What do you do when you are craving sweets?! Besides fruit or peanut butter?



  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I make a mug of rich hot chocolate. If I have time, from scratch on the stove, if I don’t I have some where I just add hot milk.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I usually wait a day, kind of like what you do to stop impulse buying. If I still want that sweet the next day, I go and get that sweet and eat it.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Hard candy... usually jawbreakers or tootsie pops.
  • emcclure013
    emcclure013 Posts: 231 Member
    I eat sweets everyday. I try to budget in around 200-400 calories worth because without that I tend to go off the deep end and overindulge. Yesterday I had a piece of lemon meringue pie, some pizzelles, and one of those 100 calorie oreo packs. Had a few extra calories due to exercise so I was able to fit it all in and still come in under my calorie goal. If you want it, make it a priority so it's not a punishment every time.

    If I have no calories left, my go-to is a hot cup of cinnamon tea (with a little 0 calorie sweetener if I need it) and I stay away from the kitchen.
  • KelsieCon
    KelsieCon Posts: 2 Member
    I used to work as a chocolatier, so I make dark chocolate covered bananas and add almonds/pistachios.
  • ladychris29
    ladychris29 Posts: 4,657 Member
    I keep a couple bars of dark chocolate -85% or higher- on hand for when the mood strikes. I'll take one large rectangle (160 cals) and take small bites, usually taking a drink of coffee or a matcha latte with it and letting each bite melt slowly. Sounds weird, but it lingers that way and feels more decadent than just succumbing to an impulse cheat.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I chew sugar free gum. It helps at times.
  • thisPGHlife
    thisPGHlife Posts: 440 Member
    Like others have said, within reason, let yourself have it. You should be working on creating you're lifelong eating habits. Unless you plan on never having sweets ever again, which I do not recommend, it's good to figure out how to for the treats in.

    I usually have caramel rice cakes in the house as well as the Outshine frozen yogurt bars (90 calories each) and some Yasso or Enlightened frozen yogurt bars (usually around 100 calories and are my go to for non fruit flavored frozen yogurt). Sometimes I'll use the Fiber One honey clusters as my treat. It is sweet and crunchy. It lets me have a yummy treat while also getting 44% of my recommended fiber and 90% of my recommended iron. I have also been known to have some of the favereds starburst. 8 are 160 calories and I take my time chewing them. I really try and savor them. I also recently picked up some really good fudge. It was a little pricey so that helps me ration it haha.

  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I've mentioned these a few times on here but they make mini drumsticks (ice cream cones) that are 110 calories. Also dark chocolate.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Right now since it's Halloween time, popcorn balls (110 calories) or Crackerjacks trick-or-treat bags (120 calories). Pretty soon it will be time for Ghirardelli dark chocolate peppermint bark minis :yum:
  • OddDitty
    OddDitty Posts: 248 Member
    Sometimes the simplest snack is the best. And while I can't have much sodium, I am finding out that an occasional processed food is within the sodium and calorie range. SO, may I introduce: 4eo9e2aljd4b.jpeg

    You can buy a box of them at WalMart for $2.45 or so. The good thing about them is that, because they're small, you get several in a pack and if you suck on them or take small nibbles you get enough sweet, slow enough, that the little pack satisfies.

    120 calories per pack and a mere 75 mg sodium.

    I love baking shortbread cookies and while these aren't exactly the same (or even close to a Lorna Doone) they're actually quite good!
  • syrenne
    syrenne Posts: 1 Member
    Meringues! Only about 15-25 calories apiece, delicious, and satisfy the sweet cravings. You can make them or buy them at Trader Joes (and I'm sure other places).
  • TonyFitGuy
    TonyFitGuy Posts: 14 Member
    I ask myself if I really really want something, or if it's just a passing craving. If I decide I really do want it and I'm sure I'm not doing it on impulse, I plan it into my day and see how I can fit it. If I can't fit it in today, I plan it for tomorrow.

    ETA: since I'm prone to impulse eating, I make sure to plan these things for later. For example, if I want something in the afternoon, I plan it as an evening snack. This takes impulse out of it, and if I still want it by the time I have it planned, I have it. Sometimes I just don't want it anymore.

    This is how I generally handle it:


    That is a great method for being mindful! It is important to have a plan and not be impulsive, but if you can fit a sweet treat into your plan, then go ahead and do it!
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    Slasher09 wrote: »
    Just eat the sweets. I binge if I feel deprived. I just bought some skittles at Walmart on a hurricane booze run (don’t judge me lol). I measured out a serving on my scale since they fit into my calories.

    "Hurricane booze run" cracked me up :D OP i have sweets every single day! It may not be the whole pack of cookies,candy,cake etc but its defo in my daily budget <3
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Check out the calories of a single hard candy. It’s not much. And you can suck it slowly.

    There are sugar free Sorbitol candies at my Bulk Barn.

    Be careful with those lol. Only eat 1 serving a day ;)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    dcresider wrote: »
    I chew sugar free gum. It helps at times.

    Yup, I'm the same way. Gives me a 'sweet' hit and something to chew on. Usually works. That's my go-to if I'm out of wiggle room for the day and need to taste something sweet.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Oh, and to the OP: Be aware that peanut butter is quite horrifically caloric for the small amount that you get per serving. For the 'cost' of a tablespoon of PB, there's a lot of other things you could have instead. :)
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    In October? Candy corns. So I eat them. They're dreadful. Straight up sugar. I might as well take an IV to my vein. But it's a childhood love. :)