carb sites. I just count calories for them.

    I'll have to look into the simply filling plan, thanks!
  • nataliew12
    nataliew12 Posts: 32 Member
    Meetings and an in person weigh in really help me. I am not a fan of paying 45 a month but the benefits seem to outweigh the cost for me. People on Mfp are very against WW but you need to do you.

    I was going to try it on my own without going to the meetings .I'll have to look into it more. thanks!
  • nataliew12
    nataliew12 Posts: 32 Member
    Mugs203 wrote: »
    Just an FYI - WW is discontinuing their Simply Filling Plan. Freestyle is the only plan on WW.

    That’s sad to hear. I think it’s a good tool for when you are weary of tracking and need some guidelines to help keep you within a calorie deficit.

    For what it’s worth those little colored containers for Beach Body are basically the same eating plan as the Healthy Guidelines that WE uses. And the recommended servings closely align with DASH for those following a diet for high blood pressure.

    I do think it’s interesting to look at different approaches to achieve a calorie deficit. Many strategies have merit.
    Thats what i was going to try was the freestyle. So many great youtube videos.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Weight Watchers just uses points, which is far less accurate or sustainable that counting calories, but you do what you need to do.
  • New_Heavens_Earth
    New_Heavens_Earth Posts: 610 Member
    edited October 2018
    Both work but for me psychologically MFP is easier to deal with. I can have a little more indulgent treat or choice without feeling like I blew it, which often resulted in a binge, or having nothing but tuna and salad for the rest of the day. Just understand that zero is not free. Everything has calories. Salmon and corn are zero, but certainly have calories.