Hello, I'm new

Hi, I'm new to the message boards & myfitnesspal...looks like an awesome way to stay accountable. Looking forward to reading your posts. I'm a stay-at-home mom to 2 girls.


  • heatheramara
    Hello and welcome to the party!
  • bevcrok
    bevcrok Posts: 40
    Welcome to MFP! I'm sure you'll have success if you stick with it. Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like!
  • canuckgurrl
    canuckgurrl Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome to the site. If you need a buddy you are more than welcome to add me.

    I'm a Mom of one. She is seven years old going on 17 LOL. I stayed home for four years and
    went back to work two years ago.
  • fuminator18
    fuminator18 Posts: 89 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! Hope you will enjoy as much as I do!!
  • 50win
    50win Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm new too. I used caloriecount@about.com before. I really liked the graph they use to show a visual of your weight loss. Is there something like that on this site that I just haven't seen yet?

    My biggest problem is losing weight and then hitting a looooonnnnggg plateau, getting frustrated and quitting. Really looking for support to get through that.
  • scj0409
    scj0409 Posts: 18 Member

    Welcome to MFP. I have been on here for a couple of weeks now and I have found the online community very supportive and motivational. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. Good luck on your journey. Kind Regards, Sarah